Praca administratora
Admin work
Lista płac
W niepełnym wymiarze godzin
Pełny etat
Wynagrodzenie, honorarium, pensja
Dobrze zmotywowany
someone who is ambitious and wants to work hard
Urlop macierzyński
Maternity leave
the time that a woman is away from work before and after the birth of her baby
a document that tells an employer about a person's previous experience of work and what qualifications that person has
'resume' in the USA
an informal name for a group of people who work together
Szeroki zasięg
Wide range
a wide range of duties means a variety of different duties
only for a limited period of time
opposite of permanent
Petent, zgłaszający się, aplikant
a person who asks to have something, especially a job
List motywacyjny
Covering letter
the name of the letter that a person sends with a job application
Data zamknięcia
Closing date
for a job application is the last date that the employer will accept an application from someone
Historia osiągnięć
Track record
a person who has a track record in a particular job has previous experience of doing that job
Asystent sprzedaży
A sales assistant
a person who sells goods or services in a shop
Przemysł detaliczny
The retall industry
the industry involved in buying goods and selling them to the public
Dekoracja wystaw sklepowych
preparing a shop window in an attractive way so that the public are interested in buying things from the shop
Job … a full-time sales assistant
Apply … the job
Advertised … Thursday’s Chatsworth Herald
A sales assistant in the footwear department … Selfridges on Oxrord Street
Returned … Chatsworth
See details … the top of this letter
I look forward to hearing … you
Złożyć wniosek o coś
Apply for something (a job)
to ask if you can have that job
Znajdź moje CV w załączniku
Find my C.V. enclosed
I have put my C.V. in the envelope
a person who deals with the money that a shop or a business has in its cash register at the end of every day
the things that you can do well, especially in relation to your job
Entuzjastycznie nastawiony do czegoś
Enthusiastic about something
you like that activity and you enjoy doing it
Wolny do rozpoczęcia pracy
Free to start work
you are available to begin working immeediately
Szansa, możliwość
the chance to do something
Dostępne stanowisko
Availiable possition (with a company)
the company has a job for which it needs an employee
Umiejętności komunikacyjne
Communication skills
person's ability to speak and listen to other people in an effective way
the opposite of good communication skills is poor communication skills
Cash register
the machine into which a shop or some other business puts the money when a customer pays for something
also called 'a till’
Klauzula, paragraf
a section of the contract
usually has a number, for example, clause 1 of the contract
sometimes a clause is divided into further sections, for example, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc
Klauzula, prowizja
a term contained in a contract
all of the terms and conditions of a contract are called the provisions of the contract
Lawyers often use the verb 'to provide', for example, 'Clause 1 of the contract provides that the employee is entitled to four weeks' holiday every year'. This means that is it an obligation of the employer to give the employee four weeks' holiday.
This clause deals with the period of time that the contract will be valid
Term of the contract
This clause gives the name of the employee's job
Job title
This clause deals with the amount of time that the employee is obliged to work every week or month
Working hours
This clause deals with the payment that the employee will receive in return for working for the employer
This clause deals with the time that the employee is allowed to stay away from work to rest and relax and still receive his or her pay
his clause deals with the money that an employer must pay to an employee when the employee is ill and cannot work
Sick pay
This clause deals with what an employee must do if he or she is unhappy at work and wants to complain to the employer
Grievance procedure
his clause deals with what the employer must do if he or she is unhappy with the way that the employee is behaving at work
Disciplinary procedure
This clause deals with the arrangements for the employee to have money in his or her old age
This clause deals with the employee's obligation not to tell anyone about certain information that belongs to the employer
This clause deals with the employee's obligation after the contract of employment ends not to start the same business or work for a rival of the employer for a certain period of time
This clause deals with the ways in which the contract of employment can end
A rival
a person or an organisation that is in the same business as you and is in competition with you for the same customers or clients
the accepted or correct way of doing something
Godziny zatrudnienia
Hours of employment
Zapewnienie umowy
Provision of a contract
all the terms and conditions contained in the contract
Roczne wynagrodzenie
Annual salary
Zerwać umowę
Terminate the contract
Termin obowiązywania umowy
duration of the contract
Uprawniony do zasiłku chorobowego
Entitled to sick pay
This contract is for a duration of 12 months.
The Employer agrees to employ the Employee in the position of sales assistant.
The Employee is required to work Mondays to Fridays between 8.30am and 5.30pm, with one hour for lunch.
The Employer shall pay the Employee a salary of £21.000 a year.
The Employee is entitled to 25 days per year in addition to public holidays.
On the first day of your absence from work you must inform your manager. If you are absent for more than seven days you must provide your manager with a medical certificate signed by your doctor.
If you have a complaint relating to your employment you should follow the procedure attached to this contract in order to inform your manager about your complaint.
A summary of the rules and procedures that the Employer must follow in relation to difficulties with the Employee's performance in the workplace is attached to this contract.
Employees who wish to contribute to the Fund may do so until the age of 65 years.
The Employee shall not during the term of his or her employment disclose any material information relating to his or her employment to any third party.
For a period of 12 months after the termination of this agreement the Employee agrees that he or she will not start a business that is the same or similar to the Employer's business.
The Employer may end this agreement by giving four weeks' written notice to the Employee.
Brak, nieobecność
when somebody is not in the place where you expect that person to be, such as at school or at work
an amount of money that a person or an organisation keeps for a particular purpose.
it can be to pay for something special, such as a college fund to pay for education
it can be a way of saving money to spend in the future, such as a pension fund
important, significant
Święto państwowe
Public holiday
a day that the government says is a holiday for everyone in the country
the important public holidays in the UK are Christmas Day and New Year's Day
in the USA 4 July is also a public holiday
Ostrzeżenie, wypowiedzenie
a warning period
when you give notice to someone you tell that person that something is going to happen in the future
Brać w czymś udział
to give money towards something
this is often because you want to, and not because it is an obligation
The employee resigns from his or her job. This means that the employee informs the employer that he or she will stop working for the employer's business. This might be because the employee wants to work for a new employer. The employee must usually tell the employer in writing that he or she wishes to resign. This is called a letter of resignation. The employee will usually work a notice period of perhaps two weeks or four weeks. This means, for example, that an employee who wishes to stop work on 1 July must give his or her employer a letter of resignation on 3 June. Resigning is known informally as 'handing in your notice'.
Resignation - rezygnacja
The employee retires from work. This means the employee leaves his or her job with the intention not to work again because he or she is a certain age. In many countries the age of retirement is 65 years old. However, some employees choose to take early retirement if they have enough money. When an employee retires they must live on the money they receive from their pension. Most people in the UK have a state pension, which they receive from the government. When they are working they pay some money to the government each month to pay for their pension. In the UK this is called a National Insurance contribution. Some people also have a private pension plan. This is because they want more money than the state pension gives them.
Retirement - przejście na emeryturę
The employee is made redundant. This means that an employee leaves his or her job because the employer does not need them. This might be because business is not good for the employer or because the business is closing. The employee usually receives a redundancy payment. This is an amount of money that the employer pays to the employee as a final payment. The amount of money that the employee receives sometimes depends on the number of years that he or she worked for the employer. The employer sometimes offers the employee training for a new career as part of the redundancy deal. Training means learning the skills necessary to do a different job.
Redundancy - nadmierność
The employer dismisses the employee. The employee is dismissed. This means that the employer is unhappy with the performance or behaviour of the employee and tells him or her that they no longer have a job. This might be, for example, because the employee is not doing the job well or because the employee is always late for work. Dismissal is known informally as 'being fired' in the USA and as 'being sacked' in the UK. Employment law states that the employer must follow a certain procedure of warning the employee before this can happen. However, the employer is not obliged to follow this procedure when the employee is guilty of gross misconduct. Gross misconduct is very bad behaviour, such as stealing money from the employer.
Dismissal - zwolnienie
The employee stops working for the employer or leaves the company because his or her contract was for a specific period of time, which has ended. For example, I agree to work in an office for six months. My contract is a fixed-term contract for six months. At the end of the six-month period I stop working for that employer.
A fixed-term contract ends - kończy się umowa na czas określony
To … means to tell your employer that you intend to stop working for him or her
The correct way to resign is usually to give your employer a letter of …
When an employee resigns he or she must usually work a … period of everal weeks
In the UK the informal way to say 'resigning' is to say … in your notice
To … from work means to stop working with the intention that you will not work again
Some people choose to take early … and stop working at the age of 45 or 50
When a person retires they usually live on the money from a …
A private pension …is a way of saving extra money for old age in case the money from the government is not enough
When an employee is made … it is usually because the employer no longer needs so many workers
… is a great problem in western Europe and the USA at the moment. This is because many goods and services are cheaper to produce in other countries.
The final payment that an employer pays to an employee can be a very large amount of money. This is called a final redundancy … and sometimes depends on the number of years that the employee worked for the employer
When John lost his job at the car factory he was offered a … course in computer skills to help him find a new job
The printing company … Jason because he did some printing for his friend and he did not ask his friend to pay for it
I dismissed an employee for gross … last year because she telephoned me to say that she was ill but really she was on holiday in Spain
My employer did not follow the correct … when he dismissed me. My lawyer says that I can make a claim against my employer because he breached employment law
he informal word for dismissed in the USA is 'fired' and in the UK it is …
l am …the company at the end of the month because my contract ends on 31 July
My contract with the airline is for a … term of 12 months so I leave next April
We cannot employ you after March. Your contract is for a specific … of time and it ends on 31 March
Your contract will be for a fixed, 12- term
Susan resigned … her job last week
I wrote a letter … resignation and gave it to my employer yesterday
How much money will you have to live … when you retire?
I was fired because I was always late … work
Resigning from work is sometimes known informally as 'handing … your notice'
Two employees were guilty … gross misconduct and they were sacked immediately
My contract of employment is … a term of 18 months
Last week I informed my employer that I intend to stop working for her … 30 September
Your employer will pay you a redundancy payment … £10,000
The amount of money you receive as a redundancy payment depends … number of years you worked for your employer before you were made redundant
Konstruktywne zwolnienie z pracy
Constructive dismissal
Niesprawiedliwe zwolnienie
Unfair dismissal
Ocena, kwalifikacja
It is a complaint
It is the accepted, correct way of doing something
It is a special court. It hears employment cases. It is less formal than a normal court but it has its own rules, which people must obey
Employment tribunal
It means treating someone in a different way at work. It may be because that person is a woman or has a disability, for example
It means behaving in a way that makes someone feel very unhappy or uncomfortable
It is when an employee leaves a job because he or she is very unhappy and the employer is doing nothing to help the situation
Constructive sismissal
It is when an employer fires an employee, and the employee thinks that there was not a good reason for it
It is a type of assessment of someone's performance, especially at work
I am sure my employer treats me badly because I am a foreigner. My lawyer says that I can sue my employer on the grounds of …
I was the only woman in my office. The men working there made jokes about me all of the time and said that my job was only to make coffee for them. I stopped working there because it was horrible and my employer didn't help me. The grounds for my claim were … dismissal
I have made a claim against my employer. The case will be heard next month by an employment …
I had an … from my employer last week. It was very good. My employer said that I am a good employee and I work well with others
I am making a claim for … dismissal. My employer sacked me last month and the only reason was that my employer's daughter wanted to have my job
Work that does not involve any kind of dispute or argument between people
Non-contentious work - praca bezkonfliktowa
All of the laws passed by a government or an organisation such as the European Union
Legislation - ustawodawstwo
Rules that a person or a country must obey
Regulations - przepisy prawne
A meeting where a group of people learn and talk about a new subject
Seminar - seminarium
A duty to take care and not to harm anyone by your actions
Duty of care - obowiązek opieki
Work that a lawyer does that involves a dispute or an argument between people
Contentious work - sporna praca
A statement that someone has done something wrong. However, it is not proven
Allegation - zarzuty
To keep part of someone's salary as a punishment because that person did something wrong
Dock pay - wynagrodzenie dokowe
An employee is dismissed immediately and without any warning. The more formal way of saying fired on-the-spot is to say that the employer dismissed the employee 'summarily'
Fired on-the-spot - zwolniony na miejscu
An organisation of workers who unite for better pay and working conditions
Trade union - związek zawodowy
A situation where a group of employees stop working for a period of time because of a disagreement with an employer
Strike - strajk
Doing work such as drafting contracts of employment or giving employers some advice about the latest …
There are many … that employers need to know about
To inform employers about new legislation my law firms holds …
An employer has a … to employees and to any people who visit the employer's premises
Duty of care
Some employees make very serious … and it is my job to defend my client at an employment tribunal
Last month I advised an employer who … an employee's pay as a punishment because the employee was always late for work
Another employer fired an employee … for being late
The employee's … became involved
Trade union
An employer has to be careful because when a trade union is involved it could lead to a …
The duration of the contract. The period of time for which the contract is valid
A person or company who signs a contract
The duties and conditions contained in a contract
Be entitled
To have the right to something
To give because you choose to give and not because you must
Money that a person recives after he or she stops working
Gross misconduct
Bad or unacceptable behaviour
Tell, reveal
A period of time a person is away from the place they were expected to be
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