Multiple computer and other devices connected to exchange data
Network split
Global network: Internet
Local network: domitory network
Network types:
Peer 2 peer
Each computer can be a client (use resources), server (shares resource) or be both
For small network (up to 10 computers)
Each user decides what will be shared with others
Client server
Devices are divided into offering resources (server) and using resources (client)
Used in lager networks
Network managing by an administrator
Local area network
Consist of small areas (room, building)
High data delivery capabilities
Max. range with amplifiers 1km
Metropolitan area network
Range of city
Usually high data delivery capabilities
Allow to connect local networks (academic / administration work)
Wide area network
Wide range and often continental
Based on public communication networks (telephone, radio, satellite)
LAN types:
Wired networks
Cables and fiber optics used to connect elements
= Wireless network
All elements or their part are connected wirelessly
= Virtual network
Network elements are connected by program protocol which manage network movement
Network elements:
Transmission devices (copper and fiber optic cables)
Access devices (network interface cards, modems)
Signal amplification devices (repeaters, hubs)
Protocols (e.g. TCP / IP)
Device driver: Enables other devices, e.g. network cards)
Communication software: Allows transmission of data (e.g. web browsers, e-mail)
Network topologies:
Connection is based on one coaxial cable (bus)
Used in small networks
Easy to connect with new workstations
An issue causes whole network outage
One transmission in one moment
Each workstation has 2 connections with neighbors (together they create a loop)
Data is sent in one direction
Difficult to connect new devices
Connection comes from central point (hub)
High bandwidth
Easy to allocate issues
High demand for cables
It dominates in LAN networks
Extended star
Based on star topology
Used in big networks
Workstations are connected with eachother
High costs and complicated architecture
Interface card
Connects computer with local network
Change data packages into signals
Most common is Ethernet (it has unique MAC address which is assigned in ROM to individual computer)
Allows to communicate between computers from local network and computers from other networks
In TCP / IP default gate is router
Usually gateway connects network with same protocols
Worldwide network
Connection between many small local networks (private, public, academic, business, government) which are connected by special standards and protocols
Connection is based on IP (internet protocol)
Origin of the internet
Started on 20. century
Started in military industries
DARPA: Built network between 4 universities (first use was based one simple text messages)
MILNET: Built network because of hacker attacks
APARNET: Fundamental for commercial network which was the base for internet creations
IP address
Numerical value assigned to each device connected to computer network 32-bit number (4 bytes) written in decimal notation
TCP protocol
For all network elements where we can't accept any margin of errors
UDP protocol
For all network elements where we can accept margin of errors
Not all data needs sending confirmation (video streaming, voice calls, sound listing)
4 layers
7 layers
Physical layer
Directly connected with cables
Allows to connect user to network or with wireless signal
Cable has millions of fibers and is well secured (e.g. steel housing)
Internet links
Internet is based on land links and underwater links
Connection is bases on million cables and the connections between them
Datalink layer
Connected with MAC addresses
One local network with one IP address can include many devices
Number of public IP addresses is limited (IP addresses are unique so can't be repeated)
Router translates private addresses into public one
Each device receives a MAC address (it allow the communication with switches) 48-bits (shown in hexadecimal notation)
Network layer
Based on IP address
Directly connected with router
Routing tables
Allows a smooth data transfer
Keeps addresses to change way of data transfer on case of any malfunctions
Routing protocols
Static protocol: Like a map with different ways
Dynamic protocols: Like a navigation, always chooses the best way
Consists of Router, access point and switch
Connects local home network with internet
Routers at home are at the same time DHCP server
DHCP server
Service which determines IP for other devices
Has set of IP addresses and assign first free address to device which requested it
Thanks to it we can see how MAC address is assign to IP address
Automatically completes host configuration
Created by US company SPACE X (Elon Musk)
Goal: Provide internet connection from anywhere on earth
First Satellite launched in 2019
Objections of astronomer because it impacts their research
Mobile internet
Provided by mobile operators
Disadvantage: Data transfer limit and uncertain stability of connection
Device or installed on it
Software which provide service by sharing resources to other user
Provide access to many websites each day
Network of remote server
Stores data and allow to manage them with any device
Needs to have an internet connection
Local server
Full control on architecture
Owner needs to fully cover costs of maintaining the device, replacement of components and software update
Cloud server
Service provided by outside supplier
Provides computing power and disk space which is part of the purchased package
Maintenance cost are on the supplier side
= Directly attach storage
External drive which is connected with cable to the computer
Access is possible only from location of data carrier
Advantage: Fast working and we can work directly with the data
= Network attached storage
Drive is connected to the network
Advantage: Data isn’t in foreign hands
Types of cloud computing
Public cloud: Whole infrastructure in supplier location, service is delivered by internet, client doesn't need own IT system
Private cloud: Biggest level of safety and control, used only by one enterprise, host is located in enterprise or datacenter
Hybrid cloud: Merge between both, most important applications are located on own server and the rest on suppliers server
Examples for public clouds
IBARD (Comarch)
Google drive
One Drive
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