What is Sphere?
• Started in 1997 by a group of humanitarian NGOs and the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
• Aim: improve the quality of their humanitarian responses and to be accountable for their actions
• No requirement; but organizations are encouraged to use it
- 1997 von einer Gruppe humanitärer NRO und der Rotkreuz- und Rothalbmond-Bewegung ins Leben gerufen
- Ziel: Verbesserung der Qualität ihrer humanitären Maßnahmen und Übernahme von Verantwortung für ihr Handeln
- Keine Vorschrift; Organisationen werden jedoch ermutigt, es zu nutzen
Sphere includes
An approach to humanitarian assistance
A handbook with minimum standards
A public service (free to use)
A community (of members, trainers, practitioners)
→ For anyone working in humanitarian context
Aufbau Sphere
Four principles that apply to all humanitarian responses
Ethical and legal backdrop, builds on Code of Conduct (1994)
Nine commitments that describe essential processes and responsibilities
Four technical chapters including Minimum Standards in key response sectors
Sphere standarts into practice
1. Minimum standard: a universal, qualitative minimum standard for life with dignity
2. Key actions: suggested practical steps
3. Key indicators: indicate if a standard is reached; might contain an associated target
4. Guidance notes: additional information to support the key actions
1. Mindeststandard: ein universeller, qualitativer Mindeststandard für ein Leben in Würde
2. Schlüsselaktionen: vorgeschlagene praktische Schritte
3. Schlüsselindikatoren: zeigen an, ob ein Standard erreicht wird; können ein zugehöriges Ziel enthalten
4. Hinweise: zusätzliche Informationen zur Unterstützung der Schlüsselaktionen
How many square metres of shelter
how many litres of clean water
how many kilocalories
shelter: min. 3.5 square metres per person per day
Consider: climate, culturalpractice and customs
Water: Minimum 15 litres per person per day
2,5-3l for drinking
2-6l for washing
3-6l for cooking
Consider: climate,social and cultural norms, individual physiology
Energy: Minimum 2,100 kcal per Person per day
Consider: cultural preferences, cooking, possibilities (fuel), at risk groups (children, elderly, people living whith HIV)
Food delivered by World Food Program (WFP)
Legumes: High in protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals like iron, B vitamins and folate
Grains: High in vitamins and minerals like Vitamins B3, B6, and Iron
Oil fortified with vitamins (A and D)
salt (iodized)
Snack bars: Bars of baked wheat flour, vegetable fat, soya protein concentrate and malt extract
High-energy biscuits: Wheat-based biscuits that are fortified, pre- packaged and shelf- stable. Added vitamins and minerals
Super cereal plus: Blends of partially pre- cooked and milled cereals, soya and beans fortified with micronutrients
Micronutrient powders: Tasteless powder containing the recommended daily intake of 16 vitamins and minerals
What is NutVal4.1?
A spreadsheet application for planning, calculating and monitoring the Nutritional Value of food assistance
Select foods and food products based on nutrient content
Calculate nutrient content of food assistance ratios
Calculate food requirements
Calculate costs Save and track rations
What is ERU?
Emergency Response Units
Ready for use within 48 hours at the latest
Internationally standardized aid units of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
What is includet in ERU?
• Logistics (handling and storage of relief supplies)
• IT and Telecom (setting up data networks and communication)
• Water and Sanitation (drinking water treatment and hygiene)
• Basic Health Care (basic medical care)
• Referral Hospital (field hospital)
• Rapid Deployment Hospital (quickly available emergency medical care)
• Relief (organization of aid distribution)
• Base Camp (accommodation for Red Cross/Red Crescent personnel)
Discribe from 1-5
1. Suspended solids and particles are removed
2. Chemical impurities are filtered out
3. Small amount of chlorine added
4. Daily monitoring by a mobile laboratory
5. Distributed directly or transported to the respective locations by truck
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