MORA Definition
Minimum Off Route Altitude, 2000 ft above highest obstacle in a ±10 NM corridor of flight path
At night, visual swingovers are only permitted in FRA/EDDF and MUC/EDDM and under the following conditions:
Do not accept a visual swingover later than 5NM from the runway threshold
No modification of MCDU on final
When starting the manoeuver, make sure that both FD´s are off
Fully configured and stabilized at 1000ftAGL
Fully aligned with the RWY centerline not lower than 500ft AGL
In case of a go around, follow tower instructions
Check FMA for correct lateral guidance HDG before selecting autopilot on
A possible swingover, incl. the above mentioned items, must be briefed during the Smarter Approach Briefing prior TOD / T/D
Note: Discover does not permit Re-Swings.
MOCA (non-OM-A) Definition
Minimum obstacle clearance altitude, 1000 ft ± 4NM on a defined segment (e.g. airway)
If go-around climb gradient limited
Use of a different landing flap setting;
Select air condition packs “OFF” or “on APU” for landing;
Use a higher DA according IAC or Landing Performance Module (if available);
Use local engine out missed approach procedure (where published);
Use EOSID instead of standard Missed Approach.
In case of OEI: In case of a published missed approach gradient > 2.5% it is recommended to follow the EOSID for the designated RWY according to Performance Application on the EFB.
A Go-around is mandatory if an instrument approach in both, VMC or IMC, or a visual approach is not fully stabilized by 1000ft AAL.
If a visual approach is intended, the RWY alignment must be accomplished not later than 500ft AAL (excluding SMI).
An approach, except for a circling approach, is stabilized, if the following conditions are met:
Established on the correct lateral and vertical flight path (within 1 dot of the GS (ILS), within 100ft (NPA), within 1 light high or low on the VASI/PAPI (visual));
Landing configuration;
IAS = VAPP TARGET (managed or selected) -5/+10kts;
V/S is not greater, than 1000 FPM on the A320 or 1200ft/min on the A330. If an approach requires a sink rate greater than 1000 FPM, a special briefing should be conducted;
Stabilized approach thrust, usually above idle;
Ground Spoilers are armed;
No MCDU/EFB handling/entries;
All briefings and checklists completed.
A circling approach is stabilized, if the following conditions are met:
At 1000ft AAL, or at the MDA whichever is higher, the aircraft has to be:
configured in the respective circling configuration (e.g. Gear Down, Flaps 3, F-Speed on Airbus Aircraft);
V/S is not greater, than 1000 FPM. If an approach requires a sink rate greater than 1000 FPM, a special briefing should be conducted;
Stabilized approach thrust, usually above idle, if A/THR is not engaged;
Ground Spoilers are arrned;
All briefings and checklists, except landing checklist, completed.
At 500ft AAL, the aircraft has to be:
Established on the correct lateral and vertical flight path;
IAS = VAPP TARGET (managed or selected) -5/+10kts.
Landing Checklist completed.
OEI Go Around
In case of a published missed approach gradient > 2.5% it is recommended to follow the EOSID for the designated RWY according to Performance Application on the EFB.
Three alternatives may be considered:
Published EOSID.
Published missed approach procedure.
In favourable weather conditions: Any safe visual flight path.
Maximum Bank Angle and turns after Takeoff
No turns below 80 ft
10 degree blw 300 ft
15 degree betw 300-500 ft
30 degree abv 500 ft
25 for PANS OPS and Pax comfort
Static Takeoff
Not permitted (danger of FOD on tailsection)
Minimum IFR Levels
high terrain = 2000 ft
elsewhere 1000 ft
(8km / 4NM range around Aircraft)
Loadsheet check with Ramp Agent
LS number
OFP number
Total Pax
Aerodrome cometence on runways with less than 45 m
Takeoff by CM1 only (no rolling takeoff permitted)
Landing Performance: F-LD margin < 400 m
Use of Autobrake and Reverse Max recommended
Fuel Check
At least every 60 min a fuel check must be documented
(regular check every 30 min or at least once if flight < 60 min)
OFP check:
check consumption
check remaining fuel sufficient to complete flight
check remaining fuel at dest (EFOB)
CAT II minima
DH 100’
RVR 300 m
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