Which materials can be seen here?
Why is there an unoxidized ring in this waterdroplet?
The waterdroplet forms a cell in which the outer ring forms the cathode, by reducing the the oxygen that diffuses into the droplet from the air.
What is the main reason for the potential difference in a water drop?
A difference in oxygen concentration
Explain the initial stage of atmospheric corrosion.
surface hydroxylation
interaction of water vapour and metal => formation of hydroxyl bonds on surface
water absorption
water is now adsorbed in a number of monolayer molecules, based on the relative humidity
Explain the intermediate stage in atmospheric corrosion.
the water film on the metal dissolves atmospheric gases
The formed ions (SO3, SO2, NO2) enhance the dissolution of the metal
The dissolved ions and metal ions pair and form corrosion products
What is the final stage in atmospheric corrosion?
The layer of corrosion product thickens towards a limit
What are the major factors in atmospheric corrosion?
relative humidty
time of wetness
enviroment (rain, fog, sea breeze)
atmospheric pollutant
What atmospheric pollutants have a major effect in atmospheric corrosion?
SO2, nitrogen oxides, Chlorides, phosphates, NH3, HCOOH, CO2, Ozone
What is the effect of increased temperature in atmospheric corrosion?
accelerates the rate of physical/chemical processes (e.g. diffusion)
results in higher solubility of liquid film
What are the effect of NOx and SOx compounds on the corrosion?
They form either sulfuric or nitric acid, which strongly oxidizes the surface and decreases the pH
What are the effects of clorides in atmospheric corrosion?
increase localized corrosion through permeating the passive barrier
forming soluble complexes with the metal, which increases uniform corrosion
What are the steps in atmospheric corrosion in steel?
Fe -> Fe2+ + 2e- , Fe2+ + 2OH- -> Fe(OH)2
wet period: Fe(OH)2 -> Fe(OH)3
dry period: FE(OH)3-> FeOOH +H2O, 2Fe(OH)-> Fe2O3 + 3H2O
What is the effect of soid particles in atmospheric corrosion?
source of crevice corrosion
What is the effect of the presence of H2S on steel corrosion?
Corrosion of steel by FeS formation
acidification of the enviroment
Hydrogen induced cracking and sulfite stress cracking
What is the major feature of CorTen steel? Which role do alloying elemtents play?
Steel forms a stable FeOOH patina which protects the material from further rusting. Needs to be exposed to wet and dry cycle
Cr: surpresses growth of crystalline phase and forms the amorphous layer
Cu: reduces iron solubility, prevents magnetite formation, surpresses growth of crystalline phase
What is the 0 potential of Zn and Fe?
E Fe: -0,45V
E Zn: -0,76V
What are the two mechanisms that protect steel when coated with Zink?
Zn forms Zn5(CO3)2(OH)6 at air, which offers very good protection
when scratched, Zink coating works as a sacrificial annode
How does a Zink coating react to marine/industrial atmospheres?
(SO4)2- and Cl- can induce pitting, hence it is less protective
What is the corrosion behaviour of Magnesium?
Very weak corrosion behaviour
Water enough to induce corrosion
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