1. Flowers are bisexual with anthers and stigma maturing at the same time - Homogamy.
2. The Stigma is situated directly below the anthers.
3. In certain bisexual flowers, the flower remains closed and the anther and the stigma remain hidden and lie close to each other - Cliestogamy.
Pollination is sure.
Parental Characters are preserved.
Fewer pollen grains are needed. There is no wastage of pollen grains.
Flowers need not be large/showy/scented/have nectar.
Off spring gets weaker.
New variety is not possible.
Weaker Strains cannot be eliminated.
The offsprings are healthier.
Seeds produced are abundant and good in quality.
New Varieties can be produced.
Pollination is not always sure.
Alot of pollen is produced and wasted.
Flowers may have to be large/showy/scented/have nectar.
Self Sterility
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