What are the archetypical network structures?
Erdöl-Renyi (random)
-> Real world cannot be resembled by one type!
Key questions in graph analysis?
can we define properties that are easy to understand and discriminative for graphs?
Nr. Of nodes
Nr. Of edges
How to compare graphs in a tractable manner?
Pairwise distance
Sum of edges (only if weighted)
Are there generative graph models that can lead to the observed graphs?
What are questions for ecological network analysis?
Can we find network properties that are common to all (or most) networks across habitats?
Nodes (OTUs)
Are certain OTUs (nodes) generally more important than others?
Depends on the question we want to answer with analysis
How do (microbiological) ecological networks relate to other ecological networks (food webs, etc)?
Is there a simple generative (microbial) network model that fits the inferred networks?
Simple summary statistic: degree distributions
What is the assortativity coefficient?
tendency of connected nodes to belong to the same category
Phylogeny [-1:1]
Algorithm to determine the shortest path in a graph/geodesic distance
Dijkstra algorithm
Run time: O(|V|^2)
what are the different layout algorithms?
force directed
strength of connection gives length of edge
transtivity/Clustering coefficient
probability if there are 2 edges between 3 nodes, whether there is a 3rd edge
thing with triangle and triplets
what are small world networks?
regular network with a bit increased randomness (rewiring)
characteristic path length improved with only a bit rewiring
what are generative graph models ?
Erdös-Renyi/scale-free graph model
Watts-Strogatz graph model
Geometric Random graph model
STICKY (Configuration model) Graph
nodes have a node degree O(i) f.e.
edge or not is determined by product of probabilities of the two nodes
what about modularity based clustering?
calculate distance to its own and distance to other clusters for each point in a cluster
average above graph gives modularity scale
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