What is a process?
A set of activities that interact to achieve a result
In event-based processes what is a process?
A process transforms an initial state into a final state via several transitions
In event-based processes how is a single branch processed?
By active decision (manager) or
By passive selection (environment)
What is an event log file and what is the core information in it?
protocol of events which happened
Core information:
Activity - what happened in that step
Timestamp - when
Case - which case is affected
Resources consumption
What is the support of an itemset X in a database D?
= freq(X) / |D|
When is an itemset X frequent?
When support(X) >= minSupport
What makes an itemset maximal?
When none of its supersets are frequent
For all Y superset of X, supp(Y) < minSupp
When is an itemset X closed?
When it is maximal
If for all Y superset of X, support(Y) < support(X)
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