growth kurve phases
lag phase
exponential phase
stationary phase
death phase
growth phase 1
lag phase:
no increase in cell number
cells may be old and depleted of atp
need to adapt to knew environment (new enzymes, ribosomes etc need to be synthesized)
growth phase 2
ecponential phase
cells are growing at maximum rate
growth phase 3
stationary phase:
grpwth ceases, total cell number constant (balance between division and death) due to nutrient limitation
grwth phase 4
decline in nr of viable cells due to nutrinet deprivation and builup of toxic wastes
counting chamber
not often used for bacterias, mostly animal cells
time consuming and pipetting errors
= cells in total * nr squares / volume of all squares (2*10^-5)
spread and pour plate technique
spread= spread across surface
pour = embedded within agar layer
dilute samples and are spreaded put then
error: not immediate answer (in different phase when starting to count)
light scattering
the more cells the less lght hits the detector (the more is scattered)
measure optical density
need to know optical light which is scatteres to calculate nr of cells
amount of scattering is proportional to concentration of cells at low turbidity levels
OD600_ safe and not harmful for bacteria and know that no light will be absorbed at tis WL
steps recombinant protein expression
certain gene from a species —> gene is cut and placed (dna fragment ist ORF) in vector (expression plasmid)
transformation (plasmid brought into bacterial cell
culitured and induced to express desired protein
AB resistance gene leads to only survival of bacteria with vector
why use 2 restriction enzymes
so the fragment is put into the wrong direction
inhalt lac operon
structural genes
lac z
lac y
kac a
promotor (rna pol. binds on it) —> TATAA
gene lac regulator how does it work
gene lac regulator gene is always on
no lactose —> repressor protein binds on to operator, no lactose can be expressed as rna poolymerase is blocked from binding onto promotor
lactose is used as carbon source
if lactose binds on repressor protein —> inactive and wont bind to operator —> polymerase can bind to promotor —> transcribes lac genes
11 betha sheets and one alpha helic barrel in center
a. victoria
chromophore fluorophore located in center (formed when protein folds)
excitation peak: 488 nm
emission peak: 510 nm
25 kda
betha barrel
excitation peak: 587 nm
emission peak 610 nm
26.7 kda
energy fluorescence
electron jumps to excoted state (S1) when absorbing energy from light/movement
travel to lowest state and give energy in form of light/fluorescence to turn into groiund state (S0)
absorbed ligt is always more energy than emitted light bc energy always gets lost
abs: high energy, low wl
emitted: low energy, high wl
OD600—> low energy and will not excoite cells to S1, just scatter light
vorteile gfp derivatives
multiple labelong experiments
helo marking distinct protein populations
general chromatography
technique for separation, purifixation and testing of compounds (separation of mixture into components)
mixture dissolved into fluid solvent = mobile phase
carries through system (column , plate, sheet, capillary tube) on which material is called the stationary physe
different compounts have different affinities to stationary phase and travel at different velocities in mobile fliud —> separate
analytic and preparative technique:
establishs presence or measures relativ eproportion of analytes in mixture
with smaller material amount
separates components of mixture for later use = purification
components used posteriorly
types of chromatography and their principle
gel filtration: mol. weight and shape
adsorption: VDW interactions
ionic exchange: charge
hydrophobic: solute hydrophobicity
reverse phase: solute hydrophobicity
isoelectric focus: isoelectrip point
affinity: affinity interaction
gel filtration chromatography
size exclusion:
fractionate molecules and complexes into particular size range
remove all molecules larger than particular size
combination of both
calibrate with standard where size is known
molecules pass through stationary phase (bead pores)
rate is depending on size (small particles take longer as they move into all pores —> longer pathway)
elution volume of tested protein can be used to determine molecular weight from calibration curve
solid and liquid phase
solid: has pores
liquid: move with compounds but some bind to solid phase
pro and cons gel filtration chromatography
easy to use and interpret
applicaple to all type of biomolecules
applied and soluted in any solution
separation independent pn eluent compostion
low resolution (compared to gradient elution techniques)
leading capacities limited with respect to sample volume
applications gel filtration chromatography
desalting of proteins of low mol weight
mol weight estimation
vaccine purification
clean up step in purification scheme
ionic exchange
separating based on net charge
covalemtly bound to solid support (pos or neg functional groups)
charged compounds absorped and retained by ion exchanger having opposite charge wheras compounds that are neurral or same charge as media pass through the void
binding compound is reversible —> adsorbed compounds are eluted with salt/ph gradient
! total change of protein is functional of ph solution
ionic exchange stages
startng conditions: equilibration and binding solutes to be purified
adsorption of sample
start of desorption
end of desorption (elution, displacing ions)
anionic exchanger: positive: attracs negative charged analyts
cationic exchanger: negative: attracs positive charged analytes
how to elute bonded gfp
change ph (decrease until gfp bekomes positive)
not common: damages molecules and buffer may change uncontrollably
add salt (destroys electrostatic interaction)—> increasing ionic strength of eluion buffer
more common, salt compound takes up gfp place
Isoelectric point:
point of ph were no net charge occurs (all charged groups are on surface of protein)
pH < pI = pos. charged protein, bind to cation exchanger
pH > PI = neg charged protein, bind to anion exchanger
pH =PI = no net charge
pros and cons ionic exchange
high capacity and resolution
concentration step
sample volume may be large compared to column vloume
sample eluted in high salt concentration —> desalting for further use
solution must be low ionic strength and specific ph
hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC)
interaction btw hydrophobic proteins and HIC resins is influenced by running buffer
high salt conc: enhances interaction
low weakens
separates proteins according to differences in their surface hydrophobicity
start with high salt to üromote hydrophobic interaction—> then decrease —> more hydrophobic molecules bind stronger
(protein with lowest hydrophobicity elute first (when low ionic strength, bc interactoin is reversed then))
steps HIC
equilibration (buffer a is pumped through column)
sample application and wash (sample is adsorbed/components washed out)
gradient elution: adsorbed samples are eluted in order of increasing hydrophobicity
regeneration: still remaining hydrophobic contanimants are washed out
HIC pro and con
sample volume may be large compared to column volume
high capacit and resolution
desaltinng required
reverse phase chromatography
liquid chr. that involves separation based on hydrophobic interactions
solid phase is less polar than mobile phase (normally mobile phase is non polar)
—> hydrophobic surface in stationary phase
less polar componnts have stronger affinity to non polar stationary phase
—> more polar components are washed put earlier
eluted by increasing concentration of organic solvent (acetone, ethanol) whic will increase hydrophobicity of liquid phase and molecules wont attach
used for peptides and not proteins
steps reverse phase chromatography
sample application
elution steps (1-3) gradient elution and organic solvents at end
washing (high organic modifier concentration)
pro and cons reverse phase
no sample volume restriction when using gradient elution
high resolution
used in most sample conditions
salting step
use of organic solvent may denaturating protein (dangerous and expensive)
careful pretreatment for some samples
high purity of chemicals needed
low capacity (risk of unfolding?)
limited choice of eluents
pattern difficult to interpret
affinity chromatography
separating biochemical mixtures based on highly spec interation
ab and ag
enzyme substrate
receptor ligand
the larger molecules, the stronger interaction
IMAC: immobilized metal ac
his-tag proteins (metal immobilized)
with histidine tags with n or c terminus bind strongly to metal —> hexa his tag introduced to gene since not naturally in protein (put a tag and protein binds to metal)
target tag nect to other tag so that protease can cut and leave protein (mostly larger than his tag)
pH chnage to elute protein or adding competetice molecule (imidazole) to compete with metal
high affinity to nickel: will dilute mcherry
matrix composition ionic exchange
inroganic compounds
synthetoc material
charged groups nature determine (ionic exchange):
physical properties (mech. strength, max flow)
chromatographic properties (capacitiy, selectivity and resolution)
main electrophoresis definition
motion of dispersed particles relative to fluid under uniform electrical field influence
particles carry el charg eon surface
external el field is applied to change particles —> electrostatic coulomb force
double layer theory:
surface charges surrounded by diffusive ion layer
layer has same charge as surface but opposite sign
formed due to interaction with surroiunding ions in fluid
layer reduces direct interacton btw. surface charges and external environment
force on ions in layer acts in opposide direction as external field excerts force on surface charge and ions on diffusive layer
difference in gel electrophorese for ds dna and ss dna/rna
ds dna: long rods mugration relative to size
ss dna: fold up—> migrate based on tertiary structure
agents added which disrupt hydrogen bonds to denature nucleic acids to behave like long rods (sodium hydroxide and formamide)
different dye for gel electr
precast dye: run gel with dye —> öess dye loss
post-stain dye: dye after running
SDS page
sodium dodecyl sulfate
polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
—> unfolds an coats protein with negative charge in proportion to size —> mobility just on mol weight
smaller proteins move through easier/faster
mostly analytical as proteins are unfolded
both gels for SDS page
stacking gel: lower con acrylamide gel
concentrates and focus protein inro tigh band before entering resolving gel
resolving gel: separates proteins based on their size —> higher conc of acryl. gel
sieving effect due to smaller pore sizes
both improve resolution and accuracy in determining mol weight on proteins
sds page staining
silver stain (limit 1-10ng protein)
coomassie brilliant blue ( 50-100 ng)
sds page percentage of gel
stacking/stacking : 5%
resolving/running: 20%
high gel = higher friction = lower movement
components for sds for sample
loading buffer
cons sds page
start at different well and therefore ends in differen areas —> large band
2 gels need to be prepared
western blot
semi-quantitative (not precise, only increase/decrease seen)
to detect and analyze proteins (identify in many others)
no dye
separation of proteins —> transferring on membrane —> AB to detect
steps western blot
protein separation (SDS Page)
transfer to membrane (blotting)
blocking -> to prevent nonspecific bindnig (adding solution that covers remaining spaces on membrane)
primary AB incubation (specific to protein of interest) —> bnds to target protein
washing: excess unbound prim ab to reduce background noise
sec ab incubation: recognizes prim ab (is linked to detection molecule (enzyme or fluorophore)
detection: detection on sec ab produces signal indicating target protein presence (fluor. or chemiluminesc.)
analysis: bands corresponding to presence of specific proteom
if strong interaction= high ka concentration componants is lower than binding compound
high affinita ka > 107 M-1
ka = [Ab-Ag]/[Ab][Ag]
monoclonal AB
target single position in antigen
inject antien in organism
organism creates ab against antigen
policlonal ab
ab mixture binding to different parts of antigen (same ag but different positions)
extract spleen of organisms injected with antigen
isolate single cell
create hybridoma (spleen cells bonded with cancerous cell to immortalize spleen cell)
get culture of twin cells creating stable cell line that produces single type of AB
ELISA general
enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (quantitative)
use AB and color change to identify a substance
solid phase enzyme immunoassay (EIA) to detect presence of substance (ag) in liwuid or wet sample
ag attached to surface —> sp. ab applied over surface to bing (ab linked on enzyme)
substrate containing enzyme is added —> subsequent reacton produces detectable signal, most commonly color change
assays ab
dorect assay: prim ab has enzyme
indirect assay: sec ab has enzyme
advantages sec ab
simplification: avoid expensive process of creating enzyme linked ab for every ag —-> using enzyme linked ab which binds to fc of other ab —> just need to label one ab instead of a lot prim ab
signal amplification: more than one sec ab can bind to prim ap —>more signal for gene and more ab to detect
types of elisa color:
colorimetric (enzyme reacts with substrate —> colorchange) (spectrophotometer)
chemiluminescence —> emitted light (luminometer) —> high sensitivity
fluorescence (fluoroescence reader) —> high sensitivity
types of elisa
sandwich elisa
ag captured between 2 AB
1 immobilized on plate
2 linked to enzyme
enzyme reaction produces measurable signal
use purifies specialized ab to attach ag eliminate the need to purify ag before —> simplifying essay and high specifity and sensitivity
more specific sinse ag binds to two ab (lower falsification)
competitive elisa
unlabeled AB is incubated in presence of its ag
complexs (AB/AG) are added to antigen coating well
plate washed —> unbound ab are removed
—> if high complex concentration = low ab available to bind to antigen well
if all AB saturated ag, no ab available to make light signal
if singal: no ag or less ag attached
quantitative elisa
qualitative elisa: positive or negative
quantitative: OD of fl. units are interpolated into standard curve —> serial dilution of target
pregnanzy test
free monoclonal ab sp. for hCG
capture monoclonal AB bound to substrate (immobolized ab)
sandwich formed by combination of capt ab and free ab when hcg is present —> creating coloiur change
also control line: contains ab that always bind
HIV test
indirect assay to detect prim ab against AB against HIV in blood serum
serum diluted and applied on plate where HIV ag are attached
if HIV ab present in serum it binds to ag
plate is washed to remove other serum components
sec ab applied on plate linked to enzyme
washed again
covid test
sandwich elisa —> want to test whether you have ab against covid
well is coated with sp. cov ag
sample is added to elisa plate and ab bind to it
sec ab added which has enzyme attached
sec ab bind to prim ab
substrate is added which binds to enzyme and color change seen
flow cytometry
protein expression and phenotype live cells
single cell analysation: size, shape and properties
divide cells into individual populations
cell surface can be detected = surface markers and cluster differentiation
shows heterogeneity of cells : small nr of cells and are subsets
3 parameters to see samples heterogenousity
forwars scatter: cell size
detected by detector on far side of cell from laser
side scatter: celll granularity
detector located perpendicular to pass of laser beam
fluorescent emitted
flow cytometry vs western blot
flow cytometry: quantify exact cell nr expressing specific protein and amount of proteins
western blot: one band detected whose intensity depend on number of cells expressing specific protein
Polychromatic vs spectral fc
Over 5 markers simultaneously detected
Requires bandlass filter
Full spectrum and allows large number of fluor. iPhone
No filter required
Plots for fcm
Dot plots: 2 parameter (cell size and granularity)
Histogram: 1 parameter (nr cells ca fluorescence)
Density plots: 2 parameter (accumulation and relative densities
Fluorescence activated cell sorting
Process of separation Love cell populations into sub populations based on fluor. ich time associated with detection ab
Why higher primer concentration in pcr
To make sure they annealing is higher than annealing if strands again
Forward vs reverse prime f
Forward primer;
always for antisense strain
Is from 5’-> 3’
Reverse primer:
on sense chain/ target
sample chain is always 5’->3’, so the reverse primer docks in it from the end to the front
Types of real
Molecular Beacon
Sybr green
Taq man
Quenching dye disrupts observable signal from Reporter dye when In short distance
taqman probe (and primer) binds to target dna and taq polymerase completes strand
Reporter dye releases (as well as quenching) from extending ds dna and therefore emits light as in excited state as quenching and reporter and not sticj with each other anymore
The more denaturing and annealing the more emitted light
Molecular beacon
Hairpin dna confirmation with reporter and quenching dye at end (bc near they don’t show emission light as absorbed by quencher
If anneals with pcr product; no fluorescence blocked
the more pcr product the stronger fluorescence
Sybr green pcr
dye intercalates into newly synthesized dna
Cost effective and no specific probe for each target (can also get signal from other sequences)
Primary vs continuous cells
directly isolated from Living tissue
Not altered transformed
Limited ability to divide and proliferate
immortalized cells: modified/ adapted and have extended life span through immortalization bc of genetic modifications and transformations
Divide continuously without reaching state of senescence -> long term Culture
Growth and division formula
N(t) = No * 2 ^(t/Td)
Percentage of confluence
Growth surface covered by cells
Important as it affect cell behavior signaling and health
Adherent vs suspension cells
attached to solid/semi solid substrate
Growth limited by surface area
Normal cells except hematopoietic cells
floating in culture medium
Limited by concentration of cells
Agitation needed (shaking/stirring)
Hematopoietic or transformed tumor cells, less common
Detaching adherent cells
trypsinization (enzyme that cleaves peptide bonds and detach cells)
Enzyme free solluction: accutase: chelating agents disrupt adhesion
Scraper/ lifter
Cell transfection definition
spontaneous or induced permanent phenotypic change (not nessecarly involve genetic material uptake -> difference to transformation)
Methods of transfection
fuse with cell membrane and releasing genetic material
Integrate in genome Or remain episomal
Check by adding GFP or ab to inserted gene
Calcium Phosphate
forms precipitate with dna
Taken up by cell through endocytosis
Acidic environment in vesikel dissolute a complex and dna is released
electric field creates temporary pores in cell membrane allowing entry for foreign genetic material
High efficiency
Viral transduction:
Virus genetically modified
taken up through endocytosus
Viral capsule removed to release genome and then transcribed and translated by host cell
If rna virus, reverse transcriptase needed to be included
Reverse transcriptase dna
Combines pcr and reverse transcription
amplify and quantify rna molecules
Done because important to know what gene exactly expressed
Election of transferred cells
GFP intro transgene
Resistant markers (Ab or drug resistant)
Ability to distinguish 2 objects close to each other
Rayleighs and abbes approach
Rayleigh: 516 nm=0.5 microm
With oil: 239 nm
Abbe: 423 nm = 0.4 micrm
With oil 196 nm
Dark field
image formed based on scattered light
Cell structures that scatter more light will be visible whereas background scatters no light and will be dark
Light goes outside organisms but will be captured by organism when there
cannot use Lende of highest numerical aperture and any dirt or dust degrades image
Phase contrast
phase difference on light passing through different organisms part
Variation in brightness against gray background
Phase different at 1/4 lamda (need thin and uniform species)
Polarization microscopy
polarized light splits into 2 beams
DIC microscopy
Differential interference contrast
interference of light passing through organisms
Utilizes polarized light source and set of wollasten and nomaski prisms to create 3d like appearance (accentuating differences in refractive index within specimen)
Not much contrast in thin objects
Good for Protozoa and small organisms
Stokes Shift
Always excitation energy gets lost and therefore
Fluorescence (emission) always at lower energy/ higher wavelength than absorption
Two parameters best for fluorescence microscopy
quantum yield (fl efficiency) calc: photons/ absorbed photons
Extinction coefficient: efficiency of capturing light (less critical)
Types of light fluorescence microscopy
Transmitted illumination
light which has passed through specimen
Reaches eye/ objective lenses after interacting with specimen
Not often used as high background (high unblocked excitation light)
Incident light
light falling into specimen
Dichroic mirror: beam splitter: reflects light with shorter wl (excitation) and transmits higher wavelength (fluorescence/ emission)
Unwanted excitation light deflects of observation light path
Light source
Mercury lamp
Xenon arc lamp
Filter fluorescence
short pass filter: absorb longer wl, passing shorter wl (high energy like excitation)
Long pass: absorb shorter, passing longer wl (low energy like fluorescence.emission)
Band pass: optical filter defining specific range
How does fluorescence work
photon absorbed = energy should match required energy for electronic transition
Boosts electron to higher energy state (excited state S1) by absorbing light/ movement
It can return to ground state s0 by at first reaching lowest level of s1
Must then loose energy through heat release or emitting Photons like Fluorescence to drop to s0
Confocal microscopy
scans beam of light to get 3D image
If sample Thick or out of focus it reduces background contrast
2 coincident focal points:
1. Illumination focal Point: laser light tightly focus onto specimen
Detection focal point: rejecting information from outside the plane of focus
high speed confocal microscope: scan more than one point at a time
Fe tandem scanning (spinning disc): multiple pinholes to rapidly capture 3d image
Fluorescence resonance energy transfer
phenomenon in which energy is transformed between 2 closely fluorophores without photon exchange
Donator and acceptor
Need to be 1-10nm close
Why anionic exchange more common that cat ionic
Proteins more stable in higher pH therefore it’s better to be charged negatively
Cationic mostly with proteins with a general net positive charge
Sds page which proteins are faster
Larger ones are faster as smaller ones sieve throug gel pores and therefore take longer time
Differences anionic and affinity chromatography
anionic: differated by net surface charge
Highly efficient
Cost effective
Affinity: more specific and efficient with higher yield
Separated by specific interactions
What to do after chromatography
Western blot
protein transferred from gel to solid membrane
GFP ab Leads to GFP binding
Washing to get rid of rest
Secondary ab added with linked enzyme
Substrate is added generating color when secondary ab, protein and primary ab are in a complex to detect target protein
Components pcr
water (dilute concentration)
Buffer (hood working milieu)
dNTPs (to make strains)
Polymerase (enzyme which is making strains)
Primer (forward and reverse) docking in strand and polymerase starts from there
Steps pcr
Cycle of 30 (denaturation, annealing, elongation)
Final elongation
What step needed to clone amplified dna in vector
linearize Vector with restriction enzymes to produce sticky ends
Purify vector through gel electrophoresis
Purify amplified dna from pcr
Vector and dna are joined (sticky ends)
Perform transformation into bacterial cell
Selective agar with ab
Colony pcr using vector specific primers to confirm inserted dna
Western blotting to analyze expression
Calculation of cell nr
Nr of cells x volume of chamber x 2 x 7 ml
Indicators for medium change
ph drop
High cell concentration
Cells rounding up of cell detachment from substrate
Cell Type and morphology
Difference monoclonal and polyclonal
Monoclonal: bind only on one epitope on antigen
Polyclonal; can bind on different epitopes of antigen
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