Leader-member exchange (LMX) - Main idea and assumptions
Main idea:
Unique dyadic relationships between leaders and followers
Leaders and employees are in a social exchange relationship
Main assumptions:
Three Relationship groups:
Succes Drivers:
Dyadic or bilateral relationship
LMX - Quality of relationship
High quality relationship
Employees receive special status
Assignment of demanding and significant tasks
Quality of relationship in the middle range
Can be become in-group or out-group on the long term
Low quality relationship
Interactions that are formally required
Assignment of less demanding tasks
Leader-Member-Relationship Over Time
LMX-Crotical Review
Critical Review:
Hardly practical implications and concrete recommendations for successful leadership
Empirical results are only comparable to a limited extent due to the use of different measurements
Empowering Leadership - Idea and Assumption
Leadership is practiced from within (i.e. by the employees themselves)
Enabling followers to lead themselves
Supporting the development of self-management or self-leadership skills
Encouraging of
Independent action
Opportunity thinking
Participative goal setting
=> Followers show higher job performance and satisfaction
Empowering Leadership vs Classical Leadership
Empowering Leadership - Implementation
Empowering Leadership - Effects
Sample Statements for Empowering Leadership
Ambidextrous Leadership - Idea and Assumptions
Understanding of leadership that combines opposing, but complementary styles of leadership with regard to the achievement of certain goals
“As well as” leadership concept thus differs from the traditional “either-or” approaches of situational leadership
Current challenges of employee leadership must be mastered by using several leadership styles
Leadership styles must be integrated depending on the task
Negative effect of one leadership style in one area can be offset by the positive effects of another leadership style
Ambidextrous Leadership - Basics
Ambidextrous Leadership - Leader Behavior and Challanges
Ambidextrous Leadership - Four skills
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