How many layers does the mammalian cortex have, and what does it surround?
What is meant by the terms gray and white matter?
6 layers —> Isocortex (only in mammals)
surrounds the basal ganglia
Gray area = cortex with somata,
White matter = axonal connections.
Name the four large lobes of the brain and their naming origin.
get name from overlying bones
Name some functional regions of the brain!
what is the name for folds and grooves between the folds of the brain?
folds —> gyri
grooves —> sulci
What is the corpus callosum?
connects the two hemispheres of the forebrain
What was the vise of F. J. Gall? (Phrenology)?
brain is a dynamic system —> one can recognize intelligence, … by the form of the head
wenn jemand ne beule hat, ist dies ein sehr ausgeprägter teil im hirn
What was Paul Broca‘s insight when he studied lesioned brains?
„Localized lesions lead to localized cognitive deficits“
Verletzung Hirngebiet von Sprachzentrum —> Verlust Sprachfähigkeit ——-> Broca-Aphasie
Name two basic cognitive functions and two executive cognitive functions!
What exactly is meant by the term „theory of mind“ (TOM)?
Which organisms are capable of it?
capacity to take other individuals perspective, to ‘read minds’
-> priamtes, dogs, pigs, goats, some birds
Describe an experiment to demonstrate self-recognition in an animal!
Mirror test
test if the individual recognizes itself in the mirror (tested with dot on face)
-> Primates, toothed whales, elephants, some birds
Are humans special among mammals in terms of brain size to body weight?
Not too different from other mammals
—> Only significant difference is cortical neuron number - highest in the human brain
General subdivisions of the forebrain of vertebrates
Pallium (coat) —> Neocortex
Subpallium (basal ganglia) —> Striatum and Pallidum
What brain structures accomodate cognition?
not necessarily a cortical structure
other neuronal organizations can support it
tendency: large brains more capable of cognition
Who has the higher packing density of neurons in the forebrain – birds or mammals?
birds have higher packing density of neurons
—> remarkable cognitive abilites despite small brain size (play, plan, self-recognition, tool-use, ..)
What is the consequence if a mammalian cortex does not have laminae?
motor problems, but sensory processing, exploration behavior, spatial learning, and memory are largely intact
—> cortical layers are not an essential component for basic perception and cognition
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