Ethical leadership - Definiton
Is the demonstration of normatively appropriate conduct through personal actions and interpersonal relationships, and the promotion of such conduct to followers through two-way communication reinforcement, and decision-making.
Ethical leadership
Several criteria are relevant for judging individual leaders:
person’s values, stage of moral development, conscious intentions, freedom of choice, use of (un)ethical behavior, type of influence used...
Judgments about the ethics of a particular decision take into account:
the purpose (end),
the extent to which behavior is consistent with moral standards (means),
and the consequences for self and others (outcomes)
Ethical leadership - Determinants and Outcomes
(Possible exam question: Tell me the basic idea of Ohio leadership approach and which role has ethical leadership there?)
Ethical leadership in organizations
Unethical behavior is more likely in organizations with
high pressure for increased productivity,
intense competition for rewards and advancements,
strong emphasis on obedience to authority,
strong position power for leaders, and
a lack of strong cultural values and norms about ethical conduct and
individual responsibility
Implicit leadership - Main idea
Main idea:
Comparison of a follower‘s implicit expectations of his/ her leader and theleader‘s actual behavior
Extent to which a leader should adapt his or her own behavior to the expectations of the employees
Implicit leadership - Components
Implicit leadership - Culturally Endorsed Implicit Leadership Theory (CLT)
Extension of implicit leadership by intercultural facet:
Leaders and employees have different cultural backgrounds and different cultures have different ideas about leadership that are based on:
Organizational practices
Strategic framework conditions in the company
=> Employee expectations were described using six leadership characteristics
CLT – Characteristic 1: Charismatic
Positive, optimistic and convincing charisma of a leader
In particular the ability to inspire the led employees
=> Charismatic leadership
CLT – Characteristic 2: Team-oriented
Degree to which a leader is able to integrate the members of a team and to strengthen the team consciousness of the employees he/she leads
CLT – Characteristic 3: Self-Protective
Extent to which a leader primarily pursues his or her own interests (instead of those of employees)
CLT – Characteristic 4: Participative
Degree to which a leader involves the employees in the decision-making process
=> Participative leadership ≈ coopeartive leadership in the Ohio State Leadership Approach
CLT – Characteristic 5: Humane oriented
Expressed through trustworthiness, honesty and loyalty of a leader towards the employees he/she leads
CLT – Characteristic 6: Autonomous
Extent to which a leader makes independent decisions
Implicit leadership - Cross-Cultural Comparisons
Implicit leadership - Critical Review
Cultural independency:
Charismatic and team-oriented leadership are relatively culture-independent factors that increase leadership success
High leader flexibility needed:
Leaders should adapt their behavior to the expectations of the employees they lead
Authenticity lost:
In the case of extrem leader adaption, the authenticity of the leader can be lost
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