Aim of section
Intro_normative positons vs. descriptive position
Intro_fit of positions for natural science, for social science, for econ
Intro_how to evaluate discrepancies between any of the philosophial positions and the practice of economics
Intro_general problem if there is a discrepancy between norms and facts
Types of logical inferences
Induction_example, risky, ampliative
Induction_philosopher's problem, scientist's problem
Induction_natural law vs accidental regularity
Basic idea of inductivism_normative philosophy of science, singular statements, general statements
Basic idea of inductivsm_Two-step process in which general scientifc knowledge is gained
Basic idea of inductivism_When are inductive generalization allowed
Main problem of inductivism
Falsificationism deductivism_Who and when
Falsificationism_Basic aim and basic idea
Falsificationism_The demarcation criterion
Falsificationism_Deductive hypothesis testing
Appreciation of falsificationism in economics_Influence
Appreciation of falsificationism in economics_idea of falsifciation did not fit economics very well
Appreciation of falsificationism in economics_reactions missing adequacy of falsificationism to economic
Paradigm theory_who, when, descriptive
Paradigm theory_Basic aim and basic idea
Paradigm theory_Developmental model_graph
Paradigm theory_Developmental model_pre-normal science
Paradigm theory_Developmental model_transition to normal science
Paradigm theory_Developmental model_normal science
Paradigm theory_Appreciation in economics_when
Paradigm theory_Two main questions
Paradigm theory_Are there in economics paradigms
Paradigm theory_Are there in economics scientific revolutions
Paradigm theory_Birth of behavioral econ
OPs_Between natural sciences and social sciences and humanities
OPs_What, examples, properties
OPs_Example_Expected utility theory
OPs and systematicity theory
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