List different types of RNA and state if they are unique to eukarytoes.
fRNA: functional
cRNA: coding
mRNA: messenger
rRNA: ribosomal
tRNA: transfer
snRNA: small nuclear
snoRNA: small nucleolar
miRNA: micro
siRNA: small interfering
What are research topics in RNA genomics?
Predict secondary structure
RNA databases
RNA motifs
RNA gene finding
What are tRNAs?
codons in an mRNA molecule do not directly recognize the amino acids they specify
translation into protein depends on adaptors:
recognize and bind to
mRNA codon and
amino acid
consist of a set of small RNA molecules known as transfer RNAs (tRNAs)
~ 80 nucleotides long
Name the regular base pairings. What is a wobble pairing?
A-T (A-U)
wobble pair: G-T (G-U)
only 2 hydrogen bonds instead of 3
What are the features of RNA secondary structure? Sketch some possible structures.
secondary = intermediate step to 3D structure
primarily: own single-strand to double -> loop structures
bases must be complementary
Give some examples of more complex interactions between RNA secondary structures.
What are possible approaches to predicting the secondary structure of RNA from the sequence? Give an advantage and disadvantage for each.
Energy minimization methods:
choose most energetically stable structure
Pro: experimental + alignment data
Con: no tertiary, very computationally intensive
Evolutional conservation methods:
Covariance models (CM)
patterns of conserved base-pairings
challenge: discover pattern vs random background
Pro: simple, 2nd & 3rd structure
Con: requires sufficient number of sequences
How can you predict secondary structure with self-complementary regions in RNA sequences?
repeats —> large complementary structures —> potential stems/hairpins
basic example: base pair maximization
scoring: +1 per base pair, 0 otherwise
get best structure for range i to j in complete sequence
Key idea: optimal score S(i,J) -> recursively defined for smaller subunits
Explain the recursive definition for a base pair maximization algorithm.
4 cases:
i,j = base pair -> added to i+1, j-1 —> score+1
i unpaired -> added to i+1 —> score+0
j unpaired -> added to j+1 —> score+0
i paired, j paired -> adds two subsequences —> S(i,k) + S(k+1,j)
Score: —> max of all 4 cases
Describe the dynamic algorithm used for base pair maximization. How efficient is it? What are its limitations?
Recursive fill —> until S(1,N) is reached
—> Result:
matrix storing -> mem = N^2 —> OK
but: search for step 4 -> time = N^3 —> not good
best base pairings not always energetically best structure
pseudoknots break algorithm
What assumptions are made to simplify the RNA secondary prediction?
energetically most stable = most likely structure
energy of base pair is only influenced by previous base pair
Describe the minimum free energy method for RNA secondary structure prediction.
Thermodynamic stability —> most stable = most likely form
cant to pseudoknots
dynamic algorithm
e.g., ViennaRNA, MFOLD
find complements
minimal energy matrix values:
consider the minimum energy values obtained by all previous complementary base pairs
complementary -> decrease by stacking energy
noncomplementary -> increase by the destabilizing energy
depends on what loop is formed
internal, buldge, hairpin
Repeat for entire matrix
Describe covariance models in RNA secondary structure prediction.
covariated bases coevolve —> ensures that base pairing is maintained -> RNA structure conserved
Goal: improve RNA structure prediction by giving weight to conserved regions
can be constructed automatically from alignments
iterative training
consensus secondary structure prediction
optimal algorithm -> based on pairwise covariations in multiple alignments
Covariation-> base pairing and structure = conserved
What measure do covariance models use?
Mutual information (don’t have to know formula)
What is Rfam?
Database of ncRNA families -> MSA
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