muscle and muscle fiber
muscle consists of 1000s of muscle fibers
muscle fiber = muscle cell
inside each muscle-specific protein: myofibrils composed of actin & myosin
skeletal muscle linked to bones to allow movement
100s of different skeletal muscles (& smooth muscle)
average length of skeletal muscle cell 3 cm (sartorius muscle up to 30 cm (thigh), stapedius muscle 1 mm (inner-ear)
diameter varies from 10-100 um
Muscular contraction
myofibrils difference from other cells allowing contraction
filaments of actin & myosin overlap —> structured in functional units repeating 1000s of times
disposed in the length of muscle cells, contraction due to increased overlapping of actin & myosin
myosin heads link to actin & pull actin towards the center —>macroscopic reduction of muscle
one functional unit goes from 3 um to 1.5 um in the contracted state
skeletal muscle highly structured & composed of repeated functional units
Molecular muscular contraction
ATP binds the myosin head & chemical energy from hydrolysis is transferred to the myosin head —> changes conformation
increase in cytoplasmic Ca2+ binds troponin on actin filaments unmasking the binding site of the myosin head
muscle contraction in presence of Ca2+ & ATP —> 90-100x / min contraction & relaxation while running
—>thight control needed
tropomyosin has a structural role in the correct distribution of troponin
Excitation-contraction coupling
signal for contraction comes from the brain & goes down the spinal cord via efferent neurons
heart sends nutrients to produce ATP & lungs provide oxygen for aerobic metabolism but contraction only after signaling from the brain
molecular excitation-contraction coupling
action potential generated & propagates along sarcolemma down the T-tubules
Action potential triggers Ca2+ release from ER
Ca2+ binds troponin —>conformational changes —>removes blocking action of tropomyosin —>actin active sites exposed
contraction, myosin cross-bridges alternately attach to actin & detach, pulling the actin filaments toward the center of the sarcomere, release of energy by ATP hydrolysis powers the cycling process
removal of Ca2+ by active transport into the SR after the action potential ends
Tropomyosin blockage restored blocking of actin active sites, contraction ends & muscle fiber relaxes
Muscle perfusion
oxygen & metabolic substrates must reach skeletal muscle to ensure ATP availability
1 muscle cell connected to half a dozen capillaries depending on training & genetics
capillary has the size of a red blood cell —>pass 1 after the other & carries oxygen (hemoglobin), no nucleus
few glycolytic molecules & no mitochondria —>efficient O2 transfer without using it itself
hemoglobin has 4 binding sites for O2 that are occupied depending on the partial pressure of O2 around it
high partial O2 pressure: in the lungs —> hemoglobin fully saturated
travels some minutes to go from the lungs over the heart and via the vascular system into capillaries of skeletal muscles
low partial O2 pressure: in capilalries of skeletal muscles (hemoglobin releases O2)
myoglobin: has 1 subunit binding O2 & can bind O2 at partial pressure present in skeletal muscles (high affinity)—> released O2 in intravascular space pulled by myoglobin
—> Difference in affinity important
blood circulation
oxygen needed in every cell for nutrient production ->transported in the bloodstream
in the lungs alveoli are filled with air (the last compartment with direct contact with the atmosphere)
blood enters the lung with a low level of oxygen & leaves with a high level
the time needed to go through the capillary system of the lung allows hemoglobin to be fully saturated with O2
capillary blood collected —> goes through the left ventricle of the heart & distributed —> part goes to capillaries of skeletal muscle & release O2 from hemoglobin —> collected in vein, back in right ventricle of heart & sent to lung
types of muscle fibers
red & white muscle fibers but also a continuum in between
red color by myoglobin
ratio of red & white fibers determined by genetics & can be pushed by training
type 1: red fibers with a high level of myoglobin, high aerobic metabolism (oxidative metabolism, many mitochondria), high resistance to fatigue & slow contracting, lower contraction power but modest at a long time, thin
type 2B: low amount of oxygen—>glycolytic metabolism, fast contraction but rapidly exhausted by exercise, more voluminous (sprinter bigger than marathon runner)
type 2A: pink fibers
metabolism of skeletal muscle fibers
differences in glucose, lactate & fatty acid metabolism between fast & slow muscle fibers
fast (white fibers): glycolysis, full of glycolytic enzymes & many glucose transporters
slow (red fibers): relies on FA metabolism & much more mitochondria present —> different enzymatic & mitochondrial status
effects on skeletal muscle fibers of training
measured by biopsies
possibility to switch from type IIb to IIa —>push preexisting fibers (white —> pink) if trained aerobically
white fibers acquire more mitochondria, capillaries & myoglobin due to training
but no full conversion white —> red fiber, with training only partial switch possible
the main determinant for aerobic performance is genetics, training minor component
Basal metabolism
24 h energy need of a resting organism
energy for the heart, brain, respiration, digestion, preservation of constant body temperature
parameters influencing: weight, size & age (with age decreased energy need)
2000-2500 kcal needed for daily life, on top training session
metabolic equivalent task
consumption of 3.5 mL O2/min/kg at resting state —>basic oxygen consumption level
less than 1 MET during sleeping
18 MET if running > 17,5 km/h —> 18 fold increase in energy expenditure
exergaming: exercise + gaming around 4 MET (similar to normal biking)
energy storage - carbohydrates
400-500g stored & available for ATP production (glycolysis & aerobic processes)
muscular glycogen: 325 g (15g /kg)
liver glycogen: 90-100g (very important —> gluconeogenesis)
blood glucose: 15-20g to maintain glycemia
4 kcal/g of glycogen —> 1600kcal/individual as carbohydrates available
1kcal/kg/km —>600 kcal/h —>3h of running
carbohydrates metabolism
glucose uptake in liver & muscle —>glycogen synthesis & storage until needed
breakdown of glycogen into G6P used in glycolysis to produce ATP —> in muscle and liver
in liver: glucose-6-phosphatase —> glucose can passively diffuse outside into blood circulation -> can be taken up by cells needing it
energy storage - lipids
triglycerides in adipose tissue - lipid vacuoles between muscle fibers
10 kg for a 79 kg male —> huge in comparison to sugars (400g)
90000kcal (limitless) —> 100g of lipids allow 800 kcal
exercise intensity as a function of time
3 phases in exercise: intensity as a function of time —> 3 metabolic pathways
metabolic pathway: way by which ATP is produced
high speed (15-20s) —> non lactic, anaerobic
quick decrease —> lactic, anaerobic
decrease at a lower rate —> aerobic (most efficient extraction of ATP, respiration & heart function needs to be adapted)
non-lactic, anaerobic pathway
no oxygen —> no waste
not a real pathway
need immediately ATP —> use ATP present in the cytoplasm & P-creatine for ATP production
85g ATP present: no storage of only usable form of energy due to instability —>need ATP regeneration at high speed
provides muscle 2-3 sec with energy & CP for 10 sec
—>allows the switch to glycolysis
lactic, anaerobic pathway
ATP due to glucose metabolism in the cytoplasm: glucose —>pyruvate
nothing in the mitochondria: heart rate not yet increased
only cytoplasmic glycolysis
lactate produced: released from muscle & captured by the liver —> transition to glucose
sources of ATP after phosphagen exhaustion: glucose & glycogen
releases 5% of the total amount of energy available form glucose oxidation
relative contributions of metabolic pathways to energy production over the time course of exercise
cross of metabolic pathways at 3-4 min
if not too fast run exclusively aerobic after 10-15 min
switch anaerobic to aerobic
aerobic pathway
after increased heart rate & breathing frequency —> more oxygen-rich blood pumped & provided to skeletal muscles
pyruvate enters mitochondria —> Acetyl-CoA
used in the Krebs cycle, then the respiratory chain to produce ATP
1 glucose = 34 /36 ATP —> more efficient than anaerobic glycolysis
Relative organ & tissue perfusion at rest and during stress
amount of blood delivered by heart: pumps under stress 5 times more blood/min
5L/min at rest & at Absolute perfusion 25 L /min
at rest, 15-20% of blood is delivered to muscle cells, under stress 80-85%
large range between resting & maximal exercise —> more oxygen & nutrients delivered
maximal volume of oxygen consumed per unit of time during maximal aerobic exercise
determines the volume of consumed oxygen
depends on:
lung capacity (surface of interaction)
blood oxygenation by the lungs
cardiac output (amount of blood the heart can push during contraction)
total blood volume
total body hemoglobin (used in doping)
muscle blood flow (the more capillaries, the more RBC can pass)
muscle oxygen extraction
VO2max as an index of aerobic potential
highest ever measured 99,5 (but probably doping)
VO2max values 50-100% greater than those seen in normally active healthy young subjects (45-50mL/min/kg) are seen in champion endurance athletes
training: stroke & blood volume, capillary & mitochondrial density
the upper limit of aerobic power officially measured without doping: 90,6 mL/min/kg
in female slightly lower (higher fat mass)—>testosterone increases muscle mass & reduces fat mass
difference between species ( in antelopes > 300 mL/min/kg)
Exercise capacity & mortality among men referred for exercise testing
with VO2max increase of MET (up to 25-fold)
without disease life-expectancy dependent on VO2max —>classified according to MET
aerobic power among octogenarian lifelong endurance athletes
prognostic of normal people & high-level athletes that trained > 50 years of consistent exercise training without no more than 6 months of no training
athletes with a history of vigorous aerobic exercise (4-6 days/week)
compare VO2max with classical octogenarians
with aging VO2max slowly decreases until not able to sustain life
in athletes, VO2max doubled
Lactate threshold
VO2max is not the only important parameter —> with identical VO2max different endurance / performance
lactate threshold: at comfortable pase 40-50% of personal VO2max, if faster (increased intensity) 60-70% VO2max & increase in blood lactate—>could go higher in oxygen consumption but additional ATP via glycolysis provided
pure aerobic: mainly FA burnt —> no glycolysis
aerobic + anaerobic: additionally glycolysis —> not all pyruvate can be used in Krebs cycle —> reduced to lactate
lactate correlated to the synthesis of protons
acidification —>muscle fatigue
the more lactate produced the lower the pH —> not good for muscle contraction
EPO receptor expressed during differentiation of blood cells —> exogenous EPO pushes undifferentiated
cells into differentiated RBC —> increases hematocrit & oxygen carrying capacity
EPO = erythropoiesis stimulation —> endogenous molecule (undetectable in the beginning)
designs to differentiate endogenous & exogenous EPO —> circle of new doping strategies until detectable
EPO doping
between 1989-2001 abnormal increases in Hb in world-class cross-country competitors
Virenque: 500 EPO doses over 5 years
take low doses all year long —> no changes in biological passport
effect of low-dose EPO
the maximum power that can be delivered increased by 10-15% at low doses for 3 months
huge in respect to differences at high-level sport
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