Cohesion-tension theory
Water evaporates from intercellular spaces in the leaves
Negative hydraulic pressure (water potential)
Cohesive forces among water molecules —> integrity of water column
Pores on the learf surface to regulate gas exchange
Close at night and under drought
Water transportation in the Xylem
Initial water transport driven by Osmosis
apoplastic (through cell wall) and symplastic (through symroute cytoplasm)
Water transport in wood
Tracheids in Softwoods (pits)
Vessels in HW (perforation plates)
Tree as water pump
Waterflow as a physical process
Follows path of least resistance (from higher to lower water potential)
Theoretical tensile strength of water: -130MPa
Advantages and disadvantages of passive water transport
If soil is very dry, water can be pulled out from the roots (follows water potential)
Saves energy
If stomata are closed —> no water transport
If there is little transpiration (verdunstung) —> no water transport —> but Xylem sap contains solutes (nutrients & sugar) required for growth
Cavitations/Embolism: Hydraulic failure
Abprupt transition from metastable liquid to gas phase
Gas bubble formed —> expand in water column under tension —> gases can not resist tensile forces
Visulization of embolism
Staining methods (färbemethode)
Xray microthomography
Freezing vs. drought induced cavitation
Freezing induced: bubbles expand when ice melts and xylem water is under tension from transpiration
Drought induced: air is sucked through a pit into functional water filled conduit
Vulnerability curve
Percentage loss of conductance for full range of xylem potential
P50: pressure at which 50% of conductance is lost due to cavitations
How to produce vulnerability curves
Centrifuge method (Cavitron)
Stem segment span in centrifuge
Centrifugal forces are converted to water potential
Percentage of loss is determined for different water potentials
Alternative methods: micro CT etc.
Curves differ among species
Embolism refilling
Not possible if Xylem is under tension
Depolymerization of starch to sugar in neighboring parenchyma cells to increase osmotic potential
Some species are able to refill embolism under positive xylem pressure at night (unlikely to occur)
Tyloses form as parenchyma cells from adjacent rays protrude into embolized vessels
—> comparmentalize embolized vessels from still functional vessels
Water transport efficiency
Hagen posseuilles law: Durchflussmenge an Wasser ist abhängig vom radius hoch 4
More wood cross section is needed to contain many small vessels having a combined conductivity of a few large vessels
If small latewood vessels contribute so little to the overall water transport of this ring, why does it exists? What is their role?
Providing a safety net
Gurantee a min level of water transport
Extreme drought cavitates most earlywood vessels
All earlywood vessel are cavitate in winter or even before
water transport for newly forming ring
Cell wall reinforcement
Tracheids are subjected to enormous tension during drought stress
Tracheids at the risk of implosion
Biomechanical resistance to implosion: t/bhoch2
t: cell wall thickness
b: lume breite
Safety vs. efficiency Trade-off
HW: wide vessel conduct water more efficiently; narrow vessels are more resistant to dysfunction
SW: link between tracheid size and hydraulic failure is more complex; tracheid size and cell wall reinfocement are negatovely linked indicating a trade-off between hydraulice eff. and safety
Xylem network offers alternative pathways when specific conduit element is embolized
Connectivity of Xylem also increase the risk of cavitation spreading from one conduit to another
Space constraints
Allocating space for water conducting cells reduces space available for cells providing mechanical strength and support and storage
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