

von Julius P.

Please explain different mechanisms for generation of positional information.

(Pattern formation Pyrow.)

Patterning of cellular fields:

  • Morphogen gradients: signalling molecules, that form concentration gradients across developing tissue. Concentration at particular location determines fate of cells in that region. E.g. Maternal gradients of bicoid (anterior) & caudal (posterior)

  • Lateral inhibition: Cells with a certain fate inhibit neighboring cells from adopting the same fate. E.g. Delta-Notch inhibition

  • Induction/Induction cascades: Group of cells influences the fate of adjacent cells. Induction cascades lead to sequential determination of cell fates. E.g. Lens formation

  • Oscillating systems: generation of periodic patterns of gene expression or signaling. periodicity contributes to the establishment of positional information. E.g. Segmentation clock in somitogenesis

  • Reaction diffusion systems: Interaction between activators and inhibitors that diffuse through tissues -> results in the formation of spatial patterns. E.g. WNT-DKK specifies hair distribution, Zebrafish stripes

Organization by cell sorting:

  • Cell adhesion: Cells with similar adhesion properties tend to sort out and form distinct tissues mediated by Adhesion molecules.E.g Cadherin mediated cell adhesion and sorting leads to tissue organization

Making cells different:

  • Localized determinants: positional info by establishing e.g anterior and posterior axis through asymmetric distribution. Mechanisms: Diffusion and local anchoring (Nanos), Localized protection (hsp83), Active transport along cytoskeleton (Oskar and Bicoid mRNA on microtubules)

  • Asymmetric cell divisions: Daughter cells with different fatesunequal distribution of cellular components or fate determinants. E.g. Asymmetric division in Neuroepithelium

Explain the most important steps of pancreas development and their molecular regulation.

(Pancreas Development, Neubüser)

  1. Pancreas develops from Pdx1 positive endoderm in the posterior foregut region through fusion of a dorsal & ventral bud that are induced by independent mechanisms.

    - Signals from the cardiogenic mesoderm induce ventral foregut-> Low dosage of Fgf signaling needed (compared to lung)

    - Signals from the notochord allow dorsal pancreas development by suppressing endodermal Shh expression. Shh is downregulated by Fgf & Activin. -> Pdx1 expression

  2. Proliferation: Feed-forward loop involving Fgf10 from pancreatic mesenchyme. Sox9 initiates expression of Fgf receptor and makes cells responsive for Fgf10 signals

  3. Development of branched pancreas ductal system by joining of Microlumina & following Plexus remodeling

  4. Specification:

    - Early progenitor give rise to trunk & tip progenitor cells (Binary cell decision controlled by Notch pathway activity, Notch active -> Trunk cell, inactive -> Tip cells).

    - Trunk cells give rise to duct cells & endocrine precursors ( bipotent, High Notch -> Duct cells, Low Notch -> Endocrine precursors (Sox9 -> Ngn3)

    -  Tip cells give rise to acinar cell of exocrine pancreas

    -Endocrine precursors delaminate from the ducts migrate into mesenchyme cluster & form islets of Langenhans -> vascularize

Proliferation and maintenance of the pancreas progenitor cells requires FGF10 from the surrounding mesoderm

Cell types and architecture of the adult pancreas:

1. Exocrine pancreas: acinar tissue (digestive enzymes) and ducts

2. Endocrine pancreas: islets of langerhans with alpha-cells: Glukagon, beta-cells: Insulin; delta-cells: Somatostatin, PP-cells und Epsilon-cells: Ghrelin

Pancreas morphogenesis: Development of the branched pancreas ductal system

Cell type specification in the pancreas (delta - notch)

  1. Specification of Pancreatic Progenitors:

    • Early in embryonic development, cells in the endodermal layer of the gut tube undergo specification to become pancreatic progenitor cells. This process is influenced by signaling molecules, including fibroblast growth factors (FGFs(10) —> upregulate to inhibit Shh), bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), and sonic hedgehog (Shh —> inhibited for pancreas).

  2. Formation of the Dorsal and Ventral Pancreatic Buds:

    • Pancreatic progenitors give rise to two buds, the dorsal and ventral pancreatic buds, which will fuse to form the mature pancreas. The transcription factor Pdx1 (Pancreatic and duodenal homeobox 1) plays a crucial role in the specification and maintenance of pancreatic progenitors.

    • Signals from the aorta and vitellin veins further support pancreas development

  3. Fusion of Pancreatic Buds:

    • The dorsal and ventral pancreatic buds fuse to form a single organ. This process is mediated by signaling centers and involves the coordinated expression of various genes, including Ptf1a (Pancreas transcription factor 1a).

  4. Endocrine Cell Differentiation:

    • Within the developing pancreas, some cells differentiate into endocrine cells, which will later form the islets of Langerhans. Neurogenin 3 (Ngn3) is a key transcription factor involved in the specification of endocrine progenitors. These cells then differentiate into specific endocrine cell types, such as insulin-producing beta cells and glucagon-producing alpha cells.

  5. Exocrine Cell Development:

    • Other cells in the pancreas differentiate into exocrine cells, primarily acinar cells responsible for producing digestive enzymes. Transcription factors such as Ptf1a and Rbpjl (Recombination signal-binding protein for immunoglobulin kappa J region-like) play essential roles in exocrine cell development.

  6. Ductal Cell Formation:

    • Ductal cells, which form the pancreatic ducts, are also essential for proper pancreas function. Transcription factors such as Sox9 (SRY-Box Transcription Factor 9) are involved in ductal cell specification.

  7. Mature Pancreas Formation:

    • The coordinated development and differentiation of endocrine, exocrine, and ductal cells lead to the formation of the mature pancreas. This process involves intricate signaling pathways, including Notch signaling, which plays a role in cell fate decisions.

  8. Islet Maturation and Functional Integration:

    • Following the initial differentiation of endocrine cells, further maturation occurs as these cells integrate into functional islets. The maturation process involves the expression of additional transcription factors, such as Nkx6.1 and MafA, which are crucial for beta cell function.

Human geneticists have identified a polymorphism in the human gene Ras and found that this polymorphism correlates with an increased likelihood to develop cancer. Ras is represented by homologous genes in all known multicellular model organisms, its C. elegans name, e.g., is let-60. Your bioinformatician provides you with the Ras cDNA and protein sequences and information about the nature of the polymorphism. You want to study the function/dysfunction of this gene (or its homolog) in a reverse genetics approach using a model organism, either Drosophila or C. elegans. 

a) What is a gene polymorphism? Why does a gene polymorphism not always interfere with the function of the affected protein?

b) Describe four principal ways to manipulate, using reverse genetics, the activity of this gene, its isoform, or its homolog in your model organism and one advantage or one disadvantage of each method.

c) Which information do you need in addition, if you want to find out whether the particular mutation also affects the function of the homologous gene in Drosophila or C. elegans?


a) Multiple variations (alleles) within a population ( at least 1 %) at one specific locus. E.g SNPs (Single nucleotide Polymorphisms), Insertion/Deletion Polymorphism, Tandem Repeats (Microsattelites), Copy number variations (CNV)

doesn’t always affect function: - variations in non-coding regions, regions that do not effect the proteins function, Silent-mutations.

b) Gene Knockout - Advantage: distinct Phenotype, Disadvantage: Gene Knockout might be lethal

Gene Silencing- Advantage: Reversible, Disadvanatage: Challenging across tissues

The sensor for the mitochondrial stress response, the transcription factor ATFS-1 (from C. elegans, functionally similar to human ATF4/5 and CHOP), contains both a mitochondrial and a nuclear localization signal.

a) Where in the amino acid sequence of the protein would you expect the mitochondrial localization signal to be localized?  Describe principle features of the mitochondrial and nuclear localization signals.

b) Describe what will happen to ATFS-1 variants that have been engineered to remove one of these targeting signals?

c) By default, ATFS-1 mitochondrial targeting signal dominates over the nuclear targeting signal. Discuss ways how the cell could mask a nuclear targeting signal. Do you know other transcription factors in which nuclear access can be temporarily masked? Describe the underlying principles.

d) If ATFS-1 gets transported into the mitochondria, it becomes target of the mitochondrial matrix protease LONP-1. Describe how the mitochondrial import machinery contributes to allowing physical contacts between LONP- and ATFS-1.

e) Lowering the efficacy of the electron transport chain will typically prevent mitochondrial import of proteins. Discuss what will happen to ATFS-1 in such a case. 

a) Mitochondrial localization signal in ATFS-1 is probably located at the N-terminus -rich in positively charged amino acids, creating an amphipathic helix -> interaction with negatively charged mitochondrial outer membrane.

Nuclear Localization Signal (NLS): rich in basic AA (Lysine, Arginine)

b) predominant entering of either Mitochondria or Nucleus

when ATFS-1 is imported into Mito. -> it gets degraded and if it enters Nucleus the TF activates UPRmt by transcription activation

c) Post-Translational modifications or Protein-interactions that mask nuclear signal -> Mitochondria direction

d) Import machinery via Translocase on outer membrane (TOM) & inner membrane (TIM) transports ATFS-1 acrosss mitochondrial membranes -> allowing Mitochondrial matrix protease (LONP-1) to interact with ATFS-1 -> Degradation

e) Accumulation in the Cytoplasm leads to translocation in the nucleus & triggering of nuclear stress response genes

1.A genetic cross is being performed between C. elegans mutants daf-2 and daf-16. The phenotypic characteristics of each mutant are displayed below. Daf-2 = daf-2 / daf-2.  daf-2 is localized on chromosome III, daf-16 is localized on chromosome I. The F1 generation of this cross is phenotypically inconspicuous (no phenotypic differences from wild type can be observed).

a)How do you interprete this result with respect to the genetic characteristics of the mutants involved?

b)Describe the genotypes you expect to get in the F1 generation progeny of this cross.

c)The F2 generation phenotypes are a mixture of: - wild type  animals  - dauer-constitutive animals  - dauer-defective animals  You will isolate 100 progeny of the F2 generation. Which segregation (representation by percentage) of phenotypes do you expect to get among the F2 animals?

d) In an alternative cross of two mutants, unc-2 and daf-16, you receive, in addition to Unc and Daf-d mutants, also Unc Daf-d double mutants. Describe why you do not receive F2 generation progeny with a Daf-c and Daf-d double mutant phenotype in the daf-2 x daf-16 cross. Please provide a genetic interpretation of this effect.  

a) F1 generation is not homozygous mutated for daf-2 or daf-16 therefore you do not get one of the 2 phenotypes. Functional copy of either one of the alleles compensates loss of function in the other

b) The F1 generation will inherit one allele from each parent. Possible F1 Genotypes: Daf-2/daf-16, daf-2/+ (WT allele of daf-16), +/daf-16 (WT allele of daf-2), +/+ (WT)

Inheritance of daf-2 allele, daf-16 allele or respective WT alleles -> 4 possible genotypes

c) Possible genotypes:

  • WT phenotype- 2/+, +/2, +/+, 16/+, +/16

  • Daf-2( dauer constitutive) phenotype: 2/2

  • Daf-16 (Dauer-defective) phenotype: 16/16

d) Compared to Daf-2 & daf-16 mutants that generate opposing phenotypes you get unrelated phenotypes for Unc-2 & daf-16 crossing and therefore get a combination off unc-2 & daf-16 phenotype. The underlying genetic mechanism for the daf-1, daf-16 cross is called Epistasis where mutations of 1 gene supresses the effect of mutations in the other gene therefore one phenotype prevails over the other.


Julius P.


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