Define technical change
Change in the amount of output produced from the same inputs.
Draw a suitable diagram and describe technical change with the diagram.
Describe the difference between technological and technical change.
The increased application of scientific knowledge in the form of new consumer goods and services, new inputs into production, new methods of producing goods and services, or new ways of operating and managing organisations.
Where does innovation comes from?
Innovation results from learning processes based on the accumulation of experience and knowledge.
Where is the process of technological change localized in?
Name 4 categories.
Historical time
Technical space
knowledge + technological
Structural conditions of economic systems
geographic space
product characteristics
Draw a production function for the case of a localized technological change in one technique and name an example.
Production function represented by an outward movement at one point and not a general shift.
Which characteristics has a localized technological change in one technique?
No spillover improvements in other techniques brought by technological change
Creative, myopic agents introduce localized technological changes (localized and limited learning processes)
High switching costs due to irreversible production factors and external conditions of factor markets
Traditional position only reached if spillovers were in every technique
Which types of technical/technological change exists?
What are the characteristics of the neutral type of technological change?
What are the characteristics of the labor augmenting type of technological change?
What are the characteristics of the capital augmenting type of technological change?
Define invention
Process of creating a new idea or method that might be patented or not.
Define innovation
Commercialization and application of an invention to the development of a new process or product to meet a user or market needs
Define adoption
Process of selecting a product for use by an individual or organization
Define diffusion
Process by which an innovation is communicated through certain channels over time among the members of a social system.
Which types of innovation processes exits?
Radical innovation
Incremental innovation
Changes of technology system
Changes in the techno-economic paradigm
Creative accumulation
Describe the following type of innovation process: radical innovation
New entrants and new technologies displace incumbent firms, existing products or processes -> creative destruction
changes everything!
Describe the following type of innovation process: incremental innovation
established firms gradually improve existing technologies through “learning by doing” or “learning by using”
small change
Describe the following type of innovation process: changes of technology system
Combination of radical/incremental innovation combined with organization changes resulting in the creation of entirely new sectors (e. g. biotechnology, energy technology)
Describe the following type of innovation process: changes in the techno-economic paradigm
Large-scale, revolutionary changes carried by new technology systems
Kondratiev long waves
Describe the following type of innovation process: creative accumulation
established firms look for new technologies and try to integrate them into functioning processes and products together with the established ones, thus producing “evolving knowledge”
Which are the four phases of the Kondratiev waves?
exonomic prosperity
Which types and which perspectives of innovation exists?
Disruptive and incremental
firms and consumer
What is the inducement hypothesis by “Antonelli C. (2006). Localized technological change and factor markets”?
The inducement hypothesis develops the assumption that firms generate new technologies when factor costs change.
In the developed approach, in fact, any increase in wages (as well as in rental costs) induces the generation of new technology, because of the disequilibrium effects of irreversibility of the factors of production and related switching costs
What is the approach by “Antonelli C. (2006). Localized technological change and factor markets” to answer theier hypothesis?
The developed framework provides a microeconomic tool with which to understand the role of relative prices as determinants of the direction of technological change at the level of the system.
What is the conclusion by “Antonelli C. (2006). Localized technological change and factor markets” on theier hypothesis?
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