What are three important points about case studies?
In business, the case is very often a firm or organization even if the subject matter is not.
The difference to ethnography is that case study normally does not involve participant observation or fieldwork.
Case study research is per se philosophically neutral.
What are the two primary uses of Case study?
Teaching cases: used to illustrate and exemplify a theory or particular point
Case-based teaching: we use real-life examples to bring theory to life
Research cases: used as empirical evidence to convince others of the (in-)applicability of particular theory or proposition
To describe: systematically a previously unknown or emergent phenomenon within the real-life setting in which it occurs.
To explore: to discuss patterns and linkages in a poorly understood or emergent phenomenon.
To explain: to develop, evaluate, or compare theoretical explanations or predictions about a phenomenon.
What is the replication logic in multiple case studies research?
The selection of subsequent cases in addition to an initial/primary case.
Different logics exist for replication:
Snowball sampling logics: selection of cases occurs throughout the project when there is a need for another case to develop certain insights further, depending on what is already known.
Literal replication logic: A mechanism to build credibility: additional cases that are similar to the original case are identified so that the additional cases can validate earlier findings in a new setting
Theoretical sampling logic: additional cases are selected based on specific theoretical expectations (e.g., conditions where we would expect similar patterns to occur or conditions where we would expect certain patterns not to occur).
What are Holistic and Embedded Case Designs?
Embedded design means that there is more than one unit of analysis in a study of one or several cases related to the same object of investigation.
allows a researcher to define an appropriate set of subunits and thereby add to the sensitivity of the investigation
Holistic designs characterize case studies that investigate a phenomenon on a more global level.
advantageous either when no logical subunits can be identified or when the theory itself is of a holistic nature.
What is theoretical satisfaction in Analysis?
“Theoretical saturation“ is a term used to describe the situation that no new insights, concepts or ideas are being found during data analysis. It signals a point to stop collecting and analysing data (i.e., nothing new emerges any more).
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