what is a population?
a collection of individuals or items of intereset
what is a census?
occurs when whole population is sampled
what is a sample?
a selection of individuals or items from a populatiom
what is a sampling frame?
a list of all members of population
what is a sampling unit?
an individual member or item of sampling frame
what is a statistical model?
a simplified way of representing a real life situation, allowing predictions to be made about it
what is a hypothesis?
a statment concerning a population parameter
what is a hypothesis test?
a procedure to test the value of a population parameter e.g. comparing null with an alternative hypothesis
what is a critical region?
range of values of test statistic which lead to you rejecting Ho
what is level of significance?
probability of rejecting Ho when Ho is true
what is a statistic?
a calculation based solely on observations from a given sample
What is a random sample?
every possible sample of size n has equal chance of selection
what is systematic sampling?
items are chosen at regular intervals from list
what is stratified sampling?
population divided into mutually exclusive strata and from each strata random sample taken
population of strata in sample is same as strata in population
what is quota sampling?
population split into groups eg. gender, age
no. of ppl in group chosen to reflect group as a whole.
Interviewer selects individual sampling units
what is random sampling?
each person given a number to identify them and number to identify them and they’re selected by random means.
e.g. balls in a bag
large data sets: 5 UK locations?
Large data sets: 3 overseas locations
Knots to mph?
What are two assumptions made to use a binomial distribution?
each x is independent of each other
probability of x always happening is always 0.2
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