State the definition of the Knudsen Number and explain it’s relevance
Kn = λ/L
λ = mean free path
L = characteristic length of a problem
For Kn << 1 the continuum assumption hold true and the navier stokes equations can be applied
How is the speed of sound defined in the framework of thermodynamics?
(c= sqrt(gamma*R*T))
Which effects have to be neglected when Euler-Equations are applied?
Viscous effects, since the euler equations are the inviscid NS equations
Heat Transfer
Heat sources
How is total enthalpy related to total energy?
Which effects cannot take place in isentropic flows?
Explain the concept of a “material derivative”
The derivative consists of a local part (change of local quantity with time) and a convective term. This convective term has the same velocity as the flow itself.
This is a lagrangian view, where the material derivative describes the change of a given property of a “fluid parcel“ moving with the flow.
Why are the balance laws for momentum and total energy balance laws but not conservation laws (in a strict sense)?
Balance laws for momentum and total energy account for
external forces
energy inputs and losses
these can change the momentum and total energy
-> strictly speaking not conservation laws
State the thermal and the caloric EoS for a perfect gas.
Under which conditions is total enthalpy constant?
(quasi) 1-D, inviscid, steady, adiabatic
Do the total conditions relation for temperature require s=const?
No, only density/pressure
At which position in a nozzle can M=1 be reached?
Ma = 1 only appears in the smallest cross section
Can flows featuring shocks be isentropic?
No, shocks are non-isentropic, therefore they cannot.
Give the definition of the critical Mach number.
What does “critical temperature” mean in a fluid mechanics sense?
The critical temperature is the static temperature at Ma = 1
How is the relative mass flow density defined?
Sketch relative mass flow density against Mach number.
Name the relations between total states and static states for temperature, density and pressure. Which of these relations need the assumption of isentropy?
Temperature relation results from the conservation of energy and doesnt rely on isentropic flows.
Pressure & density relations need the isentropic assumptions (they were developed through the temperature relation and then applying the p/rho^gamma = const for a constant entropy)
What happens to u,p,T,rho,c,h,e when the Ma number is increased/decreased?
Ma increases:
u increases
p,T,rho,c,h,e decrease
Ma decreases:
u decreases
p,T,rho,c,h,e increase
Name the mach number area relation and explain what happens when Ma / Area changes in sub-/supersonic flows.
Name the Prandtl-Shock relation
Critical Ma Number * Critical Ma number after the shock = 1
Are solutions of the Mach-Area-Relation unique?
No they dont need to be unique. Given an area you can have two solutions, one subsonic and one supersonic for example.
Why is there a kink in the state distribution for a certain back pressure?
This kink appears at Ma = 1 (the critical pressure ratio). It occurs because at this point the flow has two different possible solutions. One would be the last possible subsonic case, the other the (isentropic) supersonic case
Why is total temperature constant across a steady normal shock?
This comes from the enthalpy conservation and therefore doesnt require isentropy and also holds across shocks
How do static and total quantities vary across a normal shock?
Total pressure decreases (entropy get generated -> total pressure loss)
Total density decreases
Total temperature stays the same (energy conservation)
Total enthalpy stays the same (energy conservation)
Total speed of sound stays the same
Velocity decreases
Ma number decreases
Static pressure increases
Static temperature increases
Static density increases
Static enthalpy increases
Static speed of sound increases
Sketch the pressure distribution for subsonic and ideally adapted supersonic flow
Explain the idea of normal shock solutions
Search for multiple solutions because of non linearity, then check whether these solutions are physically possible. The remaining ones are the normal shock solutions
Why do all transonic nozzle flows feature the same mass flow (for given p0, T0)
The nozzle is choked (Ma = 1) in the smallest cross section. This means the mass flow density has its maximum and cannot be increased any further just by decreasing the nozzle back pressure (This can only be done via increasing the total density/pressure on the inlet or increasing the area)
Why is our theory not sufficient for explanation of all possible back pressures?
Our theory is solely 1-D, some of the solutions however require more complex 2-D flow phenomena.
Give three options for visualization of compressible flow features
Schlieren Photography
Shadow imaging
Mach Zehnder Intereferometry
What does a schlieren knife do?
Cuts out a portion of light at a given angle that can be set by the position of the knife. This cut out portion leads to darker regions in the image
Which quantity is visualized in Schlieren and Shadow imaging?
First derivative of the density (direction can be controlled by the knife edge)
Shadow imaging:
Second derivative of the density
How can a boundary layer in a nozzle be visualized?
Using schlieren imaging, you would position the knife in normal direction to the flow
Therefore you see the density gradient in wall normal direction
What properties do hyperbolic processes usually have?
They some kind of direction and speed. If its hyperbolic in time, the speed is the real speed (propagation speed of information)
How is the characteristic velocity defined?
How is a characteristic curve defined?
Why are characteristic quantities constant along characteristic curves?
dphi = 0, if dx/dt = df(phi)/dphi.
-> They are constant because we build the characteristic curves with the characteristic velocity
Name two techniques for visualizing compressible flow phenomena and specify the respective visualized physical quantity
Schlieren imaging: first derivative of density (direction depending on knife edge)
Shadowgraph imaging: second derivative of density
Specify the general definition of the speed of sound c of a compressible fluid.
What is the speed of sound for the special case of a general perfect gas?
In a hydraulic press, the liquid medium is almost isentropically compressed from 1bar to 301bar. The speed of sound of the liquid medium should be assumed to be c = 1000m/s = const. Estimate the resulting change of the density of the medium by calculation.
c*, doesnt change since it can be calculated through T01 or T02
How do you check whether a convergent divergent nozzle is transonically flowed?
Given the ratio pe/p01 and the ration Ae/Amin.
What is the Mach number at the outlet for an ideally adapted nozzle if the following applies: pe/p01 = 0.01?
Which cross section at the outlet is required if the critical cross section A* = 0.01m^2?
Name all differences between linear and nonlinear transport processes
Linear Processes:
The shape of the characteristic quantity doesnt change
Characteristic curves are parallel and cannot intersect
-> No shocks in linear theory
What causes convergent and divergent characteristics?
Second derivative of the flux of the characteristic quantity is not zero (The characteristic velocity is not constant -> Non linear transport)
How does a shock form?
Convergent characteristics meet and intersect at a given timepoint -> Shock formation
(Information collides in a point, this causes a loss in information)
How can the shock speed Vs be computed?
How are characteristic velocities defined for systems of PDEs?
For a system of PDE’s, the characteristic velocities can be found as the eigenvalues of the system
(If all of the eigenvalues are real, its a hyperbolic system)
Give the compatibility conditions for 1-D time dependent Euler Equations
Linearize the Euler Equations in their characteristic form
Linearized form:
Which types of linear time depended waves do exist?
Compression, Expansion/Rarefactions and Entropy waves
What happens when M=1 with the wave speed for Ψ1?
For Ma = 1, uref = cref
-> xdot = 0
No information transport through this characteristic
Are linear compression waves equal to shock waves?
No, linear compression waves as their name suggests come from linear theory.
Shocks are non-linear and appear only in non-linear theory.
They have the same tendencies to increase pressure etc. however
“Linear compression waves are basically the limiting case when the shock intensity goes to 0”
How does a leftward running compression affect the flow velocity?
It increases the velocity in running direction
-> The velocity becomes more negative (CoSy!)
How does a leftward running expansion affect the flow velocity?
It decreases the velocity in running direction
-> The velocity becomes more positive (CoSy!")
How does a rightward running expansion affect the flow velocity?
How does a rightward running compression affect the flow velocity?
-> The velocity becomes more positive (CoSy!)
Which types of nonlinear time depended waves do exist?
1) Nonlinear smooth compression waves or non-smooth shock waves
2) Nonlinear expansion waves (probably as a fan, if centered)
3) Quasi-linear entropy waves
Why are nonlinear characteristic curves no longer parallel?
The nonlinearity makes the characteristic velocties dependent on the characteristic quantity itself.
-> The characteristic velocity is no longer constant -> They con-/diverge
No, shocks are nonlinear, linear compression waves are linear and sort of an edge case where the shock intensity goes to zero
Why can rarefaction (=expansion) fans develop?
Given a certain state of the gas before and after, there is a continuous! change of the state -> fan
Can the nonlinear compatibility relations be used to compute shocks?
No, they require the solution to be smooth and therefore not having any jumps!
How does velocity change across a rarefaction fan?
If the fan is running to the left: the velocity increases
If the fan is running to the right: the velocity decreases
(Increases in opposite direction)
Is there a difference in maximum velocity between steady and unsteady flow?
What does “homentropic” mean and is it identical to “isentropic”?
s = const
s = const & grad(s) = 0
They are not the same
What does „isoenergetic“ mean?
grad(h0) = 0
How is the Mach angle defined?
Give the formulas for linearized characteristic quantities and curves for the 2-D steady case?
(For 2-D steady homentropic and isoenergetic flows with M>1)
Can we apply this theory to subsonic flow regions?
No, the used quantities are only defined for Ma>=1
How do compressions and expansions turn the flow?
Expansions increase the relative angle
Compressions decrease the relative angle
How are changes in velocity related to changes in the pressure coefficient?
State D’Alembert’s paradox
In 2D, steady, inviscid, subsonic flow, lift can be generated but not drag. This contradicts reality -> paradox
What is „wave drag“?
Its a form of drag caused by waves, typically due to the losses in shockwaves. In linear theory there are no shockwaves but still the pressure imbalance in flow direction that causes the drag.
Can this „wave drag“ be negative?
No, (shocks are always lossy)
Does a fat, cambered airfoil make sense for supersonic flight?
No, thickness and camber cause drag, both of them arent contributing to lift in supersonic flight!
How can one generate lift in supersonic flight?
The only way to generate lift in supersonic flow, is through angulation
Is for M>1 lift without drag possible?
No. Since the only mechanism to create lift is through angle of attack this also causes wave drag
Sketch the Mach cone as an envelope of unsteady waves.
State how the coefficients (Cl & Cd) are influenced by thickness, camber, and AoA in sub-/supersonic flows
Plot of T,p,rho,c,u,s across a non-linear shock
How are overspeeds and pressure coefficients determined over a nonlinear expansion/compression?
How are normal shocks related to oblique shocks?
They are related through the tangent component, whether its existent or not.
-> If the tangent component of the oblique is zero it degenerates to a normal shock.
Can normal shocks lead to post-shock Mach numbers > 1?
The Prandtl-Shock-Relation, shows that its not possible.
Can oblique shocks lead to M=1 after the shock?
Yes, they can lead to supersonic, sonic and subsonic conditions
Is it important to use the red or the blue curve in the epicycloid diagram?
No, the direction of the expasion doesnt matter
State Prandtl’s shock relation.
How does the shock angle relate to the Mach angle for very weak shocks?
For very weak shocks, the Ma number after the shock will be nearly the Ma Number before the shock
-> The Ma Angles are nearly the same -> Ma and Shock angle will be identical
To which direction do we have to sketch nonlinear waves?
Always to the local flow velocity!
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