Working in CERN in Geneva, he proposed a project based on the concept of hypertext. He is known as the inventor of World Wide Web in 1989. He made the internet uniform and easy to use
What year does Google search engine officially launched for public use?
What year, Craiglist and eBay go live. AltaVista, was established. And only 0.4% of the global population had internet connectivity?
On what year does internet was fully operational with 3 original networks and all hosts running TCP/IP? The ARPANET, PRNET, SAPNET.
What is one of the advantages of Internet?
It is a private network designed to facilitate internal collaboration to make it easier to communicate within an organization.
It is a private secure network aimed at sharing business information with customers, suppliers, etc.
What is the Act. when in less than a month you can have a permit? (ease of doing a business)
What is the cost of one cell tower?
What is one of the good resources on the internet?
What is the third step to evaluate whether a website is good or bad?
It is a global network of computers interconnected one another to communicate and share information publicly.
On what year does Brewster Kahle invented the first internet publishing system - WAIS.
It is the remarkable year for social mediacommunity with born of Facebook.
The year where publication of TCP designed in IEEE (Institute if Electrical and Electronic Engineers) transactions on Communication
When does Google and browser community enforced for a safer Internet with HTTPS?
In what 2 continents have a large number of Internet Users followed by Africa, Latin America and Rest of the World?
In what year does UNNET, one of the largest internet service providers was founded?
In what year does Google Assistant greeted the world. Chatbots joined the Internet race?
Who is the director of information processing techniques office? who came up with the idea of single computer network, his idea led to forerunner of the internet?
It is the body that defines the standard internet operating protocols?
What is the meaning of ICANN?
Their are in charge of security, maintaining and coordinating the internet. It also operates part of the DND, and manages IP addresses and other protocol numbers.
In what year does www is available to the public, and Gopher protocol was invented?
The year where blog publishing platform WordPress is launched.
What is one of the disadvantages of extranet?
What is one of the advantages of Intranet?
On what year a sweet bird started tweeting? Hello twitter!
What year first internet search engine, Archie was developed?
What year and Reddit go online?
It is the year of the Chatbot!
What is the Top 5 languages spoken by internet users?
The year dot-com bubble bursts because of DDoS attack.
What year Craig Partridge developed Modern Email Routing System?
The initial release year of Netscape and Yahoo! was created.
The year that 5G started to be commercial.
What is the first commercial internet service provider in 1989?
There are over 420 submarine cables in service, stretching over ___ miles (1.1 million km) around the world.
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