Major Histocompatibility complex
= human leukocyte antigen (HLA) in humans
MHC class I: heterodimer α (3 domains) and ß2 microglobulin (1 domain), 1 transmembrane domain
MHC class II: heterodimer α and ß, two domains per chain, 2 transmembrane chains, α Ig-like domain
Immunoglobulin-like domain Ig
constant domain: two sheets of ß-strands linked with an S-S bridge, 3 & 4 strands build barrel-like 3D
variable domain: 3 hypervariable loops interact specifically with antigens, additional 2 strands & otherwise similar to constant domain
MHC diversity
to be able to present at least one peptide from any pathogen
via polygeny (multiple class I and II genes) and polymorphism (several sequence differences per isotype), one sequence defines one allel
MHC polygeny
classical MHC
MHC class I: HLA-A, -B, -C
MHC class II: HLA-DP, -DQ, -DR
MHC gene complex
on chromosome 6
specific combination of alleles in an individual defines the MHC haplotypes
gene expression is codominant—>each allele expressed
number of different MHC molecules
class I: minimal 3 (homozygous) / maximal 6 (heterozygous)
class II: minimal 4 (homozygous) / maximal >8
—>because of hybrid molecules
—>interisotype (DR with DP)
—>interhaplotypes (DQ mother with DQ father)
MHC polymorphism - number of alleles
MHCI: number of different sequences quite similar among isotypes
MHCII: not similar, DR more polymorphic & polymorphism on ß-chain, α-chain less sequence differences —>polygomorphic
MHC polymorphism - sites on the protein
MHCI: 2 helices on top, bottom wall of ß-strand defining peptide binding groove, variations in wall & helix
MHCII: ß-barrel with variations
MHC evolution
ancestral MHC gene undergoes gene duplication and divergence (polygeny)
multiple MHC genes
gene conversion between misaligned chromosomes during meiosis (polymorphism)
separated chromosome after meiosis
Function of classical MHC molecules
peptide presentation to T-cells
MHCI: binds shorter peptide —>walls closed
MHCII: peptide can go across the two helices
Peptide binding MHCI
similar length: 8-10 AA
anchor residues different (defines affinity to peptide, depends on alleles different position)
usually binding at N-ter (bulky hydrophobic) and C-ter (small hydrophobic) —>location anchor residues
Peptide binding MHCII
longer 13-17 AA
variable length (groove open)
no binding at C/N terminus—>anchor residues in the middle
MHC restriction
TCR recognizes complex of MHC & antigen
both for specificity needed
Associated genes in the MHC complex
involved in MHCI presentation
—>TAP=transporter associated with antigen processing
—>LMP= proteins associated to the proteasomes
involved in MHCII presentation
mouse MHC gene complex
MHCI: H-2D, -2K, -L —>equal polygeny
MHCII: I-A, I-E -->less polygeny, several mouse strains lacking I-E
Non-classical MHC molecules
not all have function in antigen presentation
classical (HLA-A/B/C): polymorphic, ß2m association, TAP-dependent, peptide fixation
non-classical (encoded in the MHCI locus)
oligomorphic, ß2m association, TAP-dependent, peptide fixation restricted (binds less peptides)
oligomorphic, no ß2m association, no peptide fixation
in the MHC class III locus (in between class II & I)
MHC-related (MIC) and immune-related (complement and TNK) molecules
neonatal Fc receptor
non-encoded in the MHC locus (non classical)
binds only to IgG
passive immunisation of the fetus by maternal IgG (transfer of Ab via placenta)
non-classical MHC, non-encoded in the MHC locus
in humans 5 molecules, CD1a-e
MHCI related for structure: association with ß2 microglobulin
MHCII related for function: no dependency on TAP, loading of extracellular antigens
presentation of antigen to unconventional CD4-CD8- T cells —>highly hydrophobic groove binds lipids & Ag protrudes outside the groove & not flat
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