Costs of sex
1. Fitness reduction
2. Disrupt beneficial genetic combinations -
loss of adaptations to a particular habitat
3. Mating process requires energy and time
4. Dependency on partners
Muller’s ratchet
A bad mutation is past to all offspring
Bad mutants accumulate every generation
The engine-and-gearbox model
Combining good genes of two semi-functional organisms to one functional organism
Offspring are the result of genetic recombination Bad mutants accumulate less
…sexual recombination
The Red Queen hypothesis
Co-evolutionary arms race: Evolve in order to persist
‘’…it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place’’
one plant individual with one type of flowers (male or female)
mechanism to enforce allogamy
Androdioecy is a reproductive system characterized by the coexistence of males and hermaphrodites.
Gynodiözie ist eine Form der Geschlechtsverteilung bei Blütenpflanzen: In einer Population gibt es weibliche Pflanzen und zwittrige Pflanzen (mit zwittrigen Blüten).
male and female organs on one flower
separate male and female flowers on one plant
self pollination – no sexual reproduction
Form der sexuellen Fortpflanzung, bei der nur ein Elternteil vorhanden ist oder genetisch zur Fortpflanzung beiträgt. Das bedeutet, dass ein Individuum in der Lage ist, sowohl weibliche als auch männliche Gameten zu bilden.
Als Geitonogamie (von griechisch γείτων geiton, deutsch ‚Nachbar' und γαμεῖν gamein, deutsch ‚heiraten') oder Nachbarbestäubung, auch Geitenogamie, wird die Bestäubung einer Blüte mit dem Pollen einer anderen Blüte derselben Pflanze bezeichnet.
Cleistogamy is a type of automatic self-pollination of certain plants that can propagate by using non-opening, self-pollinating flowers. Especially well known in peanuts, peas, and pansies, this behavior is most widespread in the grass family. However, the largest genus of cleistogamous plants is Viola.
cross pollination - sexual reproduction
Genetic mechanisms that prevent the germination of pollen on
stigmas, or the elongation of pollen tubes in the styles
The ripening of the stamens and pistils of a flower at different times
2 or 3 morphological types of flowers exist in the population. The flower morphs differ in the lengths of the pistil and stame On each individual plant, all flowers share the same morph.
The pollen competition hypothesis
• Many pollen grains land on the stigma
• In some species, the competitive ability of pollen-tubes correlates with the growth of the offspring
Pollination rewards
Ways to increase pollinator visits
Bateman’s Principle and Sexual selection
Male partners are rivals for mating the most females
Reproductive success is limited by resources required for the production of offspring
Female Partners: Reproductive success is limited by the availability of mating partners
Bell’s principle
One visit is enough to secure full success
Many visits are required to remove all pollen
The gain from attracting many pollinators is higher for the male function
What traits do bee-pollinated flowers show?
• Yellow or blue
• Sweet-smelling
• Nectar produced during the day
• Landing platform
What traits do bird-pollinated flowers show?
• Red or orange
• Shape with long tubes
• Little scent
• Reduced landing platform
What traits do moth-pollinated flowers show?
• White
• Night-opening
• Sweet scent produced in the evening, night or early morning
pollinator constancy
The tendencies of pollinators to visit flowers of a single species or morph even when other alternatives are available
pollination syndromes
Pollination syndromes are suites of flower traits that have evolved in response to natural selection imposed by different pollen vectors, which can be abiotic (wind and water) or biotic, such as birds, bees, flies, and so forth through a process called pollinator-mediated selection.
In social foragers, specializing on a specific flower type can decrease competition between workers from the same colony and therefore increase foraging efficiency
Win-Stay Loose-Shift
Departure from a flower or a patch could be triggered when the reward falls below an innate threshold
Pollinators also sample other flowers to keep track of changing rewards and may change their preference after a sequence of low rewards
The marginal value theorem
Foragers should leave a patch when the rate of reward falls below that of the habitat average
• Amount of reward
• How fast is it depleted
• Travel costs
When travel costs are high, the time spent in a patch will increase
Ideal free distribution
Foragers will equalize the rate of reward gain in all patches by matching the number of foragers to the rate of reward production per patch The number of pollinators per patch should match the amount of reward produced in the patch.
The low-density hypothesis
Orchids often occur in small, scattered populations
Rewarding pollinators will not increase constancy and therefore have little benefits
Allocation to floral display is even more important to attract pollinators than nectar
The pollinia-removal hypothesis
In Orchids the pollen is found in a pollinia: mass of pollen grains that are transferred by pollinators as a single unit
Reduced need for rewards that encourage multiple visits by pollinators
Transport efficiency hypothesis
Orchids evolved adhesive attachment of the Pollinia
Reduced transport loss
Batesian mimicry
a form of mimicry where a harmless species has evolved to imitate the warning signals of a harmful species directed at a predator of them both. It is named after the English naturalist Henry Walter Bates, who worked on butterflies in the rainforests of Brazil.
Close matching of color and shape of the flowers of a particular model food plant
Conditions for the evolution of Batesian flower mimicry:
• Animal pollination
• Overlapping distribution
• Overlapping flowering phenology (timing)
Generalized food deception
Imitation of general floral signals typical to rewarding plants (flower shape and color, scent), rather than a specific rewarding species
The “magnet species” effect
A rewarding “magnet” species can increase the local abundance of pollinators
Rewarding neighbors increase the pollination success of non-rewarding neighboring plants
The ‘‘remote habitat’’ effect
Non-rewarding species are inferior competitors for pollination services
Reproductive success will be higher when separated from rewarding species (in space or time)
Müllerian mimicry
Species of similar character and in similar abundance evolve a common "advertising style" to their mutual advantage
In plants: Both species provide reward to pollinators Pollinators do not distinguish between the species when approaching flowers in choice tests
Why do fruits have such noticable colors/smells?
Increased detectability (contrasting green leaves)
Signal the presence of nutritional rewards
Advertise ripening
Why do some fruits lack intense colors?
They use sweet smells instead
What is the purpose of a large seed?
Higher chance of survival
Large frugivores as dispersers (larger home range)
Dispersal syndrome
A shared trait between different families that are attractive for dispersers
Why did humans evolve to enjoy the taste of ethanol?
Ripe/overripe fruits produce alcohol and can be detected by their smell of ethanol
Which traits did plants evolve to reduce risk of seed predation by frugivores?
Capsaicin (spicy taste) poisons mammals but not birds
Hot and non-hot fruits
Fruits that turn poisonous if seed is chewed
Mimetic seeds that pretend to have fleshy reward
Colonization hypothesis
Dispersal as factor to increase chance of suvival
Increased chance of suitable habitat
Directed dispersal habitats
Non-random seed deposition
Fruit needs characteristics to ensure specific mode of transport
Escape hypothesis
Higher chance of survival further from parent plant due to density-dependant mortality
Reduced sibling competition
Reduced predation and specialist pathogens
Less herbiory
What is the benefit of different disperser species?
Some that ensure long distance dispersal
Janzen-Connel hypothesis
Due to a somewhat fixed dipersal distance and survival distance tropical forests show a reaccuring pattern of plant societies
high species diversity
Low density of each species
Regular distributed adults
Enable plant coexistance
Risks of: Epizoochory
Constraints of seed size
…otherwise uncomfortable/noticable
Advantages of: Epizoochory
Long distance dispersal
Variety of dispersal animals
Seed traits of: Epizoochory
should not bee concpicuous
Adhesive qualities
Should not harm animals
Advantages: Endozoochory
fruit attracts diverse dispersers
Risk: Endozoochory
animal will eat pulp on site and not disperse seeds
Disgestions might harm seed
Seed traits: Endozoochory
small and tough seeds enclosed in fleshy fruits
Seed predators: eats/kills seed
Advantages of: Myrmecochory
reduced predation risk (because seed is put somewhere safe)
Increased chance of establishment (seed can grow in underground, nutrient rich ant burrow)
Dispersal type where a seed is transported into an ant burrow because of a lipid-rich attachment (elaiosome)
Risks: Myrmecochory
seed might not be dispersed
Short distance dispersal
Seed traits: Myrmecochory
some seeds have elaiosome (lipid rich attachment)
Harvesting seeds for later (squirrel)
Advantages: Coaching
seeds are protected from other seed predators and if left uneaten may survive to germinate
Coaching by harvester ants
Main seed predators in arid regions
Neglected nests serve as improved establishment sites:
nutrient rich
Greater water retention (reduced soil crust)
Reduced competition
Coaching: larder hoarding
Seeds are harvested and stored in one large spot
Risks: larder hoarding
recovery of seeds (is very probable)
Deep burial might prevent germination
Coaching: scatter hoarding
Seeds are placed in several small caches
seed recovery is less likely
Burial depth is preferable (less deep)
How can plants manipulate caching seed eaters into scatter hoarding behavior?
Increase likelyhood of storage:
large nutritious seeds
Increase handling time (physical barriers)
Decrease likelihood that seeds are recovered
Increase search time (hard to find, no strong odors)
Synchronized reproduction of large amounts of seeds at intervals of several years
Vicia sativa: grows two kinds of seeds, hard for dispersal and germination, soft for reward
Dispersal by deception
Seeds resemble herbivore dung attract dung beetles that roll and bury them for offspring
Two phases of dispersal:
seeds moves away from parent plant
Directed dispersal (increased establishment chances)
One animal eats seed
Another eats the first animal and increases dispersal
Herbivore consumption rate
A result of searching time and handling time
C=consumption rate
a=searching efficiency
Ts= time available for searching
N=density og pray
Explained by Holling disc equation
What is the liniting factor for feeding capacity if food is abundant but in poor quality?
Transport in digestive system
What is the limiting factor for the feeding capacity when food is scarce?
Foraging time
Mammals that aquire nutrients from plants by fermenting in a spcialized stomach
Holling disc equation Type I
A consumtion rate where there is no handling time
Only dependant on prey density
Holling disc equation Type II
A consumtion rate where a moderate handling (also limiting factor) time is included
low prey density: limiting factor is searching time
Infinitly abundant prey: limiting factor is handling time
Highest proportion of prey consumed at lowest prey densities (potential to eliminate prey entirely)
Holling disc equation Type III
consumption rate is highest at intermediate prey density and lowest at zero
Prey at low density have access to hiding places (increased searching time)
When are grazing systems stable?
When plant biomass turnover equals vegetation growth rate-total consumption rate by herbivores
Plant growth function
Vegetation growth rate is dependant on vegetation density
Where is the equilibrium in an undergrazed stable grazing system?
Where is the equilibrium in an overgrazed to extinction grazing system?
Where is the equilibrium in an overgrazed to low biomass stable grazing system?
Where is the equilibrium in an stable and turning point to extinction grazing system?
Where is the equilibrium in an two stable states grazing system?
What is a feedback in herbivore populations?
Can herbivory increase plant growth?
What is undercompensation (damage tolerance)?
Plant fintess (biomass) of damaged plants is lower than undamaged plants
What is equal compensation (damage tolerance)?
Plant fitness (biomass) of damaged plants equals undamaged plants
What is overcompensation (damage tolerance)?
Plant fitness (biomass) of damaged plants is higher than in undamaged plants
Which conditions might stimulate overcompensation?
herbivory early in the growth season
The migratory nature of herbivores provides plants time to recover between herbivory bouts
Increased nutrient availability from dung and urine
What mechanisms enables plant to recover from herbivory?
no branching before herbivory arrival
Dormant meristems in reserve unitl herbivory
What are the three mechanisms to reduce herbivory impact on plants?
Defence mechanism: avoidance
hard to find (decreasing probability to be eaten)
Looks like a rock, turns smaller
Defence mechanism: Resistance
reducing the amount of damage done by herbivores
Structural resistance: Being spikey, hairy
Chemical resistance: toxic
Defence mechanism: Qualitative chemical resistance
low concentrations
secondary metabolites
Examples: alkaloids, morphine, nicotin, caffeine
Defence mechanism: Quantitative chemical resistance
reduce digestibility
Primary and secondary metabolites
Occur in high concentrations
Examples: mustard, tannins
When does qualitative chemical resistance make most sense?
under limiting resource carbon
When does quantitative chemical resistance make most sense?
When nitrogen is limited
What are costs of resistance?
direct: allocation, auto-toxicity
Indirect: deterrence of mutualist
How can cost of resistance be reduced?
Proper timing
When is induced resistance more profitable?
the identity or severity of herbivores varies across time and space
Cues about past damage are reliable predictors of future damage
How is resistance induced?
plant hormones
Auto signal, intra/interspecific signal
Indirect resistance
plant lures carnivores to feed on herbivores
When should plant choose resistance over tolerance?
In stressfull/arid environments
When should plant choose tolerance over resistance?
In productive environments
What are negative effects of herbivores on plants?
reduction of photosynthetic leaf area
Removal of active apical meristems
Loss of nutrients from growth reserves and shoots
What are positive effects of herbivores on plants?
increased light intensity to remaining tissues: increased photosynthetic rate
Increased allocation of photosynthates to new leaves instead of stem and roots
Activation of dormant meristems
Reactions to Herbivory on plants
induces defences
Activates compensatory growth
Good up to tipping point
Plant response to grazing: Traits of decreasers
erect tall shoots
Elevated buds
Long growth season
Perennial Life cycle
Palatable to grasers
Plant response to grazing: Traits of increasers
short of horizontal shoot
Near or below-ground buds
Short growth season
Annual or short perennial
Low palatability
High growth rate
Plant response: Invaders
plants that appear only after herbivory events and increase in abundance with additional herbivory
Why do some plant species show mixed responces to grazing?
intensity and timing of grazing between sites and years
Site conditions (soil) and year conditions (rainfall)
Adaptations to grazing vary across ecotypes
How does herbivory effect plant spezies composition depending on herbivore intensity?
low herbivore density: higher selectivity (decrease of certain species)
High herbivore density: low selectivity, maintaining similiar composition
Why does high herbivory density sometimes not change plant composition?
Some plant defences are strong enough to not be eaten despite high herbivore density
Effect of small non-digging herbivores on plants
usually do not reduce the biomass of competitive species: no competitive release
Create few disturbance to the soil and conpy: no colonization opportunities
Will have weak effect on plant diversity at any scale
Effect of intermediate sized herbivores on plants
can reduce the biomass of dominant species
Digging can create soil disturbance that enhace colonization
Will increase plant diversity at a small scale
High preference to forage next to cover to avoid predators could increase spacial vatiation in vegetation
Will increasr diversity at larger spatial scales
Effect of large herbivores on plants
eat competitively dominant plants
Create frequent, small disturbances across the landscape
Can be efficient seed dispersers by transporting soil and seeds over larger distances
Spatially heterogenous urine deposition could increase soil heterogeneity
Will increase diversity at larger scales
Convergent evolution
a trait that evolved independantly in different taxa
Pitfall traps
The leaves are modified into pitfall traps, which contain a pool of digestive enzymes or bacteria
Lid to prevent escape
and too much rain in the pitcher
Smooth or waxy layers make pitfall slippery
Pool with rainwater or digestive fluid
Flypaper traps
Leaves have many glands that secret a sticky substance, called mucilage and digestive enzymes
a directional growth movement which occurs as a mechanosensory response to a touch stimulus. Thigmotropism is typically found in twining plants and tendrils, however plant biologists have also found thigmotropic responses in flowering plants and fungi.
Snap traps
Modified leaves with active rapid leaf closure
Closure is triggered by action potentials generated by touch of sensitive hairs
After closure – stimulation of the internal surface by moving insects causes tight sealing and release of digestion enzymes
Bladder suction traps
Bladders attached to leaves and suck prey with vacuum
When hairs are touched –bladder opens to suck water and prey in
Channels pump ions out and water follows in osmosis to create a vacuum
Force protozoa to move towards a digestive organ
a chamber that is easy to enter but difficult to exit
Digestive mutualism flypaper trap
Flypaper traps but no secretion of digestive enzymes
Instead - mutualism with a symbiotic bug that lives on the plant and feeds on the trapped insects
The plant obtains nutrients from its droppings through the thin cuticle
Allocation to floral display is even more important to attract pollinators than necta
The similarity of the mimic to the model affects the behavior of the operator and consequently enhances the fitness of the mimic - resemblance must be adaptive
Batesian mimicry in plants
Conditions for the evolution of Batesian flower mimicry
The exploitation of perceptual bias
Orchids exploit the tendency of pollinators to react to large and visible colored displays
Sensory bias:
Some traits better stimulate the sensory system of the operator
Cognitive bias:
Animals use generalization during associative learning
Müllerian mimicry in plants
Plant species that benefit by sharing the same pollinator
Both species benefit from the mimicry
Particularly if both or one species are rare
Traits of bee-pollinated flowers
Traits of Bird-pollinated flowers
Traits of Moth-pollinated flowers
Why do carnivorous plants need to grow on moist soils?
because of limited photosynthetic leaf area stomata are constantly open -> risk of drought
What are the benefists of high pollinator constancy?
High pollination efficiency
• no interspecific pollen transfer
• minimized pollen wastage and stigma clogging
What are the benefists of low pollinator constancy for plants?
High visitation rates
• better to have a generalist then nothing
Pollinator constancy
Hypotheses to explain constancy: Memory limitation
Insects can only identify and handle one flower type or species at a time
But… bees are known to store a lot of information (nest location, location of flower patches) They have a long-term memory
Hypotheses to explain constancy: Learning investment
Learning a new skill, such as how to stand in the best position on the flower to obtain nectar in a new species, requires investment and time and can be inefficient
Hypotheses to explain constancy: Interference learning
Darwin: learning new skills damages ability to remember previous skills
Hypotheses to explain constancy: “Search image”
The switch between different food types can result in reduced efficiency
Animals should search only for a single food type at any given time while ignoring alternatives that are equally rewarding and abundant
Hypotheses to explain constancy: Resource-partitioning
Fidelity to particular species allows foragers to:
• Learn correct handling skills - reduce handling time
• Learn a particular search image – reduce search time
The multi-armed bandit problem in probability theory
Slot machines with unknown reward probability
A gambler must decide:
• Which slot machine to play?
• How many times to play each machine?
What is the best strategy?
Definition of carnivorous plants
Plants that have adaptations for active attraction, capture and/or digestion of prey
Plants that can absorb nutrients from prey
must fulfill both requirements
Costs of carnivory (plants)
Ways and resources to attract prey
Ways and resources to capture prey
Ways and resources to digest prey
Reduced photosynthetic rate per leaf area
Benefits of carnivory
Improved mineral acquisition
Heterotrophy: use of organic carbon for growth (though not very common)
What environments are carnivorous plants restricted to?
sunny, moist and nutrient-poor environments
How do carnivorous plants attract prey?
red leaves
blue florescent rim
nectar reward
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