Your task is to create a numerical model for the soil moisture reservoir.
Draw a system sketch that contains all inflows and outflows, specify the technical
descriptions of these inflows and outflows, and create the determination equation that
contains all inflows and outflows as well as the storage change.
For the city of Aachen there are a total of 4 precipitation gauges available for a RR model.
For each station the precipitation for the first time interval (1 hour) is known.
Your task now is to determine the relevant precipitation for the location marked in red.
The km data listed in black indicate the distance of the location from the precipitation
Which unit has the retention constant used for a single linear reservoir?
Derive this from the determination equation of the linear single reservoir.
QA = S* 1/k
with QA in [m³/s] & S in [m3] → k = S / QA = konst. [s]
When calibrating rainfall-runoff models, different quality criteria are used to quantify the
correspondence between simulated and measured runoffs.
Describe two different quality criteria in a generally understandable way.
Volume balance must be (approximately) the same (Deviations ≤ 5% are permitted)
Graph course must be (approximately) the same, places of maxima and minima has to check out
—> A perfect calibration shows the Nash Sutclilff Index = 1 (0 = no similarity). A good calibration has a Nash Index of ≥ 0,7.
When running a Rainfall-Runoff Model you can subdivide the total process into five
different stages. Name these different phases of a model and describe easyly
understandable what is happening in each of theses phases.
—> these phases are always there when using a software
1. Precipitation —> Precipitation formation as rain or snow
2. Rainfall distribution —> Spatial distribution of the rainfall
3. Runoff generation —> Determination of the effective precipitation
4. Runoff concentration —> Translation & retention
5. Flood routing —> Flood routing in the water body
Inflows / Outflows and Storage Processes
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