VP, NP, AdjP, etc.
Subject, Verb, Object
open class (nouns, adjectives, adverbs, full verbs, copular verbs) -> offen für Neuwortbildungen
closed inventory -> keine Entlehnungen (primary verbs, modal verbs, determiners, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions)
additional classes -> numerals and interjections
word of unique function -> Negativpartikel (not) und Infinitivmarker (to)
full verbs -> run, cook
primary verbs -> do, be, have (sowohl alleine als auch mit aux. -> Zeitform)
auxiliaries -> should, could, etc. (nur mit full verb)
Copular Verb
be, become, seem
immer mit Cs/Cx (I am a teacher
the, a, some (his book -> dtm)
the first/only auxiliary that comes first in a question (Do they often go abroad?)
endocentric (VP, NP, AdjP, AdvP) vs. exocentric (PrepP)
Funktionen der Phrasenstruktur
Determination (dtm) -> definit, indefinit, partitive, universell
Modification (premod/postmod)
Complementation (Adj -> easy to understand)
NP -> dtm + prem. + head + postm. S, O, Cs, Co, Oprep, A + modifier
VP -> aux + main verb V
AdjP -> prem. + head + postm. + complement Co, Cs
AdvP -> prem. + head + postm. A
PrepP -> prep + PrepC A, Cs (on, to, at, of, near, by, in, out, for)
Funktionale Konstituenten im Satz
S -> NP, pronoun, clause
O -> Od (wen, was? -> NOP, clause), Oi (Wem? Vor Od -> NP, PP, clause), Oprep (prep vor O)
C -> Cs (bezieht sich auf S -> NP, AdjP), Co (bezieht sich auf O -> AdjP, NP, clause)
A -> time, place, reason, manner,…
immer A: PrepP
joining clauses of equal syntactic status
-> conjoints -> z.B. PP conjoint (by air or by rail) oder N conjoint (his son and daughter)
joining main and subordinate clause -> complex sentence (no head, has S+V)
-> finite, non-finite & verbless clauses
Embedded clause
clause becomes constituent of a phrase (postmod NP) -> has a head!
=> Teil einer Phrase! z.B. noun phrase My father who was in the army didn’t come today. My father who was in the army = NP, dann zweite Ebene, relative clause
That clause
Nominal that-clause (subordinate)
In positions where you normally find a noun/ S, Od, Cs
I’d forgotten that you’d rung somebody up
It (Sformal) is a disgrace (Cs) that one in... (Snotional) -> Extrapositon
Attributive that-clause (embedded) Follow a NP head like answer, belief, demand, fact, feeling, knowledge, news, proposal, statement
{The fact (head) that English is relatively easy to learn} makes it a good language.
(introd. by interr. pronoun (like, what) or if/ whether -> after ask/ tell/ doubt/ know/ explain)
Nominal (sub.)
S, Od, Cs -> What to do on NYE (S) has not yet been decided
Attributive (emb.)
Postm. A NP-head -> We weren’t given (any information about {where it was} Od)
Adverbial clause
(Subobordinate, before main cl. -> Comma! Otherwise not -> subordinative conjunction!!!)
Subordinative conjunctions-> because, although, so that, as soon as, when, before, ...)
Since they had broken up last week (A: adv-cl), she didn’t feel confident
Conditional sentences
Main clause (consequence) + conditional subordinate clause
If we run out of steaks (= Areason), we might put sausgage on
Relative clause
Attributive (embedded, postmofidy a NP head & has an antecedent) + who, which, that
Defining: necessary for understanding, that, no comma, Rel pron. Can be left out
This is {the problem (head) which we’re heaving at the moment} (Cs)
Non-defining: not necessary for understanding, no that,comma, rel.Pronoun cannot be left out There’s Portugal, there’s Las Palmas, which is one of the canary islands, and there’s Rhodes.
Nominal (subordinate, S or O, no antecedent -> is within them (whoever, wherever) Whoever told you that (S) was wrong.
Sentential (Main cl. + subo. A -> sentence commenting adverbial! No antecedent, comma + which)
He looked like a student, which in fact he was (A).
Comparative clause
I love you {more deeply than I can say} -> AdjP
Zuletzt geändertvor einem Jahr