Regulation via enzyme activity
phosphorylation (kinases) and dephosphorylation (phosphatases) specific for substrate
important which AA phosphorylated, can be activatory or inhibitory
PKA doesn’t recognize substrate but specific sequence
Akt kinase needs two phosphorylations to be fully activated
allostery regulation
active if allosteric binding site (of glucose) is empty
binding of glucose induces different conformation
removal of phosphorylation by phosphatase in this conformation (inactive enzyme)
feedback inhibition
product far away from 1. reaction inhibits enzyme from beginning
or product inhibition: inhibits enzyme it is produced from
inactive: regulatory subunits not bound by cAMP and associated with catalytic subunit
binding of cAMP buries autoinhibitory domains, catalytic subunits dissociates and active
functions pancreas
exocrine (digestive enzymes)
endocrine (insulin & glucagon)
regulated via hormones
Insulin structure
A & B chain linked by 2 S-S chains, 1 S-S link in A
Insulin production
Pre-pro-insulin with signal peptide, chain B, peptide C & chain A
to pro-insulin cleavage of signal peptide in trans-Golgi
stored like that in vesicles and upon delivery cleavage into insulin & C peptide
long process: 1-24h —>need storage
test secretion in ELISA with Ab against C peptide (more accurate as in some diseases unfunctional pro-insulin secreted that is still recognized by insulin Ab)
Stimulators of insulin secretion
Neural influences
Vagal activity (Ach)
ßadrenergic stimulation
Amino acids
Glucagon (to regulate itself, when too much glucose is produced)
Gastrointestinal hormones—>incretins (GLP-1 & GIP)
—>energy availability - storage hormone
—>cholinergic nervous system; vagus nerve (parasympathetic)
Inhibitors of insulin secretion
Sympathetic activity: α-adrenergic stimulation (norepinephrine, epinephrine)
—>energy needs (fasting, exercise, stress,…)
—>sympathetic activation
Insulin secretion
due to Ca2+ (increased by incretins)
biphasic (time-dependent mobilization of secretory granules from the reserve pool)
Insulin receptor
IR-A: in fetal tissues, cancer cells, brain & ovary signals cell growth
IR-B: on most important insulin-sensitive tissues (liver, adipose tissue, skeletal muscle
Insulin binding —>dimerization
conformational changes
autophosphorylation of tyrosine residues = activation of Tyr kinase activity of IR
Phosphorylation IRS (IR substrates 1-4)
intracellular cascade
—>PI3K pathway: increases glucose & protein metabolism & lipid synthesis
—>MAP kinases pathway: cell growth, differentiation
Insulin function
secreted when glycemia & AA in blood
↑metabolism and storage
skeletal muscles, adipose tissue
↑uptake glucose (GLUT4), glycolysis, glycogenogenesis, lipogenesis
↓Neoglucogenesis, glycogenolysis
↓[Glc] circulating = hormone of storage = secreted after meal
Glucagon structure
primary sequence of 29 AA
Glucagon secretion
in α-cells
low glucose sensed via GLUT2
low KATP channel activity
moderate depolarization
Na+ channel activation
high P/Q-type Ca2+ channel activity
stimulated secretion glucagon
Glucagon at high glucose levels
KATP channel closure stimulates insulin secretion but inhibits glucagon release
α-cell depolarization reduces voltage-gated Ca2+ entry & glucagon release
Glucagon receptor
interacts with guanylate nucleotide
activation of adenylate cyclase and production of cAMP (second messenger) —>aktivation PKA
Effect glucagon
stimulates degradation (glycogen & lipids) and the production of hepatic glucose
reduce use of glucose
Adrenal hormones
adrenal cortex: mineralcorticoids, glucocorticoids (cortisol), gonadocorticoids
medulla: catecholamines (epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine)
Effect Catecholamines
activate sympathetic system
↑heart rate, metabolism, bronchial dilatation, vasconstriction & pressure
= adrenaline
α-receptor: inhibit adenylate-cyclase—>decrease cAMP
ß-receptor: activate adenylate-cyclase—>increase cAMP
acute stress hormone—>energy supply
activates glycogenolysis, lipolysis, gluconeogenesis
inhibits: lipogenesis, glycogenogenesis
sympathomimetic: accelerates heart rate, increases oxygen flux through mitochondria respiratory chain
steroid hormones —>lipophil
enter cytoplasm & bind receptor
translocation of activated TF into nucleus
slower response but adaptation to chronical stress
stress adaptation
increased energy metabolism: carbohydrates (increased neoglucogenesis & decreased insulin sensitivity), proteins ( increased neoglucogenesis from AA), lipids (increased lipolysis
Hormonal control of metabolism
Insulin: promotes fuel storage after meal, promotes growth
Glucagon: mobilizes fuel, maintains blood glucose levels during fasting
epinephrine: mobilizes fuels during acute stress
cortisol: provides for changing requirement over long-term
Energy metabolism
nutrient concentration in the blood more or less stable
—>permanent cellular use
—>post-prandial storage of nutrients in excess & mobilization when fasting
usable energy source of the cell
produced in catabolic reaction from energy-containing nutrients —>energy depleted end products
Energy unit
unit for measurement of heat = calorie
quantity of heat needed to increase temperature of 1g water by 1 °C
1 kilocalorie = 1000 calorie = 4.2 kJoules
measurement of energy
indirect: concentration of oxygen
direct: measurement of heat
most energy-delivering molecule
lipids (9.3kcal/g)
carbohydrates (4.1kcal/g)
BUT also higher consumption of O2
—>depends on condition which source of energy used
energy storage tissues
adipose tissue: triglycerides (10-15 kg)
liver: glycogen (100g)
muscle: glycogen (300g) but not available for periphery
Consumer tissues of glucose
Brain: 60% (can’t use lipids)
red blood cells
under substrate specific conditions (insulin)
adipose tissue, liver & muscle
Glycemia in brain
need certain concentration
if lower: decline in attention & motor abilities, sweat, hunger, nausea
under critical threshold: lethargy, coma, irreversible damages and death
producer tissue glucose
only in liver
(adipose tissue can produce fatty acids —>alternative source of energy)
Carbohydrate metabolism
Fatty acid metabolism
protein metabolism
degradation of proteins
degradation of Amino acids
oxidation of amino acids (acetyl CoA)
ketone bodies (during long fasting, can also be used by brain)
cellular organelle
10-thousands per cell depending on energy demand
powerhouses of the cells (oxidative phosphorylation & ATP production)
from glucose 2 3C bodies (pyruvate)
first part in cytosol
Krebs cycle
pyruvate activated to acetyl-CoA
1 pyruvate yields: 15 ATP
1 glucose 38 ATP
in mitochondria matrix
Cellular transport of fatty acids
FA normally bound to albumin
can cross endothelial barrier (lipophil) or use transporters (with C>12 via flip-flop, FABPm, FAT/CD36, FATP)
if C>20 oxidation in the peroxisome
otherwise to acyl-CoA in the mitochondria and ß-oxidation
activation in cytosol, ß-oxidation in mitochondria matrix
per cycle: 1 FADH2, 1 NADH, 1 acetyl-CoA, 1acyl-CoA (n-2)
translocation of acyl-CoA via carnitine palmitoyltransferase system (important for regulation of ß-oxidation)
oxidative phosphorylation
in intermembrane space
uses NADH2 from glycolysis, Krebs & ß-oxidation
FADH2 from krebs & ß-oxidation
final electron acceptor oxygen —>water
translocation of protons
gradient used by F0F1 ATP synthase—>ATP-production
ATP yield glucose vs fatty acid
glucose: 36 ATP
fatty acid (C16): 129 ATP
Translocation ATP/ADP
ATP/ADP antiport
H+/H2PO4- symport
high ATP/ADP in cytoplasm —>cellular work
low ATP/ADP in mitochondria—>ATP synthesis
Uncoupling of substrate oxidation and ATP synthesis
modulation of heat production
modulation of ROS production
Uncoupling proteins
UCP1: most known, brown adipose tissue
UCP2: ß-cells
UCP3: muscle
UCP4: brain
AMP-activated protein kinase
senses energy level (ratio AMP/ATP)
if depletion ATP activated to increase energy supply
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