What was the procedure of Rubber Hands?
Each of ten subjects was seated with their left arm resting upon a small table.
A screen was positioned beside the arm to hide it from the subject’s view.
A rubber model of a left hand and arm was placed on the table directly in front of the subject.
Subjects fixated artificial hand while both hands stroked in synchrony by paintbrushes.
Questionnaire on experience and perceptual effects after 10 minutes (see n. slide).
What are the interpretations of Rubber Hands?
Report on illusion in which tactile sensations are referred to an alien limb.
The effect reveals a three-way interaction between vision, touch and proprioception.
May supply evidence concerning the basis of bodily self-identification.
Name some facts about the Rubber Hands Questionnaire
The questionnaire included nine statements presented in a random order.
Statements describing the predicted phenomena are underlined.
Subjects indicated their response on a seven-step visual-analogue scale: Range:’agree strongly’ (+ + +) to ‘disagree strongly’ (– – –).
Points indicate mean responses, bars indicate response range.
Underlined questions showed statistically significant tendency to evoke affirmative responses (P<0.002 for underlined questions, P<0.018 after correcting for multiple comparisons).
What was the conclusion about the Rubber Hands
While the rubber hand illusion does not tell us precisely what ingredient might make only certain forms of intermodal correlation relevant to the self, it does show that intermodal matching can be sufficient for self-attribution.
Name some facts about the experiment Is This My Hand I See Before Me?
Intermodal correlations between vision, touch, and proprioception can specify self-attribution of a nonself objects (Botvinick und Cohen 1998).
Rubber hand becomes part of the body image, illustrating that the body image is a plastic.
Temporary construction can be altered within a relatively short time span.
RHI still occurs mediated, albeit to a significantly lesser degree than in the unmediated condition.
Partially contradicts Armel und Ramachandran (2003) that RHI is purely result of Bayesian learning
Indicates top-down mechanisms that specify requirements for a plausible and congruent (hand-shaped) visual object, if it is to be integrated within the body image.
What is the Proteus-Effect?
Behavior change caused by avatar characteristics.
Fill the top-down model
Model of known factors causing or mediating (illusion of) embodiment.
Fill the bottum-up model
What are facts about the two-pathway model?
Assignment of causes not straight forward.
Partly contradicts recognition/recall.
Might need different view.
What is the uncanny valley?
Hypothesized relationship between the degree of an object’s resemblance to a human being and the emotional response to such an object.
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