Sugdens question, inductive generalization
Sugden wants to argue that
Significant similarity of what
Are the real causal factors in the model world the same as in the real world
Rhetorical trick_Part I
Rhetorical trick_Part II
Sugden's use of induction_Conclusion
Alternative approach_Outline
Explanations in the model world_Goal, first step
Explanations in the model world_Substep 1
Explanations in the model world_Substep 2
Explanations in the model world_Substep 3
Explanations in the model world_Substep 4
Explanations in the model world_Substep 5 und 6
Explanations in the model world_Form of inference in our setup
Explanations in the model world_Form of inference more generally
Explanations in the model world_About abduction
Explanations in the model world_how-posssibly explanations vs. how-actually explanations
Maximal strength of model results for the real world_assumption A
Maximal strength of model results for the real world_what kind of explanation in model world and what in real world
Logic of transfer_Usual framing
Logic of transfer_Main claim
Logic of transfer_In general how does one argue for the existence of a logical implication
Logic of transfer_Application to the justification of the claim The dynamics of weak x-for-x and y-for-y preferences logically implies x-y-segregatio
Logic of transfer_A logical implication can be applied immediately to both model world and real world
Logic of transfer_What explains the oddities of economists handling of models
Logic of transfer_graphically
Getting the how-actually explanation_problem
Getting the how-actually explanation_what it is not and what an adequate explanation by a model is
Conclusion_Graphical summary
Conclusion_most problematic aspect, how how-possibly can be transfored in how-actually, not a property of model itself
Conclusion_What is the function of abstract theoretical models
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