Transmural care
Connects intra- and extramural care (generalistic and specialized care)
Chain care (Ketenzorg)
A comprehensive attempts to connect consecutive types of care around one condition
Examples of patient organisations
Patient federation NPCF
Care-Interest Organisaitons
3 examples of patient financing
DBC (Diagnose behandel combinatie)
Budget for each diagnosed patient, regardless of treatment
ZZP (ZorgZwaartePakket)
Budged determined by care needed indication, 0-10
PGB (PersoonsGebonden Budget)
Budget for patients to spent for their own care of choice
List legal rights for patients
available and free care
freedom of choice and information about choice
responsible and safe care
information, consent and good record keeping
privacy and security
Low threshold procedure for complaints
Right of say & adequate management
Patient reported experience measures
Patient reported outcome measures
QoR 40
Uses for PROMs:
Uses for PREMs
compare different treatments
help patients communicate problems
Set priorities and evaluate treatments
Help patients make treatment about decision
Help to compare different care providers
Improvements of care in many ways
Increases in patient satisfaction
Dimensions that should be measured in PREMS
Approach / treatment
Information provision
Professional Quality & Expertise
Accessible, timely and appropriate care
Other qualitative methods to measure quality of care
Mirror meetings
Collection of narrative data
Following patients around a care facitity
Patient review sites
Overview of areas which changed when provider centered health care changed to patient centered healthcare
Organisation of care (disease management, e.g. chain care)
Patient involvement
patient rights
Quality assessment and improvement
Limitations of PROMs and PREMs according to C. Kingsley and S. Patel
too many important variables to collect, understand, comprehend and interpret correctly
Patient demographic affects reliability
Loss of validity when translated
Costs due to development, training, implementation and analysis
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