
TOP11 Climate Crisis

von Lea L.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the Paris Agreement?

  • 2015, success of COP21 in Paris

  • 2°C, best case 1,5°C, between 2050 and 2100 emission balance


  • All countries under international law became part oft he mitigation project

    • International cooperation, dialogue between countries

    • polycentric no fixed hierarchies or authority

  • Nationaly Determined Contributions (NDCs), accompanied by a review process

    • Domestic driven climate politics for mitigation actions

      • determine if Paris Agreement and emission balance can be achieved

    • efforts by each country to reduce national emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change

    • flexibility (different economic and political contribution to climate change) and trust in the countries as experts in own issues

    • Each country has to prepare, communicate and maintain its contribution that it treis to archieve

    • Focus on mitigation

    • Climate finance should assist vulnerable countries to adapt to climate change concept of „loss and damage“

      • mainly financed by means of the industrial countries

    • Peace agreement would become an international treaty

    • Agreement could have had an impact on „business decisions“

      • Send signal to the market about international community’s long-term political objectives (institutions that depend on public financing, will focus on the objectives of its states), can encourage and support voluntary effort by private sector (increasing their reputation)

  • Opens up for non-state actors

    • e.g. 5-year cycle of reviewing and communicating achieved NDS


  • Significantly under 2° compared to pre-industrial under international law, 1,5°C is only best case-scenario

    • 2°C would end up in massive consequences and horror scnarios, tipping points e.g. grönland ice-shield melt, than tempreature increasing again-       

  • Commitment to significant NDCs as collective good problem per se

    • To reach the 1,5°C goal, countries have no time to hesistate due to CO2-budgets

      • the longer they wait the harder/more efficent they have to decrease their CO2 emissions

      • BUT free rider and strong need fot peers, preferly the powerful and aconomic-strong states (climate action is often seen as costs)

      • +

  • No sanctions for not fulfilling

    • Reputational risk not enough to sanction a world power like US (Trump left) + which is that dependend on fossil fuels

    • Especially those countries are important for the long-term success (peer pressure)


Lea L.


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