Using Kafka Connect Source to read data from an external database, which processes do the actual work and execute connectors and tasks?
Which of the following options describe the concept of stream-table duality best?
Which of the following message schema formats are supported out-of-the box with Confluent Platform, with serializers, deserializers, and command line tools available for each format?
Using Kafka security features, how can you allow a specific user to read and write to the topic "test-topic"?
What happens if you try to produce to a topic that does not yet exist?
Which of the following options best describes unit testing?
A company disabled auto commit of offsets for their consumer application in order to have more control over the time at which offsets are committed. What's the simplest way to manually commit the offsets?
Which of the following options best describes the difference between stateless and stateful operations?
Which Kafka metric could be used if there is a lot of load on the system and you want to figure out what could be the problem for lag spikes?
Kafka is a distributed system consisting of servers and clients that communicate via a simple high-performance network protocol. Which network protocol is used by Kafka to achieve the high performance?
Which option is true about a consumer group coordinator in Kafka?
Which command can be used to create a Kafka topic to store your events?
In Kafka, what are the most important producer configurations?
Running Kafka in production, what's a proper value for setting the java heap size?
What could be the reason if ksqlDB doesn't clean up its internal topics?
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