Opracowane przez
Drafted by
Sprawy administracyjne
Administrative affairs
Zatwierdza projekt ustawy
Approves a Bill
Wchodzić w życie
Come into force
Indywidualny poseł
Individual MP
Wybrany demokratycznie
Democratically elected
Case law that comes from judges
common law
judge-made law
statement that forms the law for the future
includes the judge’s reasoning in giving his or her decision
Distinguish between
Przygotować projekt ustawy
To draft a Bill
Sporządzić projekt ustawy
To draw up a Bill
Zaproponować poprawkę
To suggest an amendment
Stworzyć nowy precedens
To issue a new precedent
Podjąć decyzję
To make a decision
Stworzyć nowe prawo
To form a new law
Rozstrzygnąć sprawę
To decide a case
Złożyć propozycję/sugestię
To make a proposal/suggestion
Omówić projekt ustawy
To debate a Bill
Wydać wyrok
To hand down a judgment
Do sporządzenia przez prawnika
To be drafted by a lawyer
Aby przedstawić pomysł do rozważenia
To put an idea forward for consideration
Zasugerować poprawkę do czegoś
To suggest an amendment to something
Wejść w życie
To come into force
Precedens jest wiążący dla sądów niższej instancji
A precedent is binding on/upon lower courts
Być stworzonym przez kogoś lub coś
To be made by someone or something
Aby przejść przez etap (czyli jeden z kilku etapów)
To pass through a stage (that is one of several stages)
Pochodź z alternatywnych źródeł
Come from alternative sources
Najważniejsze źródło prawa
The most important source of law
Znany jako
Known as
Przedstawić do rozpatrzenia
Put forward for consideration
Przejść przez kilka etapów
Pass through several stages
Przystępować się do głosowania
A vote is taken on
Zaproponować poprawki do
Suggest amendments to
Zapis kontraktowy
A contract provision
a term contained in a contract
Trzecia strona umowy
A third party to a contract
a person who has not signed the contract but may be affected by it
Wyegzekwować termin
To enforce a term
to make sure that the term is obeyed
Wyraźne przyznanie komuś prawa lub korzyści
To expressly confer a right or a benefit upon someone
to write in a contract that a person definitely has that right or benefit
Konstrukcja umowy
The construction of a contract
the interpretation of it, the verb is to construe, meaning to interpret
Obowiązujący termin lub wykonalna umowa
An enforceable term or an enforceable contract
a term or a contract that a court will recognise as valid and will give a solution known as a remedy, to the injured party if the term or contract is breached
Być członkiem klasy
To be a member of a class
to be a member of an identifiable group of people.
Środek zaradczy w przypadku naruszenia umowy
A remedy for breach of contract
a solution provided to an injured party in cases of breach, it is sometimes called 'relief', the remedy is usually damages but there are other solutions, or relief, available at the discretion of the court
An injunction
a court order that orders the party in breach to stop behaving in a way that breaches the contract, it is generally an order to stop doing something
Konkretna wydajność
Specific performance
a order from the court that obliges the party in breach to do what they promised to do under the terms of the contract
W każdym razie nieważne
Void in any case
Sens wykluczenia
Purports to exclude
Zajęcie dowolnego lokalu
Occupation of any premises
Nie ma żadnego efektu
Have no effect
Powstające w trakcie
Arising in the course of
Wcielać termin
Incorporate the term
W podpunkcie powyżej
Under subsection above
Zgodzić się na
Agreed to
Aware of
Z siebie
Of itself
Generally in English law, there can be no contract unless this exists. It is the name given to what the parties exchange under the contract. It is usually money, goods or services
Example of consideration
It is something that a party says or writes to another person. It is a statement that suggests that they make a contract on very certain terms. The person who makes this statement wants it to be legally binding when the other party agrees to it
Example of offer
The courts judge this objectively. The English case of Smith v Hughes (1871) tells us that the important thing is not a party's real purpose or aim but how a reasonable person would look at the situation. The precedent cases tell us that parties who are in business are usually considered to have this but that parties who make an agreement in a domestic or social situation usually do not
Example of intention to create a legal relationship
It can be defined as, 'a final and clear agreement to terms that have been offered
Example of acceptance
started legal action
to decide in a legal way
the amount of something
old-fashioned word, meaning husbands or wives
a more formal word that means 'word'
Wydanie wyroku w imieniu powoda/pozwanego
To give judgment for the claimant/defendant
Zakres zobowiązania
The extent of an obligation
Stanowić rozpatrzenie
To constitute consideration
Zrobić coś za czyjąś radą
To do something on someone's advice
Kontynuować robienie czegoś do określonej daty
To continue to do something until a certain date
Pozwać w oparciu o obietnicę
To sue on a promise
Być zobowiązanym prawnie
To be under a legal obligation
Umowa pomiędzy dwiema stronami
An agreement between two parties
Five ways in which this offer can come to an end
lapse of time
death of the offeror or offeree
I'll give you £85 instead of £100 for each ticket
You know those tickets you offered to sell to me four months ago? I've decided to take them
Lapse of time
I've changed my mind. The offer is no longer open. I've decided to go to the festival myself
I know Susan offered to sell some tickets to you but I'm afraid she has passed away
Death of the offeror/offeree
No thank you. The price is much too high. Forget it
Przeciwnie do
Contrary to
Ponieść stratę
Suffer a loss
Reason for
Darowizny na cele charytatywne
Donations for charity
Zgoda na
Consent to
Warunki umowy
Terms of the contract
Niewykwalifikowany do
Unqualified to
Dostarczone przez
Provided by
Z uwzględnieniem
In consideration of
Prowizja od
Provision of
Sum of
Odrobić pracę domową
To do your homework
Wycofać ofertę
To revoke an offer
Zyskać korzyść
To gain a benefit
To suffer a loss
Odrzucić ofertę
To reject an offer
Złożyć kontrofertę
To make a counter-offer
Być sprzecznym z porządkiem publicznym lub ogólnie z prawem
To be contrary to public policy or to the law in general
Kupić bilety na/na wydarzenie
To buy tickets to/for an event
Zaakceptować coś pocztą/e-mailem
To accept something by post/email
Zrobić coś do określonego czasu w przyszłości
To do something by a particular time in the future
Zawrzeć umowę lub porozumienie
To enter into a contract or agreement
Napisać coś
To put something in writing
Sprawa/nowe prawo z danego roku
A case/new law from a particular year
Przekazać darowiznę na cele charytatywne
To make a donation to charity
Known very well
Are aware
New one
Said it was true
Personal trouble
Start a legal action
Issue proceedings
Very quickly
As soon as possible
Dishonour of contract
Ogłosić przejęcie spółki
To announce the acquisition of a company
Wykonanie umowy
The performance of a contract
Przyznać komuś prawo do zrobienia czegoś
To grant someone a right to do something
Stworzyć prawnie wiążącą umowę
To create a legally binding contract
Niewykonanie obowiązków wynikających z umowy
To fail to perform your duties under a contract
Być objętym konkretnym prawem
To be covered by a particular law
Otrzymać odszkodowanie
To be awarded damages
Naprawić problem
To rectify a problem
Partia towaru
A batch of goods
Umowa pomiędzy dwiema firmami
A contract between two companies
Należy przyznać kwotę pieniężną w ramach odszkodowania
To be awarded an amount of money in damages
W zamian za coś
In exchange for something
Powiadomić o czymś
To give notice of something
Kupić od kogoś towar
To buy goods from someone
Zapewnić komuś zamiennik
To supply someone with a replacement
Pozwać kogoś z powodu czegoś
To sue someone on the grounds of something
I would like to … one or two amendments to the document that you have sent to me
Make / suggest
In England a statute has to pass through three … before it becomes law
If a judge makes a decision it may become … on other courts of the same level and on lower courts
Your client has … to perform her duties under the contract and therefore we will start legal action
Case law is also sometimes known as the … law
To make an enforceable contract both parties must … consideration
The judge … down his decision at four o'clock this afternoon
In which court is your case being … this morning?
The judge … damages of £5000
We wish to … against the decision of the court of first instance
My offer to you was made months ago and you can no longer accept due to … of time
A … -offer suggests alternative terms and has the effect of cancelling the original offer
An … contract is a spoken agreement
Another name for an Act of Parliament is a …
When a contract is being formed, the two parties are known as the … and the offeree
The judge in the Court of Appeal … the decision of the court of first instance and reversed the result of the case
Consideration must be … meaning that if only one party provides it there is no contract
The opposite of benefit is …
Most contracts involve both parties making a promise and they are therefore described as … and not unilateral
A contract that must be in a written form in order to be legally valid is called a …sometimes known as a contract under seal
Please put your complaints … writing and send them to our manager
In England and the USA much of the law is made … judges due to the common law system
You are … a legal obligation to sell the house now that you have signed the contract of sale
We all need to stay in the office … 8pm to finish this important project
The new Bill has passed … the debate stage and the members of the House of Commons will vote on it next week
The construction company was sued … its promise to finish building the hotel by December as it wasn't finished until the following July
I am acting … my barrister's advice and not taking my claim any further
The agreement … Charles and Michael was made two years ago
I didn't email my acceptance to you, as my server was down. I sent it … post instead
I have forgotten the name of an important contract case and I will need to look it up in the law library. I remember it is … the year 1995
In the English legal system a precedent is … upon similar future cases
The case you mention from 1976 is very similar to the current case but I think it is possible to … between them
The claimant was … damages of £100,000
The decision of the first judge was … by the judges in the Court of Appeal
An offer can come to an end due to … of time. It means that too much time has passed since the offer was made
When a person who makes an offer withdraws it before it can be accepted we can say that the offer has been …
According to English contract law, acceptance must be … and cannot be by silence
Consideration in contract law requires the parties to gain a benefit or suffer a …
When a lawyer refers to the … he or she puts upon a contract term it is a more formal way of referring to his or interpretation or understanding of that term
Specific … is an order from a court that tells a party in breach to carry out his or her obligations under a contract
According to English contract law consideration must be … which means that both parties must give or receive something and not just one of them
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