GHG Emission Reduction
2030: Preparation of technologies for 2050
2050: Net zero GHG-Emissions
Reduction 90 % compared to 2010
Implement 85 % renewables for electricity demand
The Onion Layer Model - Energy Transition
Energy demand triggered by the process
Optimizing of energy efficiency starts with the process
Optimizing variable renewable energy integration starts with the resource
—> Holistic System Efficiency Approach: Both has to be taken into account
Energy transition - An ongoing process
Manufactory: Energy in form of candles for lightening, wood for heating
Industrialization: Steam engine
Conveyor belt: Electrical drives used, main supply burning fossil fuels
Automation: Nuclear power and renewables as a substitute
Digitalization: Paris agreement aims regarding to decarbonisation —> higher investments in renewable energies
Definition Energy Efficiency
= Performing of functioning in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort
—> “Doing things in the right manner”
Definition Effectiveness
= Adequate to accomplish a purpose; producing the intended or expected result
—> “Doing the right things and producing the expected results”
Combination Energy Efficiency and Effectiveness
“Doing the right things in the right manner and producing the expected results”
Success factors for industrial energy efficiency
Understanding the system
Combining production competence with energetic thinking
Awareness of responsible employees on client side
Robust data basis
Cause based measurement
Collection of specific parameters (e. g. key performance indicators)
Demonstrate and quantify advantages and benefits
The Policy Triangle in Europe
Newest development: 2020 EU Green Deal
2030: 55% reduction of the emissions
2050: 100 %
Need to significantly step up energy efficiency efforts
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