Arpanet (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network)
wide-area packet-switched network with distributed control and one of the first computer networks to implement the TCP/IP protocol suite. Both technologies became the technical foundation of the Internet.
The ARPANET was established by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the United States Department of Defense.
DDN Modell - Defense Data Network
Eng mit dem ARPANET verbunden und kann las eine weiterentwicklung oder ein ableger des ARPANET angesehen werden.
Telnet -Remote programs Host to Host communication.
FTP- File Transfer Protocol used for transferring files from one host to another.
SMTP- Simple Mail Transfer Protocol allows emails to be sent and be recived.
OSI Model
Open Systems Interconnections Model
Beschreibt grundsetzlich die ubertragung ins Netzwerken.
Wozu Netzwerke?
Netzwerke sind fester bestandteil im alltäglichen Leben.
What is a hub?
and they serve as the center of a local area network (LAN).
What is a switch?
Layer 2 OSI Model - MAC adressen
Token Ring, Ethernet Kabel
A network switch connects devices within a network ( LAN) and forwards data packets to and from those devices.
a MAC adress is a hardware adress which is used to identify to the open network.
What is a Router?
default gateway - IP adressen
Layer 3 OSI Model - ICMP,ARP
A router is a device that connects two or more networks.
Manages traffic between these networks by forwards data packets to their intended IP addresses, and allows multiple devices to use the same Internet connection.
What is a firewall?
Layer 4 OSI Modell -Transport
Ports and Firewalls
There are 2 types of firewalls, Hardware and software.
Hardware Firewalls are reponsible for controlling data traffic between intern and extern networks.
Firewalls, focus on blocking malware and application-layer attacks.
MAC adressen
Media Access Control
is a unique identifier for use as a network address in communications within a network segment. This use is common in most IEEE 802 networking technologies, including Ethernet, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth.
Within the OSI model, MAC addresses are used in the medium access control protocol sublayer of the data link layer.
48 Bytes
2 groups - Manufacturer and Hardware
Adress Resolution Protocol
Layer 3 OSI Model
Request - Response Protocol
a protocol that connects an IP adress to a fixed PC, in a LAN.
primarily assigned by device manufacturers, and are therefore often referred to as the burned-in address, or as an Ethernet hardware address, hardware address, or physical address.
ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) - Ping - Traceroute
Erreichbarkeit eines Host im Netzwerk.
Diagnostic protocol, all IP network devices have the capability to send, recieve and process ICMP messages.
ICMP - Network administrators, to troubleshoot internet connetions/hops.
Ping - (ECHO anforderung und ECHO Antwort) Erreichbarkeit eines bestimmtes Hosts im netzwerk zu testen.
(Collects infomation).
Traceroute - den Datenpakete von einem Host zu einem anderen netzwerk zunehmen.
(Helps admin locate a source of a network delay.)
CSMA/CD - Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection
Zugriffsverfahren das in Ethernet-Netzweken verwendet wird, dient kollisionen zu vermeiden und effiziente nutzung des übertragungsmediums zu ermöglichen.
Ethernet Frame 802.3
Reciever and Sender service
Ethernet Frame ist eine grundlegende Struktur für die Übertragung von Daten über Ethernet.
Drahtlose Netzwerke
WLAN - Wireless Local Area Network
WMAN - Wireless Metropolitan Acess Network
WPAN - Wireless Personal Area Network
WWAN - Wireless Wide Area Network
Netzwerk Topologien
Bus Topologie
Ring Topologie
Stern Topologie
Baum Topologie
TCP/IP Tabelle
was macht ein ARP?
Die wegzu finden, ein router zum nachste router.
Was ist die unterschied zwichen
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) und UDP (User Datagram Protocol)
zuverlässige und sequenzielle Datenubertragen, websiten anrufen, dateiübertragung und E-mail.
Höher geschwindigkeit wichtiger als Zuverlässigkeit. voice over IP, videostreaming, online spiele, DNS - Verbindloses protocol.
Netzwerk Klassen
Private Netz (LAN)
Klasse A - -
Klasse B - -
Klasse C - -
First - Netz Id
Last - Netz Braodcast
vergibt automatisch IP adresse, subnetzmaske und Standard Gateways.
verbunden mit Switch
Relay agent - hardware - in ein andere netzteil
Zuletzt geändertvor einem Jahr