Reasons —> Project failure
Incomplete Requirements
No customer requirements
Lack of resources
Unrealisitic expectations
Uncontrolled changes of requirements
Reasons —> Project success
Customer/User involvement
Management support
Clear Statement of requirements
Proper planning
Realistiv expectation
Goals of empirical studies
Understanding phenomena and identify problems
Check and improve hypotheses, measure impact
Functional requirements
Describe user tasks which the system needs to support
Describe system behaviour under specific condition
Describe the interactions between the system and its environment independent from the implementation
Functional requirements:
The user shall be able to choose her destination on the map.
The system shall recommend the fastest route to a free parking slot.
The user shall be able to choose one of the recommended routs.
Non-functional requirements
Describe aspects not directly related to functional behavior
“The Feature X of the App must be available without a mobile internet connection”
Describe properties of the system or the domain
Definition: Limits the solution space beyond functional and quality requirements (Pohl 2016).
Source: Imposed by customer or environment.
Alias: Also called “Pseudo requirements”.
Example: “The app must support blinded users using speech.”
Affected Areas:
Interface requirements
Operation requirements
Packaging requirements
Legal requirements (e.g., privacy, accessibility, licensing, certification, regulation)
Quality Requirements
is not covered by functional requirements
System / software engineering
System engineering:
discipline concerned by designing, developing, deploying and maintaining systems
Software engineering
sub-discipline that focuses on engineering software-intensive systems
Activities of requirements engineering
Requirements elicitation: the process of discovering, reviewing, documenting, and understanding the user’s needs and constraints for a system
Requirements analysis: The process of refining the user’s needs and constraints
Requirements specification: The process of documenting the user’s needs and constraints clearly and precisely
Requirements verification: Ensuring that the system requirements are complete, correct, consistent, and clear
Requirements management: Scheduling, negotiating, coordinating, and documenting the RE activities
Requirements engineering process
RE is a process of formulating, documenting and maintaining software requirements
Requirements elicitation vs. analysis
Requirements elicitation
Def. of system understood by customer or user
“Requirements specification“
Requirements Analysis
Def. of system understood by developer
“Technical specification“, “Analysis model“
Requirements Engineering Process
Combination of activities requirements elicitation and analysis
Requirements specification vs. analysis
Both focusing on requirements from users view of system
Requirements specification
uses natural language
Analysis model
uses formal or semi-formal notation
Main techniques to elicit requirements
Goal: Bridging the conceptual gap between end user and developer
Use case
Requirements Management
Scheduling, negotiating, coordinating, and documenting
the requirements engineering activities
Quality Measures of Requirements
requirements represent the clients view
“all” possible scenarios, in which the system can be used
no requirements that contradict each other
requirements can only be interpreted in one way
requirements can be implemented and delivered
each system component & behaviour can be tracked back to a set of funct. req.
Prioritization requirement
High priority
must be demonstrated at delivery of system
addressed during analysis, design and implementation
Medium priority
are usually demonstrated in future iterations
Low priority
illustrates how system going to be in future
have impact on analysis model
Rationale management
is justification for decisions
Increase stakeholder understanding of system
Ability to explain past decisions
Requirement Engineering
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