Sanger Sequencing
use and limitations
DNA polymerase, primer, template DNA
chain terminating nucleotide each labled with a unique color of dye -> ddNTPs (Dideoxynucleotides)
combine ingredients
cooling and primer binding to single strand
DNA polymerase binding and synthezising complete strand
termination by ddNTP
repeat process
gel electrophoresis -> laser can detect unique color -> Chromatogram
uses and limitation
high quality
for individual pieces of DNA
Expensive and inefficient
Ilumina sequencing
library preparation
prepared by random fragmantation of the DNA or cDNA sample
5’ and 3’ adapter ligation
fragments are PCR amplified and gel purified
cliuster generation
library loaded onto a flow cell
fragments are captured on a lawn of surface bound oligos
bridge amplification -> distinct clonal clusters
sequencing (reversible termination method)
sequencing reagents are added
first base gets incorporated -> flow cell gets imaged -> emission recorded -> cycle repeated
alignment and data analysis
reads are aligned to a reference sequence
only short reads
must be assembled to reference
difficult for repetitive sequences
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