According to Easterly/Williamson (2011), what criteria can be used to determine whether aid agencies are working effectively? Briefly define the five criteria! Do you think they are appropriate?
Classical aid in the form of ODA won’t be sufficent to achieve SDGs
Definition of ODA (offical developemnt aid) is not appropriate anymore as it is too narrow and doesn’t capture adequately the reality
many donors, large and small
new models for financung development are often based on neo-liberak thinking
China is providing an alternative model, mainyl channeling infrastructure and financial development aid
Conceptualising best practice by the following criterias
Agency transparency: inclusive access to information about the operations of an agency e.g. China doesn’t publish any figures about its development activities
Minimal overhead costs: Huge agencies often need/use a lot of the aid funds for their bureaucracy, monitoring and hiring and high billing experts e.g. UN agencies
e.g. through; ratio of administraive costs to ODA
BUT very low overheads is not necesserily better as their is a need of structure and high salaries in this sector
Specialisation vs. fragmentation of aid: development policies often perform fragmented, agencies are splitting their budget among a large number of recipents and sectors
Problem: potential loss of effectiveness as there are countries and sectors that are “double” funded
Delivery to more effective channels:
Problematic field e.g. tied aid (contractually agreed/forced to spent a certain amount on the donor countries goods or services e.g. China), Food aid: higher income countries export their excess and floods the domestic market which leads to increasing competition and decreasing prices, TA: funding forces to hire consultants from the donor country BETTER
Aid is better, when allocations to less corrupt, more democratically free, poor countires (those in need)
USA: non-selectivity may reflect aid as foreign policy tool
How can the ODA concept of aid be defined? What points of criticism are there?
definition by OECD 1972 to conceptualise aid
South-South cooperation; often other models of development aid: based on principles of solidarity, mutual respects, mutual benefit and no interventions in domestic affairs
e.g. China’s development policies
North-South Cooperation: ODA (mainly)
flows to countries and territories
Benefiting recipients and multilateral development institutions are defined by OECD DAC list
provided by offical agencies or executive agencies
World Bank data on per capita income
based on western values: targeting economic development and welfare
usually has a concessional character (grant element is included
Problem: development aid is experiencing a shift as the number of actors increased significantly and the measures have changed and ODA is no longer covering all the activities of the ODA donor
especially South-South-Cooperation is not covered by it
equity investment, export credits, long-term non-concessioanl loand CHINA
What is meant by "beyond aid"? What are the dimensions of the concept? What do you think of the new emphasis on mobilising private capital with the help of ODA?
aid aims to improve living conditions in poor countries
DAC ODA definition leaves out that aid of donors also include other objectives such as intrinsic motivation to push own policy desires
asymmetrical balanc of power in aid relationships that is often manifested through the measure (e.g. TA with consultants from the donor country or tied aid)
Beyond aid
includes the decreasing role of aid relative to other contributions to development
Decreaing opportunity to shape policy through aid as the high number of aid actors decreases the weight of a specific partner
Four dimensions in which “beyond aid” differs from normal ODA
Proliferation of aid actors: SSC, Private actors (NGOs, church-based, private charities)
Proliferation of Finance sources and mechanisms: development finance targets the leveraging of private capital flow ( public-private partnership based on matching fun models)
Regulation: International regimes increasingly define the framework of development (e.g. climate change); fostering trade especially access to markets and migration are more important than aid for achieving SDGs
Knowledge: implicit knowledge of working in local contexts has become more relevant; knowledge generation, transmission, and use gain importance (development as a learning process)
Mobilising private capital
positve as the public sector doesn’t have the means to achieve the SDGs
Mobilising private capital also means supporting development of private entrepreneurship which is good for economic growth, decent labour, income generation
PPP de-risks investments as the governmantal funds acts as a guarentee and enables other eco-system donor to invest too (leveraging private capital)
Blended finans as a new measure of the huge development banks especially IFC, FMO and Proparco
financialisation goes hand in hand with marketisation and capitalism
fostering private sector also fostery property rights and trickle-down is often not working, increases unequal distribution
Countries can become dependent on foreign financing (e.g. Lewis-Modell dual economy; economic growth and capital accumulation can stop as soon as the foreign means are withdrawn)
Should development co-operation concentrate more on poverty reduction or should it focus more comprehensively on public goods and global challenges (e.g. environment, climate change, security)? Can the two approaches be combined?
hard to decide
Global problems can only address through global cooperation
COVID-19 has also shown that many countries have no chance in the competition for scarce goods
Distribution of scarce goods is managed by asymmetric power and those in need or without any capacities fall behind
Security: peace keeping vs peace building, also UN misssions or foreign military that should help can’t be seen as an exclusively effective tool, in the past it happened that those mission increased potential vor violence
BUT developing countries are often not the predictor of the global challenges
Environment and poverty alleviation often related with trade-offs e.g. cement industry is a high-emitter BUT countries need cement for building infrastructure and also this creates labour
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