Requirements engineering process
Requirements modeling
Dynamic modeling
desribes components of the system that have interesting dynamic behaviour
Identification of new classes
Identification of supply operations
Sequence diagrams: For interaction between different objects
State diagrams: One state diagram for each class with interesting dynamic behaviour
Sequence diagram: create tournament
What can we get from sequence diagrams?
Sequence diagrams are derived from use cases
Structure helps us to determine how decentralized system is
We distinguish (differentate) between two structures for seq. d.:
Fork diagrams
Stair diagrams
Fork and Stair diagram
Fork or stair?
UML state chart diagram
State Chart Diagram (State Machine Diagram)
that describes the response of an object to the receipt of outside stimuli (Events)
State Machine
A model of behavior composed of a finite number of states, transitions between those states, and actions
Moore Machine: A special type of state machine, where the output depends only on the current state
Mealy Machine: A special type of state machine, where the output depends on the condition, event, action of the transition, and the state
State Machine Diagram Example
State chart diagram of vending machine (Snackautomaten)
State chart diagram vs sequence diagram
Validation and Verification
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