Środek zaradczy
Środek odstraszający
Niepokój, trudności
My client was seriously … by the story that you printed about her in your magazine and she is considering legal action against you
According to English law you have a duty of … to every citizen not to harm them in any way
The grounds of our claim against you are that you have … your duty of care to my client
The court awarded my client … in the amount of £15,000 in her libel case against Gossip magazine
The judge said that he hoped the amount awarded would act as a … to any journalists in future who are thinking about publishing a story that might not be true
Libel does not require … that any damage has occurred as a result of the tort. It is actionable in court per se
My client admits that his conduct was a breach of the duty of care that he owes to your client. He also acknowledges that your client is entitled to some kind of … probably in the form of damages, to compensate her for her loss
My client has … expenses totalling £8,500 as a result of your client's negligent driving. This amount includes my client's loss of earnings for the period in question
We will be claiming damages totalling £12,000, which includes an amount to cover the emotional … that my client has suffered as a result of your breach of duty
Your client was at fault in this situation and the law will provide my client with a … if you do not settle the matter out of court
Zapewnienie środka zaradczego
To provide a remedy
Przyznanie odszkodowania
To award damages
Utrata zarobków
Loss of earnings
Mieć prawo do odszkodowania
To be entitled to damages
Ponosić wydatki
To incur expenses
Działać jako środek odstraszający
To act as a deterrent
Ponosić za coś odpowiedzialność
To be liable for something
Być uprawnionym do czegoś
To be entitled to something
Zależeć od czegoś
To depend on something
Mieć obowiązek wobec innej osoby
To have a duty to another person
W pewnych okolicznościach
Under certain circumstances
Wyrządzić komuś krzywdę
To cause harm to someone
The duty that every citizen owes to every other citizen, according to the law of tort
Duty of care
he name for the general responsibility for harm caused to other people according to the law of tort
Tortious liability
The tort of entering onto someone else's land or property without that person's permission
Trespass to land
A word that means a failure to do something that it is your duty to do
he name of the particular responsibility that one person might have for another person's acts or omissions according to the law of tort
Vicarious liability
A lack of proper care or not fulfilling a duty that it is your obligation to fulfil which results in harm to another
The name of the particular responsibility that every citizen owes to every other citizen regardless of whether he or she is guilty of any intention or negligence when causing harm
Strict liability
A person who has breached the duty of care and has caused harm to another person as a result of that breac
A word meaning 'distant' or 'far away'
A published statement that is not true and which damages someone's reputation as a result of being published
Nałożyć na kogoś obowiązek opieki
To impose a duty of care upon someone
Popełnić czyn niedozwolony
To commit a tort
Dobrowolne przyjęcie zobowiązania
To assume an obligation voluntarily
Zdalne uszkodzenie
Remote damage
Być pociągniętym do odpowiedzialności za coś
To be held liable for something
Być winnym komuś obowiązek
To owe someone a duty
Wynikać z prawa zwyczajowego lub ustawy
To arise from the common law or statute
Obowiązek nałożony na kogoś
A duty imposed upon someone
Czyn niedozwolony polegający na wtargnięciu na grunt
The tort of trespass to land
Mieć dowód na coś
To have proof of something
'I own a factory where bread and cakes are manufactured. I did not provide my workers with the special gloves that they need when they are taking things out of the ovens. One of my workers has suffered very serious burns to his hands and arms as a result.'
Employer's liability
'My neighbour has started to keep animals in her garden. She has some hens and a small pig. The noise and the smell are terrible.'
'I own a company that transports goods by lorry. Last week one of my drivers was in a petrol station during his working hours. He lit a cigarette and threw away a lighted match, which caused an explosion.’
'I bought my son a toy from a company on the Internet. The toy is a battery-operated train. When the train was switched on the batteries became extremely hot and my son burnt his hand when he was playing with it.'
Produkt liability
'I own a magazine that contains a lot of gossip about celebrities. Last month my magazine printed a story that said a local footballer here in Chatsworth had kept some money raised at a charity event for homeless people. I now know that the story was completely untrue.’
'I study geography at the University of Chatsworth. Last week the whole class had very bad results on a test. The professor was furious. He locked the door of the lecture room and he refused to let anyone out of the room until he had finished speaking to us. He kept us there for one hour after our usual time.’
False imprisonment
'I went into a bar last week with some friends and I slipped on some beer that was on the floor. When I fell I cut my hand on some broken glass. Another customer in the bar told me that a man had dropped a bottle of beer there about 20 minutes earlier. The bar staff had been told that there was beer and broken glass on the floor, but they had been too busy to clean it up.’
Occupier's liability
'My neighbour walks across my land as a shortcut to the shops. I have been asking him to stop doing this for months now, but he doesn't listen to me.'
Ustalenie zaniedbania
To establish negligence
Ponosić szkody
To suffer damage
Rozsądnie przewidywalne
Reasonably foreseeable
Zarzut zaniedbania
To allege negligence
Przyczyna uszkodzenia
The cause of damage
Łańcuch przyczynowo-skutkowy
A chain of causation
Działać w pewien sposób
To act in a way
W celu zrobienia czegoś
In order to do something
Przewidywalny przez kogoś
Foreseeable by someone
Być winnym czegoś
To be guilty of something
Do we agree … the fact that your client owed my client a duty of care?
We must ask ourselves what a reasonable person would have done … those circumstances
The defendant did not take reasonable care when using dangerous chemicals and so he is guilty … behaving negligently
The damage caused to the claimant was not reasonably foreseeable … the defendant
… what point do you think that the chain of causation was broken?
The judge … the claimant damages of £12,000
As my client has been unable to work, she will be making a claim based on her … of earnings. This amounts to £3,500
Some legal professionals think that the law of tort … as a deterrent in that it makes people think very hard about the consequences of their actions and may stop some people from doing potentially damaging things
The law … a duty of care on all employers to make sure that their employees work in a safe environment
The judge decided that the defendant … a duty of care to the claimant and that the defendant had breached that duty
Each party to a contract … his or her obligations voluntarily, but in the law of tort obligations exist whether people want to have them or not
In order to … that there has been negligence, the claimant must first satisfy the court that the duty of care has been breached
My client … damage to her health as a result of your client's negligence
My client could not have anticipated the result of her conduct and we deny that the harm that she caused was reasonably …
My client's conduct was not the direct cause of the damage to your client's financial loss, as the … of causation was broken by several other events
English speakers do not use the phrase 'moral damage' to describe a claimant's suffering but describe this type of suffering as emotional …
The name of the general liability that people have according to the law of tort is … liability
The name of the liability that one person might have for the acts and omissions of another person is called … liability
The name of the liability that requires no proof of harm but is actionable per se is known as … liability
The person or organisation that has committed a tort is formally known as a …
The tort of interfering with someone's enjoyment of his or her land by, for example, making a lot of noise is known as …
Libel and slander are collectively known as the tort of …
The tort of going onto someone's land without his or her permission is known as … to land
The usual … that is available to the claimant in tort cases is an award of damages, which must be paid by the defendant
If the damage caused to the claimant by the defendant's conduct was not reasonably foreseeable then a court might describe this as … damage
Each citizen within a particular jurisdiction is liable … any breach of his or her duty of care
If you cause harm … someone as a result of a breach of the duty of care then you will probably be ordered to pay damages to that person
The amount of damages that you have to pay will be dependant … the circumstances of the case
My client is entitled … redress for the harm that she has suffered
Many of the principles of the modern law of tort arose … the facts of the case of Donoghue v Stevenson
Many of the obligations that we have under the law of tort are imposed upon us … statute
Do we agree … the fact that your client was liable for this accident?
There was no break in the chain … causation and your client was directly responsible for my client's loss
Mrs Donoghue met her friend at a café … the town of Paisley
When Mrs Donoghue's case went to court there was no legal precedent … such an action
As well as compensating people who have suffered a loss, the law of tort is intended to act as a … to harmful conduct.
According to English law, each citizen has a duty of … to other citizens under certain circumstances.
The liability that people have under the law of tort in situations where no proof of damage is required, is known as … liability.
The main objective of the law of tort is to compensate the … party for the harm that he or she has suffered.
The phrase 'emotional … 'is used by lawyers in England to describe a client's mental pain and suffering.
People have no choice as to whether to accept liability under the law of tort, as the law … this liability upon them.
In negligence cases, a claimant will only be compensated for harm that is reasonably … by the defendant.
In some negligence cases the claimant is refused a remedy on the grounds that the harm he or she has suffered is too …
The liability that people have in the law of tort in situations where one person can be liable for the acts and … of another is known as vicarious liability.
The act of going onto someone's land without their permission is known as the tort of …
The tort of defamation has two forms, which are slander and …
My client was seriously harmed by your conduct and he is entitled to sue you … the grounds of negligence.
The court awarded damages to the hotel … the amount of £10,000 after the magazine published a defamatory story about events that happened in its kitchen.
The grounds of our claim … your client are that your client's story in the Daily Journal amounted to defamation.
My client will be claiming for his loss … earnings for the entire period that he could not work.
In some cases an employer is liable … his employees' acts and omissions.
A manufacturer of goods is liable … the consumer for the safety of those goods.
My client has suffered emotional distress … a result of your client's conduct.
The amount of damages that you are awarded will depend … the amount of harm that you have suffered.
An omission is a failure to act … a certain way.
The law of tort says that you have a duty … other people.
Several of my neighbours walk … my land as a shortcut and I would like them to stop.
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