What were the major causes of the 2008 Global Financial Crisis?
Main trigger Real Estates crisis in 2007 due to
liquidity surplus and low interest rates on the financial market
balance of payment deficit due to u.a. 9/11= for a stable exchange rate, America had to take foreign debt ro rebalance its deficit mainly from China
+ Expansive monetary policy = increases money amonut = decreasing interest rate
= high liquidity in the capital market + low Fed interst rates = high demand for investments facilities
failure of monetary politics (setting wrong stimuli)
Growing demand and New Business Models on the Real Estate Market
Increased demand were met through investment in common facilities, later in technology AND
Recognition of real estates as a safe + margin promising investment facility
Banks extended loans for real estate
political motivation especially for those at the bottom of the pyramide
low-threshold access
overestimating prices of Real Estates
Real Estate boom
Due to the high-liquidity, opportunities of high-margin financial products decreased = New business modelle: 'securitized' pools of loans = subprime packages= traded on the exchange in high amount (due to high ratings)
Failure in the banking system
Managers ignored risks as their bonuses were linked to short-term returns
credit worthiness of consumer less important (credit lending with variable interest rates) subprime + credit lending included variable interest rates
“New business modell”
Rating Agencies and Regulatory System
high demand for new financial products (subprime packages) rating firms (often linked to the developer (bank) of those products) were motivated to top rate (AAA) those facilities to illustrate them as safe products
complexity due to cumulation overcharged rating agencies and made it kind of impossible to expose bad “credits”
“fair value” accounting stresses that changes in the economic track have to be reported immediately in the books
Banks were selling those investments to ship a round a correction downwards in their books
As many institutions sold those inestments the prices sank
Economic stabilisation -> Fed increased the interest rate
Variable interest rates: Lender couldn’t pay the increased loan claims
sold there houses but on decreased prices due to the massive selling of houses so they weren’t able to refinance their credit
Banks got those downgraded houses back
increased supply of houses while decreased demand = decreased prices of Real Estates
+ subprime packages + high rated = sold a lot of domestic and foreign banks, insurances and other FIs BUT also decreased in deman due to decreased margins
banks, insurances, FIs lost their liquidity + banks didn’t trust each other anymore so they didn’t lend each other money
banks lost their liquidity: Lehmann Brothers as the first bank that were insolvent
bank runs as the consumer recognized that the bank cannot serve all deposits!
Mechanismus einfach
Leistungsbilanzdefizit wurde durch ausl. Kreditaufnahme geregelt, um die Bankreserven auszugleichen um den Wechselkurs stabil zu halten
Expansive Geldpolitik = Erhöhung der Geldmenge
Sinkender Leitzins der FED
= Steigende Nachfrage nach Anlagemöglichkeiten
Housing als sichere Anlage
Politik motiviert zum Häuser Kauf
Niedrige Zinsen = niedrigschwelliger Zugang zu Immobilienkrediten
Zur Bedienung der Nachfrage Schaffung von neuen Fianzprodukten: subpreme-packages = kumulierte verbriefte Kreditpläne
werden an der Börse gehandelt
Steigende Nachfrage = steigende Häuserpreise = “doppelt” steigende Nachfrage nach Immobilieninvestitionen
Banken kontrollieren die Kreditwürdigkeit der Nehmer nicht ausreichend, da sich bei Kreditausfall der Kredit durch einen high-margin exit refinanzieren lässt
Variable Zinsen
Bonus Manger bspw. Fond-Manger orientiert sich an kurzfristigen Gewinnen, risikofreudig
Rating-Agenturen können aufgrund der Komplexität und der Kommulation nicht genau durchsteigen, welche Kreditpläne genau beinhaltet sind
Immobilien gängig als sicheres Produkt
Rating-Agenturen verbunden mit Entwicklern der neuen Produkte + hohe Margen = hohes Interesse, diese loszuwerden
AAA rating
Wirtschaftliche Erholung = Erhöhung des Leitzins
Bei variablen Tilgungszinsen erhöhen diese sich mit dem Leitzins
Eigentlich nicht-kreditwürdige Haushalte können nicht tilgen
Immobilie geht an die Bank
Kann nicht verkaufen, da Immobilienpreise gesunken sind
Subpreme packages verlieren an Wert, da Immobilienpreise sinken
Banken verlierel Liquidität
leihen sich aufgrund von Unsicherheit kein Geld
gehen Insolvenz
Moral-hazard als Folge von Bankenrettung
What is meant by "speculative bubbles"? How do they come about?
Created by high liquidity in the global financial system due to payment imbalances
e.g. America large account deficits were rebalanced by foreign debt mainly from China
High liquidity decreases interest rates and increases demand for investment facilities = tigger for creating innovative investment facilities
leads to a credit boom and exaggerated asset values particularly in the house market as it is understood as a safe investment
e.g. America: high liquidity + decreased interest rate + political motivation = low-threshold access to credits for houses = high-deman especially at the bottom of the pyramide + subprime-packages as new investment facilities = increasing house prices = double increased demand for investments linked to houses
Bubble breaks as soon as prices decreases and the interest rates are rising
It’s a bubble “nothing is real anymore”: individual borrower can’t pay their credit requirements + subpreme packages are nothing worth can’t be sold + even the money that is given the borrower isn’t state’s property
How can banks better prepare for financial crises?
Banks should have a fixed share of the total assets e.g. 8% reserved by cash or equity
Earlier gold-standard; Bretton-Woods died because they didn’t increase their gold according the global money stock in USD
What impact did the Global Financial Crisis have on the
neoliberal consensus?
Led to a decreasing concensus on neoliberal concepts
“legitimacy crisis”
Neoliberal concepts believe in a seperation of politics and economics = economic realism
As Polanyi, as a prominent critical voice towards neoliberal practice especially the self-regulating market, has stated: the social sphere es embadded in the market! The market is shaping the social sphere, so everything has to become market-like (Kommodifizierung)
neoliberal concepts treat humans as market goods which will destroy the basis of living
Neoliberal practices have negative externalities that affect humans and their environment
neoliberal concepts are modells and can’t illustrate the real world and are not designed to see the bigger picture
The world changed since their development, they are not according to it anymore
As GFC showed the market is not the most effective tool!
Humans have to be protected as we can see from the GFC as it had cost states a lot of PUBLIC money which could have been invested way better
In the and the end the state had to intervent! State as the corrective of the market and the assumption that a totalls selfregulated market is possible can be rejected
=> still the crisis didn’t really threatened the primacy of neoliberal principles
=> Huge governmental activities sent also wrong signals, as risky behaviour is not directly sanctioned
=> kind of strengthened its predominant position
massive state interventions were made to rescue this failed system
What is meant by "hegemonic incorporation" and "collectivist cooperation" with regard to the G20?
hegemonic incorporation
informal forum of the 19 largest world economies and the EU
crisis commitee
as a response to the unequal economic governance, many emerging countries took a more importnat global role
Institutionalisation of dialogue between developed and emerging economies with an aim on stable economic development and growth
Especially after Global Financial Crisis 2008 the G20 achieved greater importance
diverging positions due to global imbalances have split the G20 in Soutern powers acting against US-hegemony
The incorporation of emerging countries as basis to introduce/onboard them to the hegemonic world order
Adjusting them into line with Western models and neoliberal practices
capital opening
flexible exhcange rates
monetary stability
Despite kind of undermining them, a collectivist cooperation was created by including them in the decisionmaking process
possibility for a more representative and ccoperative global governance (shaped by US-hegemony)
weren’t at the peak/lead of power but they had the opportunity to raise their voice (especially South-Korea & Australia used this tool)
Creating stronger legitimacy!!
greater opportunity for cooperation and to embedd the developing for calming down the market and regulate financialisation
What can be understood by a "concert-like mechanism“?
How does it differ from "plurilateral practice“ in the G20?
concert-like mechanism at the first stage of G-20 as crisis commitee
G-20 is highly selective
Announced them by themselves
Excluded countires felt stigmatised and left out
During GFC strong degree of privileging of core stats particularly targeting US and UK (hosts of the summit)
= concerted interests of leading powers
Interaktion of similar units
delegation of tasks and responsibilities to working groups = lead the whole agenda and outcome
“new forum of old voices”, not changing
Serving the American interests
BUT G20 is not a static thing it changed fundamentally according to the changes in global power into a plurilateral mechanism
Interaction of differential units leads to a plural exchange
decentralisation and erosion of hierarchy
Former secondary powers become an opportunity to race their voice that is used to create a stabilisation voice in the increasing tension between great powers
Southcorea as host for summit
turning away from the core agenda and shifting to development dimension of the G20
Emerging countries didn’t want the IMF as a rescure from crisis (stigma) they wanted IMF rather as help for crisis-prevention
o what extent does the G20 go beyond a regular summit
of heads of state and governmen
Significant responsibilities on the heads of government, though
IcebergTheory of Global Governance’reflects the enormous work of ministers, working groups,advisors, officials from the Bretton Woods institutions and other institutions such as theOECD and the FSB
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