

von Max S.

What are the laws of material flow?

·       Variability Law:            Increasing variability always degrades the performance of a production                                    system.

·       Law (Conservation of Material):          In a stable system, over the long run, the rate out of                                                    a system will equal the rate in, less any yield loss,                                                        plus any parts production within the system.

·       Capacity Law:  In steady state, all plants will release work at an average rate that is strictly                  less than average capacity. (Never reach 100%)

·       Utilization Law:            If a station increases utilization without making any other change, average                   WIP and cycle time will increase in a highly nonlinear fashion.

·       Buffering Law: Systems with variability must be buffered by some combination of: 1. Inventory 2. Capacity 3. Time

·       Buffer Flexibility Corollary:      Flexibility reduces the amount of variability buffering                                                   required in a production system. Examples: Generic stock (assemble-to-order), cross-trained workers, flexible lead time quotation Formal model: one M/M/s instead of s M/M/1 models (see Average flow time for M/M/s systems with different number s of parallel servers)


Max S.


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