Fülle den Perception Loop aus
Walking in place moved the user forward in Virtual Reality.
Walk up the steps,
enter the room,
climb onto ladder and down the ground,
pick up the bucket,
take it back up into the room,
down the stairs, and back outside.
What were the research goals of taking the steps?
Enhance presence by
stronger match between proprioceptive information and sensory feedback.
virtual body as self-representation.
Couple walking-in-place with virtual locomotion.
What are the take aways of the walking-in-place experiment
Cables are the most unsatisfactory part of the VE experience.
Real walking is best for human-scale spaces.
Substantially improved virtual walking can be had.
Avatar realism is worth a lot of work and investment.
Clothing identification was surprisingly important.
Investigator location incongruity caused many BIPs.
Ambiguous and erroneous interpretations of questionnaire.
What were the results of the pit experiment?
Strong significant differences between locomotion groups.
Major difference between first and others.
If nothing else is taken into account, then the real walkers have a higher sense of presence than the virtual walkers.
Association with the virtual body is positively associated with presence rating.
The higher the association with the virtual body, the greater the sense of presence, irrespective of other variables.
Females had a higher sense of presence.
What were the observations of the pit experiment?
Females also played computer games significantly less than males.
Substituting game playing for gender yields better model fit.
Game playing is negatively associated with presence, irrespective of anything else.
Extent to which actual behaviors or internal states and perceptions indicated a sense of being in the situation depicted by the VE rather than being in the real world of the laboratory.
Extent to which the subject was aware of background sounds in the real laboratory (1 to 7).
Extent to which their reaction when looking down over the pit was self-assessed as being similar to what it would have been in a similar situation in real life (1 to 7).
Extent to which they had any vertigo or fear of falling when looking down over the virtual pit (1 to 7);
Willingness to walk out over the pit (1 to 7).
Path taken, across the chasm: 0, went around the edge: 1.
Measure of behavioral presence correlates highly (and positively) with the subjective presence.
The sense of “being there” in the VE (1 to 7 as highest).
The extent to which the virtual world seemed more like the presenting reality than the real world (1 to 7 as highest).
the sense of visiting somewhere rather than seeing images of something (1 to 7 as highest).
Questionnaire immediately after the experiment.
3 scores combined into one by counting the total number of six or seven responses from the three questions.
Result was a value between 0 and 3.
What are the Presentation Quality Criteria for (Research and) Publications?
Problem Statement, conceptual framework, research question
Reference to literature/documentation
Research design
Instrumentation, data collection, and quality control
Population and sample
Data analysis and statistics
Reporting tests
Reporting statistical analyses
What are the 5 Quality Criteria for Research (and Publications)?
Formal Quality
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