What is Craniology and how is it later termed?
Phrenology (Forster, Spurzheim)
science of the cranium (skull)
What is the main statement of the locationism and who is the inventor?
Franz Joseph Gall (1758-1828)
‘the external form of the cranium (scull) reflects the internal organization of the brain’
—> relative development of its organs cause changes of forming the scull
What is the main statement of the holism and who is the inventor?
Jean Pierre Flourens (1794-1867)
made experiments with animals and lesioned parts of their brains
did not find specific areas for memory / other cognitive functions in his animal preparations
—> cognition, as a complex brain function, was not specifically located to any particular part of the brain
Which people believed in stream of locationism and holism?
locationism —> anatomists (want strict localization, want to touch and see different aspects of tissue)
holism —> physiologists (were mainly against localization, structure was not the main interesting point
What is Broca-Aphasia?
language production difficulties e.g. only speak word ‘Tan’
understands spoken language well
eventually right-sided paralysis
Which areas are lesioned in Broca-Aphasia?
Brocas area:
BA 44: pars opercularis (dysgranular - no strong layer 4)
BA 45: pars triangularis (granular - strong layer 4)
BA 47: pars orbitalis
Speech motor cortex:
BA 6: ventral premotor area
BA 4: ventral motor cortex
The Broca’s area is divided in two parts. What is the difference?
BA 44: pars opercularis (dysgranular)
—> not a strong brain layer 4
BA 45: pars triangularis (granular)
—> strong input layer 4
What happens when you cool the Brocas area manually down?
BA 44/45: problems with timing
BA 6/4: problems with quality of language —> difficult to understand
describe the Wernicke-Lichtheim-Geschwind model
language processing
Why are John Jackson, David Ferrier and Wilder Penfield popular in neuroscience?
John Jackson:
—> motor and sensory functions are represented in the brain as and organised pattern (through observation e.g of epileptic seizure of what happened to patient)
David Ferrier:
—> Faradic (electric) stimulation in dogs —> can exactly reproduce clinical findings of epilepic seizure, when stimulating parts of cerebral cortex
Wilder Penfield:
—> motor cortex ‘homunculus’ —> electrostimulation of brain during surgery
What was the case of Phineas Gage? And who was the scientist?
scientist: John Marlow (1819-1907)
Railway worker, working with explosives
a metal pipe was shot through his skull, but he survived.
Harlow about Gage:
BUT: changes in his behaviour
using swearwods, making jokes —> not socially acceptable anymore
couldnt stick to a certain plan
a child in his intellectual capacity and manifestions
friends, family said he was ‘no longer Gage’
What are keywords to a ‘damage of higher-order cognitive functioning’
Dysexecutive syndrome (planning, deciding, …)
Disinhibition (say sth, but its socially inacceptable)
Failure to plan
Disturbance of working memory
Disturbance of language and speech production
Disturbance of social behaviour
—> there is no such thing as ‘local damage’!! Disorders of cognition are disconnection syndromes
What was the case of patient H.M.? and who was the scientist?
patient: Henry Molaison (H.M.)
scientist: William Scoville
had intractable epilepsy —> unable to work or have normal life
underwent surgery —> large parts of anterior temporal lobes (ATL) were removed (including hippocampus)
achieved partial control of epilepsy
BUT: had severe disturbances of memory (anterograde amnesia) —> unable to memorize new information, but recall old memories
What is the FFA?
fusiform face area (FFA)
specific region in brain, specialized for facial recognition and differentiate between faces
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