What is motion sickness and what are the most common symptoms?
Condition in which a disagreement exists between visually perceived movement and the vestibular system’s sense of movement.
Dizziness, fatigue and nausea.
What is simulator sickness and what are the most common symptoms?
Subset of motion sickness typically experienced by pilots undergoing training for extended periods in flight simulators.
Discomfort, apathy, drowsiness, disorientation, fatigue, vomiting, etc.
Stomach awareness
What is Cybersickness? (Rebenitsch & Owen)
The onset of nausea, oculomotor, and/or disorientation while experiencing virtual environments in head-mounted displays, large screens, and curved screen systems.
Difference between simulator sickness and cyber sickness?
Non-virtual reality simulator sickness tends to be characterized by oculomotor disturbances.
CS tends to be characterized by disorientation.
Why is cyber sickness and motion sickness not the same?
CS can be caused by the visually-induced perception of self-motion; real self-motion is not needed.
4 representative scores:
(N)ausea-related subscore
(O)culomotor-related subscore
(D)isorientation-related subscore
(TS): Total Score
SSQ is widely applied measurement to study simulator sickness (and cybersickness).
What are the SSQ Disadvantages?
Several symptoms contribute to more than one category.
Potential over-sensitivity. Prolonged closing one’s eyes can register on the measurement.
Varying levels between the subcategories, only use to compare results of same type.
There is cross-correlation among the categories:
More appropriate for use in correlation analysis than absolute measurement.
Concern over its generalization since it was developed for a military demographic.
Priming and demand characteristics possible.
Despite issues, the SSQ has remained the primary reported measure of cybersickness.
What is the idea of the misery scale?
Verbal single-question rating scale questionnaires to analyze symptom severity through time.
Verbal ratings of experienced MS on a
20-point scale (FMS)
ranging from
0 (no sickness at all) to
20 (frank sickness)
Found a high correlation between the SSQ-N(ausea),SSQ-T(otal Score) and FMS.
One-point rating scales are acceptable to monitor symptoms,
although not as thorough or sensitive.
What are the pros about meassuring the postural instability?
Objective, low cost, continuous levels.
No interception of exposure.
Name some facts about meassuring the postural instability
Neither continuous nor undisturbed.
Typically requires a specific standardized stance to be taken every few minute
Only stance data used in analysis.
What does Postural Instability meassure?
Time till failure
stance breaks (bpm)
velocity of movement
changes in position of head and/or torso.
What is the Physiological Correlate Theory of CS?
Symptoms directly affect bodily reactions.
What are the pros of meassuring the Biometric and Physiological State?
How is the Biometric and Physiological State meassured?
Electrocardiogram of heart (ECG)
Blood pressure
Electrogastrogram of stomach (EGG)
Respiration (RSP)
ECG and blood pressure.
Application may become inconsistent, logic breaks.
Interactions may be interrupted or hindered.
Perception may be disturbed, users may become ill.
Für was hat Lost Control of Timeliness Nachteile?
User experience
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