How long does the Caution tone sound when a Caution light is illuminated with the master alert light? What about a warning tone when a Warning light is illuminated?
Caution tone: 1 sec, or it is silenced when master alert light is pressed (shorter if multiple lights illuminate)
Warning tone: Continuously until it is silenced by pressing the master alert.
Lights test will turn on all warning and caution lights, Master alert light, the wheels warning light, the light in the gear handle, but NOT the
AOA Indexer
Tones tests which tones?
Warning tone, caution tone, wheels, weapons release
Zero Fuel or Operating weight
Max Gross Weight takeoff (ashore)
Max (Field) Landing Gross Weight
Max Airspeed
550 KIAS, Mach 1.04
Max. Altitude
41,000 feet MSL
Max. G above 5k
7.33 to -3.0 (-1.0 above .8 MACH) (below 13,233lbs)
Max. G below 5k
Max. G dirty
+2.0 to 0.0 symmetrical
After a generator failure, what equipment will you lose immediately?
Both right MFCDs and HUD
After a generator failure, how long will the left MFCD operate?
2 minutes
How can you keep the left MFCD on continously?
Move the Display Power switch to ORIDE
After a generator failure does the following equipment work? (What is powered by the 28 VDC Essential Services Bus?)
Stabilator trim - YES
Standy Stabilator trim - NO
Aileron trim - NO
Ruddern trim - NO
Normal Gear - YES
Normal flaps/slats - YES
Emergency flaps - YES
Speed brakes - YES
Anti-Skid - YES
Navigation lights - YES
Taxi light - NO
Strobe lights and rotating beacon - NO
Form lights - NO
What do you lose with a single inverter failure?
RADALT, VOR/ILS, Marker beacon, formation lights, console lights
What else do you lose if both inverters fail?
Does the following equipment work with a total electrical failure?
Emergency flaps - NO
Hook retract and extend - YES
Brakes and differential braking - YES
ARI and SBI (C AUG) - NO
Speed brakes - NO
Normal Gear - NO
Emergency Gear - YES
What engine instrument will work with a total electrical failure?
N2 RPM Gauge
What components control and protect the electrical system?
Voltage regulator, overvoltage unit, undervoltage unit, 300 AMP fuse
After a generator failure, will the engine igniters, ECA power and fuel control switching work?
Yes, they are powered by the 28VDC essential services bus
What are the two ground power switches in the front cockpit used for?
To apply external electrical ground power during maintenance or to charge the batteries
When are the two ground power switches disabled?
During engine start or any time both engine switches are ON
Min. battery voltage for engine start
Fully charged 24V
When will the generator come on after a ground start?
45% N2 RPM
When will the generator come on after an airstart?
After it is reset
When does the EGT/RPM warning light illuminate?
EGT 650 +/- 8°C
N1 RPM above 112.4 +/- 1%
Prior to engine start, what does turning both Engine Switches to ON do?
It energizes the start control unit
Which cockpit(s) have an ignition switch?
Front cockpit only
During a ground start, when do the fuel boost pumps begin operating?
When the GTS start button is pressed.
What happens when you press the GTS start button on the throttle grip?
It starts the GTS, energizes the engine igniters and starts the electric fuel boost pumps. If airborne with wheels down, it also removes the approach idle stop.
What is the SIFCU?
Does the GTS direct high-pressure air to the N1 or N2 turbines during start?
NO. It provides high pressure air to the air turbine starter. The ATS mechanically drives N2 compressor/turbine via the accessory gearbox.
What does raising the throttle finger lift do?
Allows the throttle to be moved past the idle stop to OFF.
Allows the throttle to be moved below the approach idle stop.
Prevends reduction of the throttle to approach idle or idle from mid-thrust settings.
When is the approach idle stop retracted?
When the GTS start button is pressed in flight with gear down.
When weight-on-wheels if the Anti-Skid is ON on both cockpits
After 2 seconds after weight-on-wheels if the Anti-Skid is OFF in either cockpit (Carrier).
What hapens to the approach idle stop if you have a total electrical failure?
It fails ON and is automatically extended.
How many seconds does it take for a GTS advisory light to illuminate?
Groundstart: Max. 20 seconds
Airstart: Max. 28 seconds
What does a GTS advisory light indicate?
GTS is started and running at tidle, ready to start the engine
What happens during a start when you move the engine switch to start?
GTS accelerates to 100%, the dump valve closes, start valve opens, high pressure air is directed to the ATS.
What does a READY advisory light mean and how soon should it illuminate after moving the engine switch to start?
N1 spinning in the proper direction at 100 RPM
15 sec
When does the engine bleed valve close?
N2 RPM 61 +/-4%
When the engine bleed valve closes, what happens to the idle RPM and EGT?
RPM increases by 3%, EGT decreases by 50°C
If the engine bleed valve fails to close, how much thrust do you lose?
Approx. 25%
if the engine bleed valve fails to close, will you get a warning or caution light?
NO; could get an OXY Warning or O2 PRESS caution due to lack of bleed air to OBOGS"!
What temperature does the FIRE Warning light come on?
300°C in the engine bay
what could cause the fire light to illuminate and then go out?
Temp drops below 300°C
Firewire may have melted through and lost continuity.
If the fire light goes out, what should you do?
Do a lights test to test the continuity of the circuit.
What are some secondary indications of a fire?
Smoke, flames, rising EGT, excessive fuel flow, erratic or rough running engine, TP hot light, GTS fire light,…
When does a TP hot light illuminate?
Area AROUND the tailpipe is over 150°C
When is the OIL PRESS warning light illuminated?
When pressure differential between pressure side and scavenge side of less than 10 PSI
After an engine seizure, will you lose all flight controls?
NO, because RAT should deploy.
If the engine seizes, what will the RPM be?
What are some signs of a compressor stall?
Pops or bangs, increase in EGT, decrease in RPM
If you have a dual ECA failure, what lights will illuminate?
ECA advisory AND ECA2 caution light
If the ECA fails to “no-trim”, what will happen to RPM, EGT and fuel flow?
Increase (No-trim = nothing holding them back=
What components are mechanically driven by the N2 and accessory gearbox?
Generator, HDY pumps, Oil pressure and scavenge pumps, LP fuel pump, HP fuel pump
What is 5th stage bleed air (P3 air) used for?
OBOGS/Anti-G, ECS and cokppit pressurization, Fuel tank pressurization, Anti-icing for N1 compressor
Is the 5th stage bleed air from the LP or HP compressor?
HP High pressure compressor
Sustained engine operation at less than __ %N2 RPM above __ ft MSL may result in sub-idle resulting in engine flame out.
30,000ft MSL
Where can you check your fuel state if your cockpit gauge is not working?
On the MFCDs ENG page.
What seperates the aircraft fuel system from the engine fuel system?
Fuel shutoff handle
Where are the fuel boost pumps located?
In the negative-G compartment
What will cause an F PRES caution light to illuminate?
Loss of fuel tank pressurization, one or both boost pumps failed, engine switch off (turns off boost pumps)
What is the normal fuel tank pressure?
6 psi
Dual Datum relief valve over pressurization relief valve will relieve pressure at?
9.5 psi
When will the Dual Datum relief valve lower the fuel tank pressurization to 4 psi?
When refueling or when HOOK down
Why is 24 VDC ground services bus power required for aircraft pressure refueling?
To operate the high level float switch so that fuel flow is stopped when tanks are full.
When does the FUEL caution light illuminate?
350lbs of usable fuel remaining
Does the FUEL caution light use the same wiring circuit as the fuel quantity gauge?
NO, they use different fuel probes/sensing systems.
During preflight, what should the accumulator read in the right wheel well?
HYD1 = 1,100 +/- 50
Brake Press = 1,300 +/- 50
During preflight, what should the accumulator in the left wheel well read?
HYD2 = 1,100 +/- 50 PSI
What should the Hydraulic gauges in the cockpit indicate prior to starting the engine?
HYD2 = 0 PSI
HYD1 = 0 PSI
Brake = 1,300 +/-50 PSI
What does the brake pressure gauge indicate?
Emergency Brake/Flap accumulator pressure.
Prior to starting the engine, the brake pressure gauge will show
Nitrogen pressure in the emergency brake/flap accumulator
What should the HYD gauges in the cockpit read after starting the engine but BEFORE resetting HYD2?
HYD1 = 3,000 PSI
Brale Press = 3,000 PSI
What does the HYD 2 reset button do?
It closes the HYD 2 system bypass valve after engine start and retracts the RAT if deployed
When does the HYD FAIL warning light illuminate?
HYD1 AND HYD2 pressure less than 1,660 +/- 110 PSI and emergency system pressure less than 600 +/- 50 PSI
When does the HYD caution light illuminate?
When either HYD1 OR HYD2 pressure drops below 1,660 +/- 110 PSI.
Extinguishes as pressure increases above 2,000 PSI
When does the HYD1 priority valve close to isolate general services from the system to maintain supply to the flight controls?
1,500 +/- 100 PSI
With a HYD1 system loss, a priority valve disables emergency flap operation from the wheel brake/emergency flap accumulator at
2,000 PSI
Due to nitrogen preload of __ , no fluid remains for brake operation when the accumulator pressure reads
1300 PSI
How many brake attempts in emergency
10 full applications
When does the RAT deploy?
Whenever HYD2 pressure drops below 1,500 PSI
If HYD2 fails, what happens when RAT is extended?
RAT caution light will illuminate and HYD2 pressure will cycle 2,500 - 3,000 PSI
If HYD2 fails, will pressing the HYD2 RESET button extend the RAT?
NO, it would retract the RAT.
The RAT is retracted automatically by
Spring pressure at 700 PSI.
If HYD2 fails and the pressure drops below 1,500 PSi will the PSP priority valve vlose and thus you lose general services?
Will you have flight controls if HYD1 and HYD2 engine driven pumps both fail?
Yes, because RAT should extend.
When the engine is shutdown, when will the HYD2 engine driven pump (EDP) bypass valve be opened?
N2 RPM drops below 42%
If the landing gear is emergency extended after a HYD1 failure, is NWS available?
If the landing gear is emergency extended with good HYd1 pressure but the handle is NOT reset/stowed, will NWS work?
NO, pressure will NOT be supplied to NWS
Is there an emergency gear handle in both cockpits?
If the landing gear indicates 3 down and locked but gear doors remain open, will there be a red light ind the gear handle?
NO, but a DOOR caution light will illuminate
When will the SKID advisory light illuminate?
With gear down and Anti-Skid switches ON in both cockpits.
When should the Anti-Skid switches be turned off?
When you have a SKID caution light
During Carrier Ops
Blown tire
HYD1 failure
If one Anti-Skid switch is set to OFF, what happens:
SKID advisory - NO
SKID caution - NO
Anti-skid work? NO
If the weight-off-wheels switch fauls, will the Anti-Skid system allow the brakes to work after landing?
Will the SKID caution light illuminate?
Will turning Anti-Skid OFF restore brake operation?
What extends the hook?
Gravity assisted by Nitrogen snubber pressure.
what retracts the launch bar?
Mechanical springs
Will you get a NWS caution when HYD1 pressure drops below 1,500 PSI?
Will you get a NWS caution light when the NWS BIT test fails with gear down?
Will you get a NWS caution light when/after the paddle switch is pressed with the gear down?
Will you get a NWS caution light when doing a lights test?
What is the geasr and flaps/slats speed limit?
200 KIAS
When will the SLATS caution light illuminate?
Slats are not matching lever
Split slats
Above 217KIAS with slats down/Selected down
Does the SBI funciton of the C AUG reposition the stabilator but not the control stick in the cockpit as the speedbrakes are extended or retracted?
Does the trim/yaw damper actuator (YDA) move the rudder trim tab automatically through the yaw damper controller computer (YDC)?
Does the trim/yaw damper actuator (YDA) move the rudder trim tab upon movement of the rudder trim switch?
Does the yaw amper controller reposition the rudder trim tab through theYDC control of the aileron/rudder interconnect (ARI)?
If the C AUG caution light illuminates, will you have:
Yaw damper?
Rudder trim?
Does the rudder centering unit keep the rudder centered?
NO, it just lets the pilot “feel” when the rudders are centered. 6-8lbs of force will break it out of center
Does the stick-to-aileron ration changer increase aileron defelction and reduce lateral stick displacement required to move the aielrons when the gear is down?
If you lose HYD1 AND HYD2, will the flight controls still work?
YES, RAT should deploy
T/F: Standby stab trim switch (guarded); if guard is lifted in either cockpit, normal trim is INOP
Rudder pedal shaker and stall warning tone when AOA is __ units or greater.
C AUG switch in SBI provides?
Rudder trim and speed brake-stabilator interconnect
C AUG provides Aileron-Rudder-Interconnect (ARI; turn coordination; AKA centering the ball in turns) and yaw damping only with weight off wheels and airspeed below
217 KIAS
The C AUG BIT can only be initiated with weight-on-wheels, airspeed below 80kts and flaps/slats up. C AUG caution light illuminates during BIT test and goes out after how many seconds?
120 seconds if BIT was successful
Do slats extend with emergency flaps?
Does the control stick move when the SBI moves the stabilator?
What determines which ejection mode for the ejection seat?
The electronic sequencer based on data from the ejection seat pitot heads at the time of ejection.
Does the ejection seat use any data from the aircraft to determine wich mode it should use after ejection?
What happens if the MDC does not detonate when you pull the ejection handle?
Your seat will eject and the seat’s canopy penetrators will shatter the canopy.
If the engine fails, when does NATOPS direct you to eject?
If below 1,500ft AGL and airspeed below 180KIAS
If your engine fails at 350KIAS at 500ft AGL should you eject?
No, execute airstart.
When is the Canopy light illuminated?
Anytime the canopy is not closed and locked.
If the canopy is unlocked and the canopy caution is illuminated, when will the Master Alert illuminate and the caution tone sound?
Throttle above 95%
If you initiate ejection from the aft cockpit in the AFT SELF/FWD Both position, will the forward cockpit MDF fire to shatter the forward canopy?
If you pull the MDC firing handle in the aft cockpit, will both cockpit canopies shatter?
If the forward cockpit pins the MDC firing handle and the aft cockpit occupant pulls the MDC firing handle, will both canopies shatter?
If the forward seat is safed and the aft cockpit pulls the ejection handle, will you both be ejected?
Is the IPRSOV open to enhance the efficiency of the ECS when the ECS is on and the gear is down?
When is the cockpit ventilated by ram air?
When weight-on-wheels
When ECS knob is OFF
List the reasons why a CABIN ALT Warning light would illuminate:
An AC system failure caused by overprusse to the CAU compressor
CAU compressor outlet temp above 500°F
CAU turbine inlet temp above 250°F
Cockpit pressurization failure, only when CABIN pressure altimeter indication exceeds 25,000 +/- 500ft
Will the cockpit be pressurized with a total electrical failure?
YES, the MPRSOV and IPRSOV will be opened
Will the cockpit go to RAM AIR with a total electrical failure?
Does the OBOGS oxygen concentrator:
Cool the air?
Filter out Nitrogen from the engine bleed air?
Filter out some contaminents?
NO, it is cooled in the heat exchanger
Does the Solid State Oxygen Monitor:
Automatically perform a power up BIT, and might illuminate an OXYGEN warning light momentarily during warm-up?
Automatically perform periodic BITs every minute during normal ops?
Illuminate an Oxygen Warning light if a fault is detected or if low concentration of oxygen is sensed?
Does the Solid State Oxygen Monitor shut off the OBOGS if a low concentration of oxygen is sensed?
Will it reset itself if a low concentration of oxygen is sensed?
T/F: If low oxygen concentration is sensed, it will allow the system to continue to operate, but will produce a lower than optimal concentration of oxygen.
What types of BITs does the Solid State Oxygen Monitor do?
3-minute oxygen sensor warmup
Power-Up BIT
Then automaticall enters normal ops
Performs periodic BIT every 60 seconds
Electronic BIT checks the oxygen monitor electronics and the OXYGEN warning light circuit.
What does the oxygen monitor do?
Checks the OBOGS breathing gas for sufficient oxygen concentration based on cabin altitude and for sufficient delivery pressure, and provides a cockpit indication of low level via the OXYGEN Warning light.
What does the oxygen concentrator do?
It uses an electrical valve to alternate the inlet air between two canister beds containing molecular sieve material and a catalyst material. Inhibts flow of nitrogen while allowing oxygen to pass through.
The catalyst converts carbon monoxide typically induced by jet exhaust to harmless CO2.
Do the molecular sieves on the Oxygen concentrator filter out contaminants?
What is the best indication of impending stall? What AOA?
Ruder pedal shaker and stall warning tone.
21.5 units
If a single MFCD flickers or malfunctions you should:
If all MFCDs malfunction or flicker, you can:
Move the Dispaly Power Switch in the forward cockpit to RESET for 5 seconds
Where does the pitot static system send the static ram air pressure to?
Standby altimeter
Standby VSI
Standby airspeed indicator
SADS (AirDataComputer)
What is the maximum altitude for the RADALT?
Max AOB and pitch for RADALT?
40 degrees
After a total electrical failure, how long will the standby gyro provide reliable information?
9 minutes
When the CDI is tied to the ILS (ILS boxed, TACAN WYPT Unboxed), what does each dot on the CDI represent?
Gear up: 2 miles per dot, 4 miles 2 dots
Gear down: 0.15 miles per dot, .3 miles 2 dots
When you put your gear down, why may your CDI deflect when WYPT is the selected steering?
Because the sensitivity is increased from 2 miles per dot to 0.15 miles per dot
What does each dot represent on the CDI when TACAN is boxed?
5 degrees for 1 dot, 10 degrees for 2 dots
If the ALT-NORM amplifier switch on the communications control panel is in the ALT position, what happens? (Not covered in NATOPS)
No volume is available, all ICS and radios are set to the same volume and cannot be adjusted individually.
Your cockpit goes to hot mic but the other cockpit does not.
If the Generator fails, will the following equipment work?
How many antennas does each of these components have?
ILS glideslope
ILS/VOR course
If the DEU(Mission Computer) fails, you will lose:
If the DEU fails, what is the only instrument approach that you can fly?
Which mode of the IFF reports your altitude?
Mode 3/C
What is GINA?
And INS and embedded GPS
Can you box VOR when PLAN view is on the HSI?
Can you box both TACAN and WYPT on the HSI?
Can you box both TACAN (or WYPT) and ILS on the HSI?
What happens when you box ILS?
ILS Loc and glideslope needles are displayed in the ADI and HUD if withing range.
If TACAN or WYPT (or TO/S, WO/S) is unboxed, the CDI will also show the ILS localizer on the HSI.
If TACAN, WYPT or an offset is boxed on the HSI with ILS boxed, what will the CDI or PLAN view CRS line display?
Course information based on the TACAN, WYPT or offset, NOT the ILS.
How do you display air to air TACAN distance (DME)?
Both aircraft must select X A/A and TACAN channels must be 63 apart (29-92=63) (11 and 74)
When the CDI is tied to the ILS (TACAN and WYPT unboxed with ILS boxed), what does each dot on the CDI represent?
Gear up: one dot 2 miles, two dots 4 miles
Gear down: one dot .15 miles, two dots .3 miles
Because the sensitivity is increased from 2 miles per dot to .15 miles per dot.
1 dot 5°, 2 dots 10° (full deflection)
What page do you select on the MFCD to find all other pages?
What buttons are on the DEP (DataEntryPanel)?
Where does the DEU (Mission computer) derive the flight data from for displaz on the HUD and ADI?
Pitot static instruments for altitude and indicated airspeed.
What does the ADRS do?
The ADRS provides the combine functions of flight incident recording, structural monitoring, engine monitoring, and digitized data from transmission to the DEU.
When does the ADRS start recording aircraft exceedances/incidents/parameters?
It is on the 28VDC Essential Services Bus, so when the batteries are on it should start recording.
The ADR/ASDC/DDS is used to assist engine starting by dumping HYD2 pump pressure to return line and reducing the engine loads when N2 is below _ percent.
Will an ADR/ASDC/DDS failure may cause it to energize the HYD2 pump bypass valve and reduce pump output pressure?
ADR failure may cause what?
HYD2 to go offline and into bypass. You might get an F PRESS light because boost pumps may go off.
The AOA will not be in the NAV HUD.
An ADR/ADSC/DDS failure causes blanking of the following HUD/MFD display parameters:
HSI and DATA page (Wind speed/direction!)
HUD nav modes
HUD A/A mode
HUD A/G mode
Engine page
OPGO on the BIT page means?
A single failure of the 1553 MUX BUS
What does DGRD mean on the BIT page?
Equipment is OFF, failed, failed BIT, in standby, or warming up.
How many BIT displays are there?
2 (Weight-on-wheels AND weight-of-wheels)
What does the video recording system record?
HUD and selected MFCD video display
Radio Comms
Caution/Warning System tones
What is the GINA?
An INS and embedded GPS
If the INS fails what will be shown on the top of the ADI?
GPS. HYBD and INS will be missing.
If the INS fails, will you have a velocity vector in the HUD?
If the INS fails or it’s attitude signals are invalid, will you have pitch and roll data on the ADI?
NO. ATTITUDE advisroy will be displayed on all MFCDs
If the INS fails, will you have pitch and roll data on the ADI or compass headings on the ADI or HSI?
If the INS fails, can the GPS give you velocity, pitch, roll, heading, and altitude information?
NO, only Lat/Long
If the velocity vector is displayed in the HUD, you know that your alignment is _.
COMPLETE, and HYBD should be boxed at the top of the ADI.
How does the GINA send information to the DEU and DEU send information to the HUD and MFCDs?
Over the 1553 MUX bus.
How long does the Caution tone sound when a caution light is illuminated with the master alert light?
1 second, or it is silenced when the master alert light is pressed.
Lights test will turn on all warning and caution lights, Master Alert light, wheels warning light, the light in the gear handle, but not the _.
AOA Indexers
Warning tone, caution tone, Wheels warning and Weapons release tone.
How long will the RADALT LAW tone sound if you descend below the LAW setting?
Continously until either you climb above LAW setting or REJECT it (We NEVER reject LAW and BNGO in VT-86)
Only for 3 seconds if landing gear is down
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