Covid-19 as a Polypandemic
Affection of pandemic differed between the world rgeions
Europa and North America high rates of infections and deaths
sub-Saharan Africa remained below fears (due to younger population)
Brazil particular suffered due to Bolsonares half-hearted interventions
Polypandemic also due to the different sectors that were affected
To what extent is the resilience of state institutions an important prerequisite for successful pandemic response?
Degree to which states were able to cope with pandamic significantly depended on the quality of institutions and the degree of social protection
pandemic response policies played an importan role
China managed it’s crisis quite well as they had strong institutions
Central to human security are social systems
e.g. in how fare a healthcare system and health insurances are provided
have been eroded in many countries under neoloiberal “lean state”
Especially rural regions are often marginalised and suffer from a poor infrastructure for basic needs (clean water, energy and security) = thus more vulnerable
Especially indigenous population have poot access to information and health institutions
Also people in slum-like dwellings were particularly affected due to the fact that states don’t actively take care of them
What were the consequences of the pandemic for health, poverty and food insecurity?
Health system in a stress test
75% in least developed countries live in slum-like dwelling without the opportunities to take care of the aquired hygene techniques or distance techniques
high numbers of infected in the European or Northern American countries led to an overflood of hospitals which run out of capcits and treatment of normal illnesses were restricted or
rising rates of maternal and child mortality
Food and Poverty Insecurity
Especially the urban poor suffered from scarcity or high food prices
no alternatives e.g. farming or buying somewhere else
Also many countires depend on the global food markets and suffered from increasing prices
number of undernourished people rised by nearly 1/5
People fell into extreme poverty
Has the pandemic brought about fundamental changes in the world order?
not fundamental
the global North remains the top of the pyramide due to more opportunities of rebalancing and more stable political institutions with higher means
political (and economic) power used in supply chains and economic networks
e.g. global North managed to ship around the general idea of COVAX and cooperated with each other so their were able to make more favourable deals for the pharmacy industry
weaponised interpendence e.g. China nearly calmed down the whole car industry in Germany due to the shortened/stopped deliver of micro chips
Later oligopol in the buying of vaccines
CHINA <-> US hegemony “fight”
tried to instrumentalise the pandamic for domestic goals and polarisation
Trump “Wuhan Flu”
China exported most vaccines to those countries they wanted on their side
BUT two mechanisms that challenged the world order
coordination at UN level (same opportunities 4 all)
WHO didn’t announce universal health norms, in former times measures affected everybody no matter if they were accurate to the situation and needs of a country or not
Neoliberal predomination was tackled but foremost showed its resilience
crisis tackled the neoliberal order as it again showed that the market is not able to produce the best outcome of goods and effects human lifes
The global South even tried to secure the market
But neoliberal paradigm is a cultural formation and subtile technolgy of power
path dependecy manifests this order
Also those who benefit from the neoliberal paradigm, global elites, gained even mor influence during pandamic
Bill Gates gained much influence in the Global Health Policy
How did the USA and China perform during the pandemic?
USA failed to perform with policy competence and lost soft power
hesist and inappropriate response on the domestic level contributed to how numbers of victims
money from the WHO was withdrawn
Instead of taking care of the health of humans they spent trillion of dollars to secure the survival of the economy => most important to hegemony
ALSO in the COVAX facility they didn’t contribute to the general purpose of the facility of accessible and affordable vaccines rather they shipped around it by bilateral cooperation with the UK
China was able to controle the virus and spent billion dollars for research in the WHO framework (diplomatic causes)
US-China realtionship was tense
US assumed that China was weaponising its role in medical supply chain
but they agreed on a trade agreement showing that economic interests weren’t fundamentally changed
In how far was the neoliberal paradigm challenged during the COVID-19 pandemic?
crisis tackled the neoliberal order as it again showed that the market is not able to produce the best allocation of goods and effects human lifes
Governmental measures to reduce the negative externalities of the pandemic are also fostering the neoliberal paradigm as it, even not always, protects humans from the market therefor it can be seen as a stabilising mechanism
one prerequisite in the neoliberal order
AND also showing strong welfare states that is countering the favoured by neoliberalism “lean state”
austerity policy was abandoned and governmental spending significantly increased
actively intervented in supply chains
COVAX eventhough it kind of failed, showed that there is an alternative to oligopolistic marjet structures
What has been the main goal of the COVAX initiative? Has it actually led to more global solidarity?
Main goal
leveraging an accessible and affordable provision of vaccines to all states
pharma industry favoured bying in bulk -> wasn’t possible for developing countires
facility bought vaccines from the producers in order to distribute them worldwide and particular to poorer regions in GS
repeating seariously delays
the dosis of low-income countries were formally procured but the finance was made through ODA, private sector and philanthropy so those countries dependen on “charity aid” and goof-will of foreign policy priorities
Higher-income countries (US) didn’t finance
RIC followed their “vaccine diplomacy” and provided aid ans support on bilateral level
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