Requirements elicitation goal
is a practice of researching and discovering the needs and gaining knowledge about:
stakeholder, expectations, current state
domain, tasks and system & its context
Requirements elicitation methods and research
are a category of research tasks that use visual, verbal
concepts and guidelines of empirical research methods
data collection
data analysis
are people actively involved in the project or affected by its execution
build project, use it, manage it
main soure of project goals and requirements
Requirement engineer
needs to identify stakeholders and assess their characteristics
their expectations
importance to project
requirements to project
Different types of sampling
Non probability sampling
subjects have not equal chance of being selected
suitable for: pilot, case studies, development of hypothesis
Pobability sampling
every subject has equal chance of being selected
randomized process
suitable for: verifying of hypothesis and representativeness
Convenient sampling
subjects selected based on their easy access and proximity to researcher
colleagues, colunteer users, proxy client, family members
Sequential sampling
non probability sampling
sequential sampling method
select group of subjects
select additional group of subjects
update study
Snowball sampling
subjects are asked to recommend subjects with similiar trait (feature) of interest
helps identifying rare subjects for study
Requirements Elicitation Methods
Qualitative methods
gain a deeper understanding of human behaviour and the reasons for this behaviour
unstructed data, small sample size, categorization and summary, subjective conclusion
interview, workshops, focus groups
Requirement Elicitation Methods
Quantitative methods
large” sample size, structured data, statistically significant results, generalizable
surveys (questionnaires), observations, data analysis
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