Types of User Feedback
Explicit Feedback
Social Media
Implicit Feedback
Interaction Data
explicit user feedback
is the documented opinion of a user adressing any aspect of software or service provided by entity
contains opinion of user
mostly free written
Combining Explicit Implicit feedback
more requirements can be clarified
study example
monitoring case and collect user feedback for 4 months
organize workshop with two phases
use ontology mediated queries
study found more requirements
Machine Learning
Data Collection & Preparation —> Feature Engineering —> Model Selection and Training -> Model Evaluation —> Model for Prediction
Classifying user feedback
High quality data important
Carefully select machine learning performance
Traditional Machine Learning
Few Data & benefits from expert knowledge
High Effort in Feature Engineering
Deep Learning
Exceels with much data
Not require domain expert knowledge
How does user feedback classification help RE?
Allocate & assign
Track over time
Content analysis
Qualitative analysis of data
research method to determine presence of certain themes with given data
Inductive Content Analysis
Bottom-up analysis, involves many passes over data
Deductive Content Analysis
Top-down analysis, high level previous knowledge
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