
Pyrowolakis TGFbeta/ BMP signaling

von Julius P.

In many cases BMP ligands exerts long–range effects. How can you prove that the effects are direct?

(Question will be discussed in the afternoon session)

Gene Knockouts/Knockdowns: Use CRISPR/Cas9 or RNA interference to knock out or knock down genes encoding potential intermediate signaling molecules. If the BMP effects are direct, knocking out these intermediates should not abolish the BMP-induced responses.

Conditional Mutants: Employ tissue-specific or inducible gene knockout models to remove BMP receptors or SMAD proteins in target tissues. Direct effects should be absent in tissues lacking these components.

Ligand Binding Studies: Use labeled BMP ligands (radioactive or fluorescent) to track their binding to receptors on cells located at various distances from the BMP source. Direct effects would be indicated by the presence of labeled ligand-receptor complexes on distant cells

Receptor Blockade: Apply specific BMP receptor antagonists or neutralizing antibodies at different locations. If BMP effects are direct, blocking the receptors should inhibit the response.

-> Same with a physical barrier

Tissue Grafting: Transplant tissue sources of BMP ligands at various positions in an embryo or tissue culture. Observe the effects on distant target tissues. If the effects are direct, transplanted tissues should induce responses without the need for intermediate signals. -> Mangold

  • three possible mechanisms: direct mechanism, signal relay and epigenetic inheritance

  • direct vs. signal relay:

    Flp transgene: frt-flanked GFP as stop cassette in front of constitutively active dpp receptor. Area of omb (target gene of dpp) exactly overlaps with ectopic expression of constitutively expression of dpp receptor which means ist must act in a direct mechanism. If it would act in a signal relay mechanism, the area of omb expression would be larger than the area of the constitutively active receptor. Signal relay means that dpp signaling causes dpp expression?

  • direct vs. epigenetic inheritance:

    usage of mitotic clones. GFP gets activated in all cells that respond to dpp, marker gets inherited by progenies. (???)

    usage of loss of function receptor. Expression of homozygous loss of function receptor only in progenies. If dpp would act via cellular memory response omb would still be expressed in cells with loss of function receptor, but it is not. This means that constant dpp is needed —> direct mechanism!


Julius P.


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